Unspeakable Evil
And crowd goes wild...
He gotta win and take the US belt to the Olympics to use in PR/marketing
What happened to Braun's nostril? Click at your own risk
At least he's watching the best chineseMy brother likes the "chinese wrestling".Just tell him someone used to be in the "chinese wrestling" and they are over like rover. He's only seen Kenny Omega matches thoNJPW
So is this the week where Raw is shit and Smackdown isn't? That's feeling I'm getting.
This is the first Raw I have watched in ages. How long has the Truth/ Pokemon story been going?
Wow, what a shit first hour.
No one is booing lmaoThe Shining Stars should complain about Puerto Rico's shit economy ang get that Muhammad Hassan "I feel weird for booing you" heat.
Dwight Howard on RAW! lol