Thread's moving slow!
US Amazon sends stuff out too sometimes. A few people on here got their PS4's from Amazon at launch!

Was a price mistake apparently, we weren't meant to get free postage. They fixed it late on Saturday I think, worked fine on Friday!W101 shows up as $62 for me![]()
Amazon have always sent some stuff our way, mostly books originally. Games seem to be part of their posting list now!I have never used amazon as i thought us Aussies couldn't..
Are you stating that we can? I checked the US Amazon and was disappointed, UK amazon is different I gather?
Those are some bargains that would revive my dusty wii U...
US Amazon sends stuff out too sometimes. A few people on here got their PS4's from Amazon at launch!
This post was the ban I expect.Wow, what happened there?
Banned at workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Freedom of speech does NOT flow through to people quoting people, only the original person in question. Also the comment wasn't bigoted enough. Bigot bigger people! Direct your bigotry in the direction our glourious leader needs it to be! Towards those fascist buggers trying to tear down our great Abbotted Australia!Can anyone explain why they didn't ask the person who MADE the comment in this to remove it, rather than the person on whose page it appeared?
They should put a clock in a bus so the driver knows what time he is meant to come and go! That would solve the issue. If the driver does not obey his clock master he gets fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.Bus drivers are in urgent fuckin' need of full automation.
Thursday technically.It's out now, is it?