Any Bork Taker tonight?
Seeing a lot of Stone Cold's mug on WWE these days.
it's almost as if the only person arguably more popular than him was outed as a racist
Like always lmao.
Any Bork Taker tonight?
The power of the avatar in full effect.
And The Rock has no reasons right now to fuck with the WWE. So that's it.
The Transporter
In 2015
#payingduesAs much as this gentleman must feel?
Hey Bryan Alvarez.
Minus five stars!
miz tv is wack compared to carlitos cabana.
guy hasnt wrestled for how long and still over as fuck
I want to meet the people that watch these WWE movies.
I feel like you could find infomercials more entertaining.
It was surprisingly enough.I've heard Oculus was pretty good.