Oh yeah. I don't know if it's because I was addled out of my mind on the cold and flu tablets, but I felt like I really connected with Yukiko the first time I played it. The soundtrack being pure joy on top of that is very helpful.p4g is a friggin fantastic "i'm going to just sleep in this bed and play this video game forever" game
In other news, it looks as though the battery in my launch day 3DS is dead. The thing can barely hold a charge for two minutes now, which means I am restricted to playing Samus Returns in bed. I could get it fixed, but now that I have a Switch, what's the point anymore? As it was, I had to ask Mrs Squirrel to pick up a new charger for me when she was down at the shops today.
Also, sequence breaking in this game is nerve-wracking. I'm bomb jumping all over the place, terrified that I'm going to bump into something I'm not ready to face. The timing on some of these enemies is really tight.