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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I heard they havent gotten by any ships via purchase from indonesia >.<




Abbott sacks asylum seeker health advisers

The Abbott government has disbanded a key group that provided advice on the health of asylum seekers in detention, as research reveals psychiatric problems - such as self-harm - are the most common reasons for the large number of detainee visits to hospital emergency departments.

Members of the Immigration Health Advisory Group (IHAG) received letters late on Friday telling them the group would be dissolved and replaced by one adviser.

Dr Paul Alexander, the group's chairman and a former head of Joint Health Command in the Defence Force, will become the sole independent health adviser to the Immigration Department.

"This is probably one of the most serious, high-risk approaches that [the] government could take in terms of the outcomes for asylum seekers and refugees," a source close to the situation said.

"They have sacked the people in the country who know the most about refugees. Torture and trauma services … psychologists who have worked extensively with refugees, mental health nurses who know about refugees."

The group included 12 medical professionals, among them psychiatrists, psychologists and GPs, with specialist knowledge about refugees.

This is getting almost cartoonishly evil

Dead Man




The Federal Government has dumped the Salvation Army as a long-term partner in providing services in offshore processing centres.

The Salvos say their contract to provide "emotional support, humanitarian assistance and general education and recreation programs" to asylum seekers in detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island will not be renewed beyond February.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says the Government has been forced to make contract changes, because of the way the system was being administered by the former Labor government.

But he refused to confirm the details.


Mr Abbott says the Government will still receive advice on the mental and physical welfare of asylum seekers.

"This is a complete beat-up by the ABC and some of the Fairfax papers," he said.

What a twat.


If the committee was so useless why not release the report stating as such? I'm going to remain cynical until I see it.



Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has called on former Liberal leader and current Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stop publicly advocating gay marriage or quit the ministry.

"If Malcolm Turnbull wants to talk about fringe issues outside party policy, he should resign from the frontbench," Senator Bernardi told the ABC.

"Our longstanding party position is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

"Our frontbenchers need to reflect that in any comments they make.

"When you are a frontbencher there is no room for a personal view."

Lol. I have no love left for Turnbull after the NBN shit he's spewed over the past few months, but the Liberal party seems determined to be as evil as possible

Dead Man


Lol. I have no love left for Turnbull after the NBN shit he's spewed over the past few months, but the Liberal party seems determined to be as evil as possible

Yeah. I was saying the same thing to someone the other day, I respected him as a wrong but educated and non spiteful person, but since the NBN bullshit I have lost all respect for him. Bernardi is still on another level though. Utterly cartoon villain levels of idiocy.


They should listen to Turnbull, he knows what it looks like when Australia is out of step with the developed world more than anyone.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So it's pretty much confirmed that Bernardi is being used as the public face of unpopular opinions held within the Liberal party right? Shift the public debate without spending any capital or risking anyone's reputation? He got a smile from me when he said Turnbull was talking about fringe issues, there's no doubting that Corey knows them when he sees them.



Typical LOONEY LEFT trying to destroy our 'STRAYAN CHRISTIAN values. *polishes illegally owned gun waiting for the race war*


He's right about one thing, we are morally and ethically destitute. I've seen enough people like him lately to realise that.

More seriously this entire plan falls apart if you just... you know... not let them have their own police.
All these comments sections remind me of the sketch The Chaser used to do. Chat to some nut on the street and then stamp "These People Vote" across the bottom of the screen.

On second though it may have been as far back as The Late Show!

Dead Man

So can any lawyers here tell me if this is accurate?



SLI 2013 No. 270 Regulations as made
This regulation amends the Migration Regulations 1994 to authorise the disclosure of information, specifically name, residential address, sex, date of birth and immigration status, of Subclass 050 (Bridging (General)) or Subclass 051 (Bridging (Protection Visa Applicant)) visa holders (‘BVE holders’) to the Australian Federal Police or the police force or police service of a State or Territory. This disclosure will be authorised by the Minister of Immigration and Border Protection about individuals or whole classes of such BVE holders.
Administered by: Immigration and Border Protection


Seems accurate.
In particular, it is intended to ensure that the Police are able to readily identify if a person charged with a criminal offence is a BVE holder. The provision of name, residential address, date of birth, sex and immigration status will provide the Police with more than one personal identifier to cross-check, ensuring a positive identification. This would facilitate information sharing between the Police and the Department, so that cases that come to the attention of the Police can be referred to the Department so that visa cancellation may be considered, if appropriate.

So yeah, they'll all be in the Police data base so they can kick em out easier if they sneeze funny.
We really should just round up and shoot all brown people that aren't aboriginal (who we should marginalise). Don't even deport them, doesn't matter if they were born here. Just straight between the eyes.

Heil Tony and White Australia


I have NFI how this shitstain is still in politics after the bullshit he's said in public.

Just a heads up to everyone, if you ever find a bigger scumbag in our parliament then Cory Bernadi please, be sure to point them out to me.


So can any lawyers here tell me if this is accurate?



Eh? acc. Comlaw it was in operation for two days before being repealed by the Legislative Instruments Act. Give me a second to find out what's going on here.

/edit I read it wrong, sorry. I think its effect still went in, but comlaw hasn't updated the Migration Regulations Act yet. But if true, that's exactly what it does.

//edit It is fettered somewhat by 5.34F(3) and (4):

(3) The Minister may authorise the disclosure only if the Minister reasonably believes the disclosure is necessary or appropriate for the performance of functions or the exercise of powers under the Act.

(4) For subregulation (2), the information is the following:
(a) the name of the person or the names of persons in the class;
(b) the residential address of the person or the residential addresses of persons in the class;
(c) the sex of the person or of persons in the class;
(d) the date of birth of the person or the dates of birth of persons in the class;
(e) the immigration status of the person or of persons in the class.

So limited circumstances of disclosure and limited information that can be disseminated. However, it's still pretty weird.


Hey Arksy's back!

You missed a bunch of incidents that were either minor or not really the LNP's fault, so the ALP attack dogs have been throwing LNP attack dog style lists of fuck-ups around on the internet all week. It's getting annoying.


For the record I didn't mean you guys, and there have been some genuine fuck-ups lately. But I see people on Facebook and the like that have their LNP-style talking points

INDONESIAN RELATIONS <--- This one is still a problem they refuse to deal with*

*I read just yesterday that Abbott has decided that enough time has passed and that Indonesia should just resume cooperating

I'm furious that this is getting shelved, all their other broken promises were due to "not enough information" and yet the CEFC is still getting shut down for no fucking reason other than "we promised".


Yep! I'm back! :D

I'm also fairly happy to hear that Tim Wilson has just been appointed as a Human Rights Commissioner.

I know that probably won't make everyone happy, but I feel like it's time we started talking about rights and freedoms again. I feel like every single policy proposal over the last ten to fifteen years has been done on the grounds of security, or economic efficiency without much regard to their impact on liberties, freedoms and whether or not there is a problem that really needs addressing.

Tommy DJ

Tim Wilson is nothing but a Libertarian fool. He basically believes free speech, somehow, will defend all forms of human rights, including the prevention of racism. How this will be the case, he has had some trouble detailing. He also wrote this jem:

The simple reality is that some individuals from different cultural, ethnic or national backgrounds don&#8217;t accept people being same-sex attracted, and make it known. If section 18C is allowed to stand they can throw hostile verbal bombs at LGBTI Australians, but retreat to the protections of 18C should LGBTI Australians respond.

Its like all Libertarians don't understand what 18C is even about besides it prevents their right to be outright racist with their comments.


Tim Wilson is nothing but a Libertarian fool. He basically believes free speech, somehow, will defend all forms of human rights, including the prevention of racism. How this will be the case, he has had some trouble detailing. He also wrote this jem:

Its like all Libertarians don't understand what 18C is even about besides it prevents their right to be outright racist with their comments.

You shouldn't be using violence to prevent people from being racist.

Tommy DJ

You shouldn't be using violence to prevent people from being racist.

That's a bit of a stretch. No one is saying that physical violence will prevent people from being racist. If you're talking about verbal censoring, there are reasons why it is done to prevent the perpetuation of (often casual) racism.

The reality of casual racism in Australia is that people are willing to marginalise individuals and groups that can be considered in the minority (example: Andrew Bolt). The problem with the idea of completely free speech is that such groups often cannot defend themselves from slander and racial attacks.

Which is why we have laws to allow such groups to defend themselves. This also has the intent of preventing people in privileged and powerful positions, like Andrew Bolt, from perpetuating misconceptions and falsehoods about other ethnic groups and cultures.

All completely free speech, which Tim Wilson wants to implement, does is let people in positions of privilege say whatever they want without consequence. They already do (see: Janet Albrechtsen), but at least it punishes people who don't attempt to mask what they say.

I don't doubt there are people who will lash out against these laws by being intentionally racist but I'd hope that people don't adopt American-style contrarianism for the sake of being contrarian.


I'm interested in the Greens response to the update. I'm still surprised at how level-headed they've been regarding investment over the last month.

It's really useful too. It's kind of like two people arguing over who spilled the drink for hours on end without ever bothering to clean the spill.
And if you stall long enough you can come back later and blame the other guy for the rotting floorboards.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
They could try raising revenue? Raise some taxes? Drop their stupid rich women baby money plan?
Another option would be to just run deficits for a few years, though that does run the risk of causing the heads of several cabinet members to explode when the world doesn't end like they expect it to.


They could try raising revenue? Raise some taxes? Drop their stupid rich women baby money plan?

Raising taxes will squeeze out the private sector. The best option is to run deficits with the goal of full employment. Investing in our future with education, green energy infrastructure and advanced communication networks. Grow our way out, capitalism doesn't have a solution to the world's economic down turn, the people do.

Dead Man

Yep! I'm back! :D

I'm also fairly happy to hear that Tim Wilson has just been appointed as a Human Rights Commissioner.

I know that probably won't make everyone happy, but I feel like it's time we started talking about rights and freedoms again. I feel like every single policy proposal over the last ten to fifteen years has been done on the grounds of security, or economic efficiency without much regard to their impact on liberties, freedoms and whether or not there is a problem that really needs addressing.

He only cares about one human right. He doesn't give a shit about the rest.
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