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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Are you fucking kidding me with this?

*Find out It's a Murdoch rag*



Taxpayers would subsidise the training of priests and other religious workers at private colleges for the first time under the Abbott government's proposed higher education reforms.

As well as deregulating university fees and cutting university funding by 20 per cent, the government's proposed higher education package extends federal funding to students at private universities, TAFES and associate degree programs.

Religious teaching, training and vocational institutes would be eligible for a share of $820 million in new Commonwealth funding over three years.


Yep that's exactly where tax dollars should be going...


Tony Abbott has quite literally said the word 'Labor' 100 times in this press conference. It's fucking over a year since they got into power and they're still catching feels.

Also, "Daniel Andrews should reconsider cutting all those East-West link jobs before Christmas." High leel concern trolling. I'm assuming we'll hear a similar comment re Will Hodgman's 800 public job cuts.
Look like next Wednesday Australia will have its first openly gay Premier/Chief Minister in the ACT.

I wonder if it will bring the morons out of the woodwork?



Scott Morrison is now the most powerful person in the Australian government.

The passage of the migration and maritime powers legislation amendment (resolving the asylum legacy caseload) bill 2014 has given the immigration minister, while he holds that job, unprecedented, unchallengeable, and secret powers to control the lives of asylum seekers.

Previous immigration ministers have decried the burden and the caprice of “playing God” with asylum seekers’ lives, but the government has chosen, instead, to install even greater powers in the office of the minister.

With the Senate’s acquiescence, Scott Morrison has won untrammelled power.

No other minister, not the prime minister, not the foreign minister, not the attorney-general, has the same unchecked control over the lives of other people.

With the passage of the new law, the minister can push any asylum seeker boat back into the sea and leave it there.

The minister can block an asylum seeker from ever making a protection claim on the ill-defined grounds of “character” or “national interest”. His reasons can be secret.

He can detain people without charge, or deport them to any country he chooses even if it is known they’ll be tortured there.

Morrison’s decisions cannot be challenged.

Boat arrivals will have no access to the Refugee Review Tribunal.

Instead, they will be classed as “fast track applicants” whose only appeal is to a new agency, the Immigration Assessment Authority, but they will not get a hearing, only a paper review.

“Excluded fast track applicants” will only have access to an internal review by Morrison’s own department.

The bill is a seismic piece of legislation – one that destroys more than it creates.





How the fuck did that get voted through? Wouldn't Labor have had to agree to it?

Jesus Christ. That's almost new thread-worthy.
Nope. You only need half+1 to pass, so it's possible for the coalition to pass a bill with both Labor and Greens and up to 2 more senators objecting.


Christ on a stick. That scares the living fuck out of me. Can't wait for these cunts to get voted out so that can get reversed ASAP.

Scott Morrison simulator:

Only difference is, there is no green stamp.


So Hansen-Young said in Parliament that Muir was told that the only way to get these kids on Christmas Island who are currently in detention out was to pass the package - in other words, the kids were essentially used as hostages.

As in, the kids were supposedly given Muir's phone number and told to beg him to pass the bill.

That said - no source for her claim, so idk

So how did the kids get access to the phone?

Holy crap this is the sort of foul play that you'd expect in movies, not real life...

Absolutely disgusting , beyond disgusting.


Lawyers have morals? Or are you talking about the whole ousting of the jurisdiction of the court thing?

The latter...considering they've done this before and the court said this was fucking absurd. You can't oust jurisdiction from the High Court because it's written into the constitution.


The latter...considering they've done this before and the court said this was fucking absurd. You can't oust jurisdiction from the High Court because it's written into the constitution.

Also it's a quirk of judicial review that you're unlikely to get a court that's going to voluntarily reduce its own power


A stimulus package. A very narrowly targeted one at that.

Newly employed youth.

It's weird because isn't the job and the independence a job gives you the reward? The extra government money just serves to give that small group a boost. A group that is now independent and employed.

Hmmm, but probably still living with Mum and Dad.

Bond money. It's hypothetical, but concentrating a large amount of money in a small demographic is going to result in a narrow spending pattern.

It's such a narrow group the risk of a bubble is massive.

Having said that, I fully support the $6000 bonus if you take a job in a regional area or $3000 in another metro area. That could really help rural communties.


Having said that, I fully support the $6000 bonus if you take a job in a regional area or $3000 in another metro area. That could really help rural communties.

If there was actually jobs there to get. And its not like those areas are sitting there with no unemployment but positions going. Well unless you are a GP or something.


So it's looking like Labor will form a majority government in South Australia, given the positive results of the Fisher by-election.

That is a 9.3% swing in favour of a government which has been in power for 12 years and lost the TPP by 6% back in March while still retaining government.


If there was actually jobs there to get. And its not like those areas are sitting there with no unemployment but positions going. Well unless you are a GP or something.

That's the problem with the whole policy. The motivation to find a job isn't what's missing, it's the jobs themselves. The regional bonus would work great if it were part of a larger stimulus to grow the regional economies. Some large projects like an NBN and a shift to sustainable energy, but of course, Abbott and company's relentless negativity has snookered them out of the most obvious solution.


That man has done so much damage to the Labor party. I hope gets whats coming to him.
he's the go to man to shit on his own party second only to mark latham and at least latham wrote a fucking hilarious book out of his failed election campaign
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