Hey Gaz!
CBS have decided that the combo of Colbert followed by Craig Ferguson would just be too good, and lead to possibly great ratings, so
they are looking to replace him......
God damn it all to hell
Fuck it I'm going to just live in a bunker with my C64 and Goon Show tapes forever fuck this modern world.
What the fuck exactly. God, I cannot STAND Chelsea Handler. There are plenty of funny women around Hollywood, give it to one of them something.
Hell, you know who would make a great ultra-late night talk show host? Rebel Wilson. I haven't seen her be not funny on late-night TV ever. She could pull it off, too.
Oh, so Supanova was surprisingly entertaining today, too. Qualified for the pinball tournament, (so it wasn't a total wash, yay!) but being there even just for people watching was super fucking interesting. Compared to some of the cosplay photos I've seen via GAF and elsewhere, Australians actually seems pretty goddamn fucking good at doing it... was almost always impressed with some of the characters I saw (even if I only recognised a small portion of them). Considerably breathtaking was a woman who was cosplaying as a character who looks like that blue opera singer from Fifth Element but isn't blue (I'm sure it's from another TV show). She was wearing very creatively painted leggings that made it look like she was wearing (almost) nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
Nothing at all.
Seriously, fucking ridiculously good looking.
But man, SO MANY NERDS. It completely put PAX last year to fucking shame. Even the retro gaming area at AusPAX had less outright nerds-per-square-metre than this thing.
Got some photos of two Daft Punks meeting each other, though. That was pretty rad. (and one was a guy I know who was kinda half promoting their DP tribute show... which was insane, because obviously I didn't recognise him from his face)
If anyone's going, come to the pinball area and say hi! No idea what I'll be wearing, but I'll be the only redhead with glasses in the area
Yea, Saw that posted a little while ago, Wasn't sure if you knew or not. I think you were flying to the US of A when it happened.
I'm on team green now anyway. Picked up a 780ghz edition a week or so ago.
How's that going for ya? No idea what it's replacing, but I think I'm almost in the market for a single GPU 3GB card that is at least comparable to my 5970/5850 setup. Hopefully there's still money in selling those (particularly the 5970) to coin miners.