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Australian film crew attacked by a group of masked immigrants in Stockholm

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A Channel Nine cameraman and producer were assaulted and injured in Stockholm on Tuesday during the filming of a 60 Minutes story on the European refugee crisis.

Swedish news services are reporting that a "group of masked men" objected to the 60 Minutes team, including presenter Liz Hayes, filming and interviewing immigrants at Rinkeby Square. In the Rinkeby district of Stockholm nearly 90 per cent of residents come from an immigrant background.

Jan Sjunnesson, who works for local news website Avpixlat, which partnered with Nine on the story, wrote that the Nine crew ran into the trouble before reaching Rinkeby when a man approached asking why they wanted to film in Rinkeby. He then deliberately drove over the cameraman's foot.

Sjunnesson wrote that six police officers were assigned to protect the Nine crew, but that when they left without warning things took a turn for the worse. A group of masked men allegedly circled the TV crew, with two crew members suffering blows. A bottle was also thrown at a camera, according to the report. One cameraman "was beaten right across the chin so that a tooth [came] loose," Sjunnesson wrote.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment...-stockholm-20160301-gn79oi.html#ixzz43i8aLzoQ

And in good old Swedish police habit:
Citing the filed police report, Byström said: “There was a scuffle between a number of youngsters and the TV crew. The young people were in a car and when they left they drove over the cameraman’s foot.”

There were no other injuries or damages, said Byström, contradicting media reports of more violent scuffles.

Byström added that when the police arrived at the scene and took the TV crew's statements, the youths had already left. There are no suspects and no arrests have been made, he said.


See at the 10:00 mark:

Edit: Please move to Off-Topic, the likelihood of Rockstar creating a game where you play a violent immigrant is rather slim.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
The continual response from the police and media is what's truly worrying, literally just sweeping it under the rug. It's telling the immigrants that no, they dont have to adapt to their new home, its culture and laws.
So, they were masked but everyone assumes they were immigrants because it's probable due to the neighbourhood they were in? Why, that's not racist at all. No, sir. No racist assumptions here.


Errr, wasn't this like weeks ago?

Yes, but the video was only published a few days ago. I did not think it was that drastic when I saw the initial reports.

So, they were masked but everyone assumes they were immigrants because it's probable due to the neighbourhood they were in? Why, that's not racist at all. No, sir. No racist assumptions here.

That's why I linked to the video. Maybe watch that first before trying to make up some conspiracy.
So, they were masked but everyone assumes they were immigrants because it's probable due to the neighbourhood they were in? Why, that's not racist at all. No, sir. No racist assumptions here.

Yeah man,like RACISM is the problem, totally dude. This is a conspiracy.


So, they were masked but everyone assumes they were immigrants because it's probable due to the neighbourhood they were in? Why, that's not racist at all. No, sir. No racist assumptions here.

Well, it's rather clear in the linked vimeo video.

also holy shity at the guy in the electric scooter/wheelchair running over one of these guys (and getting at least one punch) at 13m:07s

I can understand that these are angry and unsatisfied with their social situation but there is no excuse attacking the crew.


So, they were masked but everyone assumes they were immigrants because it's probable due to the neighbourhood they were in? Why, that's not racist at all. No, sir. No racist assumptions here.

Well, there's footage of the attack and they didn't exactly do a great job masking themselves and with them being POC one would assume they aren't neonazis or something at least.


I was born in Australia and I'd object strongly to a Channel Nine "News" Crew as well, especially 38 minutes. Think aggressive tabloid-style TV with no journalistic value.

edit: The below doesn't surprise me. Ch. 9 support the Australian government's harsh and racist anti-immigration/refugee policies. They would only have been there to use Europe's situation to campaign for our awful conservative government here.
Just a heads up. Avpixlat, the site they were working with, is like the Swedish equivalent of Stormfront. Very racist website. If they chose to work with them, I really don't trust this TV team's judgement and good intentions


No, immigrants are the problem obviously.

Close the borders, round them up, build a wall etc!

I'll leave you all to your racist discussion, bye now

Having any serious discussion on how to integrate massive amounts of immigrants makes you literally Trump.

You are as predictable as you are boring.


Just a heads up. Avpixlat, the site they were working with, is like the Swedish equivalent of Stormfront. Very racist website. If they chose to work with them, I really don't trust this TV team's judgement and good intentions

Nordfront is the Stormfront equivalent, but yeah avpixlat is pretty bad.
No, immigrants are the problem obviously.

Close the borders, round them up, build a wall etc!

I'll leave you all to your racist discussion, bye now
Thank you.

Regarding the video: after 10 seconds in I was sure that they kinda deserved a beating for that kind of "news".


who works for local news website Avpixlat

Avpixlat is definitely not a "local news website". It's a propaganda outlet for various racist groups in Sweden and has previously encouraged violence against immigrants. I'm not saying that the attack against this film team was warranted, but it's pretty clear that they were not intending to give an unbiased view of the situation if they were collaborating with Avpixlat.
Having any serious discussion on how to integrate massive amounts of immigrants makes you literally Trump.

You are as predictable as you are boring.
You were going to have a serious discussion on immigration based on someone assuming a group of people are immigrants just because they're 'POC'.

Off to a flying start, then. Carry on.


Just a heads up. Avpixlat, the site they were working with, is like the Swedish equivalent of Stormfront. Very racist website. If they chose to work with them, I really don't trust this TV team's judgement and good intentions

This is important information, was just about to post, Avpixlat is not just a "local news website".

I was born in Australia and I'd object strongly to a Channel Nine "News" Crew as well, especially 38 minutes. Think aggressive tabloid-style TV with no journalistic value.

edit: The below doesn't surprise me. Ch. 9 support the Australian government's harsh and racist anti-immigration/refugee policies. They would only have been there to use Europe's situation to campaign for our awful government here.

and adding this to the equation, yeah...
I was born in Australia and I'd object strongly to a Channel Nine "News" Crew as well, especially 38 minutes. Think aggressive tabloid-style TV with no journalistic value.

edit: The below doesn't surprise me. Ch. 9 support the Australian government's harsh and racist anti-immigration/refugee policies. They would only have been there to use Europe's situation to campaign for our awful conservative government here.

Pretty much; sure I don't think they deserve it if they weren't being provocative, but they're pretty sensationalist and anti-immigration.
Having any serious discussion on how to integrate massive amounts of immigrants makes you literally Trump.

You are as predictable as you are boring.

How is the OP a basis for a serious discussion? "Masked immigrants", when the identities of the attackers are unknown, then of course making fun of the police because they stay professional ("good old Swedish police habit"), and a dumb joke about Rockstar not making games about "violent immigrants". It's very obvious that the only point of this thread is to stir up hatred against immigrants.


Young immigrant men provoking police or attacking people trying to film the neighborhood or even jewish people(because of the Palestine conflict) is nothing new in Sweden, unfortunately. They obviously carry a lot of anger. One of the reasons being they don't like how the media portray their neighborhood.

And about the masked part. They're not completely masked.


Gemüsepizza;198980722 said:
How is the OP a basis for a serious discussion? "Masked immigrants", when the identities of the attackers are unknown, then of course making fun of the police because they stay professional ("good old Swedish police habit"), and a dumb joke about Rockstar not making games about "violent immigrants". It's very obvious that the only point of this thread is to stir up hatred against immigrants.

If thats all that it takes to stirr up hatred against immigrants, good night mankind.

Besides, not arguing in favor of the OP here, but staying professional and trying to undermine the truth of a possibly racially motivated assault are two very, very different things.

I condemn discrimination against immigrants to the fullest. The fact that such a behaviour is possible on european soil is an indication that we, as a society, have failed to integrate them into our society - so the blame is on our side too. Yes, maybe it takes more effort from the immigrants themselves too. But europe has to reboot their whole integration effort and learn from past mistakes.


Will start substantiating his hate
I was born in Australia and I'd object strongly to a Channel Nine "News" Crew as well, especially 38 minutes. Think aggressive tabloid-style TV with no journalistic value.
Yes, I'm sure these fine young gentlemen only acted this way because they recognised the news crew.


Yes, I'm sure these fine young gentlemen only acted this way because they recognised the news crew.

I wasn't suggesting they recognised them, just that I'm familiar with their type of behaviour. The news crew likely wasn't exactly acting politely, possibly deliberately so. This is going to be a great story for them and exactly what they wanted.


Gemüsepizza;198980722 said:
How is the OP a basis for a serious discussion? "Masked immigrants", when the identities of the attackers are unknown,

Calm down and watch the video. They aren't really masked. Just because it does not fit your agenda, it's not made up. Unless you believe this film crew lied to police and paid those people to attack them.

then of course making fun of the police because they stay professional ("good old Swedish police habit")

Well, Swedish police is staying true to their laissez-faire policy. They are taking more drastic action against people abusing steroids than those people attacking the crew in the video. Or just think back of the events last summer when we had something similar to Cologne NY 2016 and police blocked all news about it.

and a dumb joke about Rockstar not making games about "violent immigrants". It's very obvious that the only point of this thread is to stir up hatred against immigrants.

Well, I tried to make the best of posting this accidentally in the wrong forum.

Some people really seem to think everything is racist when it does not fit into their rainbow-colored world where there is no big problem in terms of integration and immigration.

If thats all that it takes to stirr up hatred against immigrants, good night mankind.

He's trying. And believe me, I know those kind of threads. Always a sensationalist headline about those evil immigrants, then a snarky/cynical OP. Meanwhile, multiple million immigrants live peacefully in Europe.

Besides, not arguing in favor of the OP here, but staying professional and trying to undermine the truth of a possibly racially motivated assault are two very, very different things.

What the hell are you talking about? Racially motivated assault? And this is standard procedure for the police. They only talk about facts, especially when there is no proper investigation yet. What do you want, that they join in to anti-immigrant fearmongering?

@shiggy: "Laissez-faire policy" "rainbow-colored world". Yeah ok. Jesus Christ.


Gemüsepizza;198981318 said:
@shiggy: "Laissez-faire policy" "rainbow-colored world". Yeah ok. Jesus Christ.

Thanks for taking your time to actually make a point... oh, you aren't even trying. Instead you just accuse me of being racist. Oh well, some people...

As long as there are people who just try to say "everything's fine", there won't be any changes. Having areas in European cities which are considered to be "no-go" areas by police is damn saddening. If politicians do not find a better approach at integrating these people, problems will only increase in the coming decades with the refugee wave at the moment.


In Sweden, they cover up criminal incidents caused by or involving immigrants. The Swedish general populace is mostly outraged by this. This has led to the formation of the Sons of Odin movement.

In Russia, when the immigrants tried pulling similar stunts, they were simply beaten to a pulp. When the police finally arrived, they joined in.

Worked way better than covering it up.


I can't believe we've come to a point where openly bigoted, prejudiced and racists comments as some presented in this thread are deemed ok, or just "another point of view worthy of discussion". Very sad state of affairs.


Multiculturalism experiment has completely and utterly failed in EU. And there's so many migrants in some western countries that I think it's too late to truly fix it, at least short term. At best you can mitigate the damage and hope some long ambitious projects will fix this in many generations.
That and eastern Europe countries can learn from those mistakes and not let migrants in (not like they would want to go there anyway, so it's mostly about refusing any quotas systems EU would like to push through)
Avpixlat and the associated racist movements are known for deliberately provoking people to bait attacks, film the attacks and then pretend to be saints. For example, it is documented how they once openly told their readers to do this to journalists and intellectuals with opposing viewpoints (the "pc mafia elite" in their lingo), even implying that they should steal stuff to provoke a reaction. (Link is in Swedish.) I really wouldn't trust this report. This is right out of their playbook.

There's a reason the police didn't go in there . Even if Avpixlat isn't a credible source, it doesn't change the fact that there are problem areas like this with failed integration.


You were going to have a serious discussion on immigration based on someone assuming a group of people are immigrants just because they're 'POC'.

Off to a flying start, then. Carry on.

What on earth... Rinkeby is 90% immigrant. It's on an unreasonable assumption that the people who attacked the crew were immigrants. If the attackers themselves weren't immigrants, their parents certainly were.

And none of this means that all immigrants are bad or some other racist bullshit. It means Sweden has done an objectively poor job at integrating some of their immigrant populations. Unless of course the video is somehow fake or misleading, which sounds pretty conspiratorial to me.
Multiculturalism experiment has completely and utterly failed in EU. And there's so many migrants in some western countries that I think it's too late to truly fix it, at least short term. At best you can mitigate the damage and hope some long ambitious projects will fix this in many generations.
That and eastern Europe countries can learn from those mistakes and not let migrants in (not like they would want to go there anyway, so it's mostly about refusing any quotas systems EU would like to push through)

do they just let anyone move into european countries? i could be wrong, but here in the US you have to meet certain requirements before they even consider it.
In Sweden, they cover up criminal incidents caused by or involving immigrants. The Swedish general populace is mostly outraged by this. This has led to the formation of the Sons of Odin movement.

You mean like how Avpixlat covered up that most of the members of that organisations are convicted criminals (e.g. wife beaters and so on)in their positive coverage of that group

In Russia, when the immigrants tried pulling similar stunts, they were simply beaten to a pulp. When the police finally arrived, they joined in.

Worked way better than covering it up.

Holy fuck, I can't believe you are advocating for this byebitch.gif


For you.
Calm down and watch the video. They aren't really masked. Just because it does not fit your agenda, it's not made up. Unless you believe this film crew lied to police and paid those people to attack them.
Considering its avpixlat? Dunno, seems plausible to me. Those racist fuckwits have done worse.


do they just let anyone move into european countries? i could be wrong, but here in the US you have to meet certain requirements before they even consider it.

Europe is closing up atm, but for the last few years yeah...you could pretty much walk right into EU without any problem.

The best example of how broken the system was is a Moroccan drugdealer who operated in Germany. Dude got deported ten times. Yep. ten fricking times :D And he always just walked right in.


Sweden has done an objectively poor job at integrating some of their immigrant populations. Unless of course the video is somehow fake or misleading, which sounds pretty conspiratorial to me.

I disagree with this. Unless there is actual malice or purposeful neglect in the policy for integration, there's a point where people should be judged as being responsible for their actions.

Being a immigrant myself i know that there is racism as well on some occasion, but it's absolute bullshit that i would blame the occasional racist asshole as being the reason why i myself am behaving like a different asshole.


Thank you.

Regarding the video: after 10 seconds in I was sure that they kinda deserved a beating for that kind of "news".

What kind of medieval bullshit statement is that? No one deserves a beating, no matter how idiotic or offensive the things they said were or weren't.
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