Lemme check the room: would you guys legit be up for a Bayley heel turn at this point?
It'd be interesting at the very least.
Lemme check the room: would you guys legit be up for a Bayley heel turn at this point?
Lemme check the room: would you guys legit be up for a Bayley heel turn at this point?
Lemme check the room: would you guys legit be up for a Bayley heel turn at this point?
The replay made it look like cass' leg landed wrong
But I might be wrong
If legit , it looked like he landed it on the apron causing it to be awkward when it hit the floor.
Possible ACL
The replay made it look like cass' leg landed wrong
But I might be wrong
Please!Quick, Dana: #GiveEmmaCPR
whats the timeline of that?
I'd love to see Paige and Emma go apeshit on the Raw roster because they started it all while the 4 Horsewomen got all the creditI wonder if emmas whole I started the revolution thing can lead to a paige return since it was their match which kickstarted it
Or it's so they can bury her some more like now
Was that like the third straight pin that Emma eats?
Lemme check the room: would you guys legit be up for a Bayley heel turn at this point?
I do not wish anyone to be injured. But getting Cass off TV and Corbin buried to the core of the Earth in the same week would make that terrible SS all worth it.
One of the things that grinds my gears is overselling and overacting like that.
Its supposed to be a fucking sport dickhead. Even if the moves are fake the selling needs to feel real.
Fuck Enzo
are you talking about Enzo or Kenny
You're about to tear this goddamn thread apart, klonare you talking about Enzo or Kenny
Its supposed to be a fucking sport dickhead.
How did this dude get gud
It blows my fucking mind that the drifter is totally over on RAW.
I swore he'd just be dead the second he moved up. lmao