things to consider re: Switch price.
It's expensive. They are all expensive at launch
-AU dollar isn't anywhere near parity with US dollar anymore like it was until between 2010 and 2013
-nintendo don't price things cheap, especially away form US or Japan nor do they lose money
-They may feel the positive buzz they got during the reveal a few months back meant they could get away with a higher price. you can only sell something for what the market will bear. Probably the thing that hurt X1 the most at launch amongst casuals and the like was the fact it was more expensive than a PS4 in the US (though the price differential in AU was not so bad since Sony gonna Sony)
AUD $549 (PS4) vs AUD$599 (X1)
-Nintendo may have priced this in a way that acknowledges its a niche thing rather than a mass market thing like Wii.
-10 years later and its still around $60 more than the Wii was
-you don't have to buy it at launch or ever.
-there is form for stuff being pitched at too high a price being adjusted, either at launch or shortly after, especially by Nintendo.
-Zelda, man. It's Zelda.
Gamecube was cut by $30 shortly before launch, 3DS had its price adjusted after about six months, and the Wii U was able to be had for up to $50 less than its RRP on launch day. Some remember the OG Xbox getting a huge cut shortlky after launch and early adopters got an extra controller and two first party games as compensation. Recently I had my PS4 Pro preorder had its price slashed by amazon UK before launch and I saved the equivalent of $30 plus a big discount on a game that came with it. Of course, restricted launch numbers might negate the need for them to cut straight away. Though that hasn't worked out that well for PSVR in the end (a local studio focusing on PSVR got canned this week).
Make enough noise, and if they don't get the preorder numbers they were hoping for, then they might 'realign' pricing. Or not. who the fuck knows?
I like the idea that's been bandied about of a non portable version of switch. Unlike the Wii U and the gamepad, I don't see a reason why it's not possible but then, Nintendo really wants to sell us on the hybrid aspect of the system.