Oh boy, an eight week election campaign.
This will be fun.
This will be fun.
Then lay off the ideological drivel. Maybe you like Workchoices™ back again?It sounds like you're ideologically against this but can't back it up with proof so you're lashing out. Lay off the stupid ad hominems.
It sounds good. There's a reason ACOSS is for it. You know, that well known bastion of free market thinking.
I think it was Sweden that implemented a similar program with great success.
The thing to understand is that they're either employed at below a livable wage or totally unemployed. Employing them below a livable wage allows them to get skills to barter for a higher wage. There's no reason we can't supplement their income with welfare while also giving them employment to better their skills.
I think it was Sweden that implemented a similar program with great success.
Then lay off the ideological drivel. Maybe you like Workchoices™ back again?
Actually they are not employed.
That's why they won't get workers compensation. It's just cheap labour that people can be forced onto while they're trying to look for jobs just so they can get a paltry welfare handout. How did that green army BS work out?
Sweden also has high social security, high taxes, etc.
Pulling one particular economic aspect of Sweden's out of context doesn't really carry weight when we lack the other social economic infrastructure that would have allowed that program to go on to great success if it is as you say
Firstly sorry if you feel dogpiled but I don't want to seem to be just brushing you off either.
But are these skills actually marketable in practise ? a) They tend to be very simple skills, that are easy to learn, to start with (which is why companies are willing to employ people without these skills in those positions at all)
Just saw a positive Liberal ad by the way @Rubixcuba . So you can look forward to it. Haven't seen any Labor ads at all but not really expecting to get a lot since we've got Sat TV here, which means that demographically speaking it's probably an enormous waste of money to splurge on it.
I just saw one from both back-to-back. The Mike Baird carbon copy positive one from the Libs and one promising 100 new policies from the labor party. That one was a little less professional but was banging on about fairness. To be fair, the adds aren't aimed at the ACT, they are probably aimed at Eden-Monaro all around us.
Yeah, the Liberals aren't exactly likely to win the ACT (ever), let alone at an election like this where it's looking to be super close so I can't see them meaning to spend money on you guys.
I'm not saying it's a perfect policy, but it's a damn sight better than allowing a whole bunch of people without marketable skills sit on welfare without being able to gain access to the labour market through no fault of their own.
If you sincerely think this is true then you are deluded.
Wage and penalty rates aren't stopping unskilled people from getting employment.
Great, lets put the minimum wage up to a hundred dollars. This will have no impact on employment and make everyone rich.
What is stopping people from getting employment?
...people without marketable skills...
...without marketable skills...
...marketable skills...
Hmm, let me see...
Oh I know. Instead of putting money into training and education (which has been gutted by the coalition) let's make them work for $4 an hour instead of them trying to find jobs or get training. Just like the Abbott's green army corps scheme it'll be a flop.
What skills are they going to learn? Nothing that they can sell. Noone's going to give a job to a LTU because they stacked shelves at Woolies.
And lets not forget that this isn't a voluntary scheme. If your case manager says you have to work, guess what. You have to work.
And if you had of followed the kerfuffle this week the scheme in the legislation as it is before parliament does not give these people a status of employed.
they are still unemployed. If they get injured or hurt, tough. They've said "oh, that's an oversight, we'll add that later" but who would trust these bastards?
I still can't believe Rudd didn't go through with the massive simplification of the tax system that the Henry review proposed. Not even raising taxes, just remove the shitload of minor, inefficient taxes that provided no major public good or revenue. It would have been good, bi-partisan policy that cost them next to no political capital for a moderate long-term gain. Instead the idiot blind-sided the major mining companies with a mining tax that was clearly designed to pick a fight rather than to be good policy.
Fuck I hate Rudd. Even his handling of the GFC can't make up for wasting the major chance to act on climate change, wasting the Henry Tax Review and giving us Abbott.
Also I'm not right wing![]()
Liiberal to win
I prefer Abbott over Turnbull but there is no way I will ever vote for Labor and Shorten![]()
You're only looking at one side of the problem, which is education.
This is what wages are derived from. The marginal product of someones labour is almost always below the minimum wage in minimum wage jobs. If it is below the minimum wage then this will result in both structural unemployment and a market in which the bla bla bla bla drivel drivel drivel.
The way to solve this is to increase peoples marginal product. There are two ways of doing this, increasing their skills through education, or increasing their skills through experience. We could educate everybody, but not everyone is for this.
The other way is to remove barriers for employers.
That is what this does.
You're literally arguing we should increase marketable skills and then saying that experience doesn't provide a marketable skill. That's ridiculous.
Oh boy. I was right. You really have done economics 101 and think that basic economic theory explains everything about the labour markets in Australia today.
Thanks for the economics lesson. We other economics graduates must be so stupid and ignorant. We must have all been asleep during first year to not know about marginal productivity. We so stoopid.
You're increasing experience in performing unskilled work. That doesn't increase your productivity.
Yes it makes it easier to replace employees with unpaid grunts on welfare where employers don't carry any can in liability for providing a safe work environment.
Who wins and loses in this? This is basic economics buddy.
The employer wins. Free labour. No responsibility or cost.
The person they would have had to employ loses.
The person who could be looking for a job is forced to work eight hours a day for the same amount. Not more than the dole. The same fucking amount. Well they lose.
They could have some marketable skill but if their case manager says you have to work, tough luck. They don't even have to be LTU.
Yeah why should we be educating people. that's a bad idea eh?
Newspoll is up again, 51-49 towards Labor. The budget did absolutely nothing for the government aside from maybe preventing the polls from getting worse, which is not exactly comforting for them. I imagine the polls will hold for a bit then go back to deteriorating as the election drags on unless Turnbull comes up with something, but considering he can't do anything good without pissing off the right-wing, he's fucked.
I want a very fast train!
So why blame the individual that has no control?
This election's like an episode of "Best of the Worst", they're all shit.
I can't really sneeze at the changes to super. It's definitely used by people on high incomes as a tax shelter. I top up my super by salary sacrificing to just below the current threshold and I know plenty of other people that do exactly the same. I'll have to change that once the change clears parliament but I'm okay with it. If I have to pay income tax, then old rich people with lots of savings should pay tax too.The budget did absolutely nothing for anybody. It's just a litany of half arsed cost-cutting and totally unhelpful tax cuts.
I would like to think they couldn't convince anyone because they are so transparent, but obviously I would be wrong.The Daily Telegraph has joined the game.
The Daily Telegraph has joined the game.
His laptop has things about Isis and being a hero in Syria. ;(At least with the election officially called we'll probably see the end of the stealth campaign ads on TERRORISM and INNOVATION that have taken over the airwaves for the last 2 weeks. The innovation ones at least aren't awful but the Terrorism ads are the kind of creepy paranoid distrust sowing sludge that makes me want to throw things at the TV.
Cheaper just to buy a motorbike isn't it?
Because that "resonates with voters" more than "roughly 4% of people will be looking for a job and any less is indicative of a problem". Also pushing the "tough love" barrow lets them justify helping their mates.
It was a rhetorical question![]()