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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've got a good one, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Starts with filler too, which obviously doesn't bug me, but its probably the weakest episode of the series.
I'd argue Gintama had a mediocre first episode/arc and further mediocre first 20ish episodes. But I guess the dividing line between mediocre and downright bad depends on the viewer


Haikyuu S3


Iwaizumi has brothers?

Haikyuu, still a good show. Good characters, good visual, good animation. Nothing new to say.



Yikes. Okay, maybe the word "all" was a bit extreme. I should have said "more". Preferably a lot more.

Come on, what's wrong with a little imagination, creativity, and colour to spice up the average sports drama? If you ask me there's not enough of those.

Like, I want more stories like this:

Heaven and Hell playing soccer! More ridiculous silly shenanigans like this please.

The average sports drama show just doesn't appeal to me otherwise. I like hot-blooded action but I like it a lot more when there's something whimsical and cool-looking added to that hot-blooded action.

When something special becomes the standard, it's not so special anymore.


Occultic;Nine 1

My main thought coming out of this episode wasn't necessarily that it was rushed, but that it was just really anime (which might just mean really light-novel). A somewhat perverse, socially awkward protagonist, attractive girls who (almost literally) throw themselves at him for (almost literally) no reason, a gothic lolita who does black magic rituals, over-the-top violence, an exaggerated gay stereotype as a side character...

I didn't necessarily find it hard to follow. There are some obvious mysteries being established. The cast is big, but the relationships between (most of) the people aren't particularly difficult to understand. It's more like... why should I care about this mess? Everyone is terrible, and as the pre-OP section demonstrates, it has no idea what tone it wants at any given moment. It's certainly trying to do something, but...

The episode is so all over the place that I almost want to go back into it and demonstrate all the individual pieces.

*20 seconds into Occultic;Nine*
WTF is happening?

This is the biggest drop-it-right-now flag I have seen since fucking chaos dragon.

Yeah, that was... I have no idea what they were going for.

You know we always say that you should give a show a couple of episodes before dropping it because it isn't fair to judge it based on an initial showing.

But has a show with a really bad first episode ever done a 180 and ended up being enjoyable? If the first episode in the US is considered the pilot you gotta go in with the mentality this introduction is meant to sell you on the show. If it can't do that with one episode then I doubt they'd turn it around 3 episodes later.

Off the top of my head, Rozen Maiden Zuruckspulen and Steins;Gate both have pretty terrible first episodes. The former is more excusable because it tries to recap the entire previous season.
Yikes. Okay, maybe the word "all" was a bit extreme. I should have said "more". Preferably a lot more.

Come on, what's wrong with a little imagination, creativity, and colour to spice up the average sports drama? If you ask me there's not enough of those.

Like, I want more stories like this:

Heaven and Hell playing soccer! More ridiculous silly shenanigans like this please.

The average sports drama show just doesn't appeal to me otherwise. I like hot-blooded action but I like it a lot more when there's something whimsical and cool-looking added to that hot-blooded action.

Maybe they're not all as over the top as Inazuma Eleven, but it's more common to get sports shounen with crazy superpowers than moderately realistic sports action: Prince of Tennis, Kuroko, Yowamushi Pedal, etc. I would counter by saying there is not enough subdued sports anime with a focus on intimate character drama a la Ping Pong and Battery.



This is a perfect example of bad shot composition.
Here's the deal, fast pacing (hell even breakneck pacing) isn't inherently bad. The problem lies with the actual content of the episode/story as there has to be a flow to the episode to compensate for that quicker pacing. That way the audience can make logical sense of the story and follow some narrative thread without having to do a spreadsheet. Here the episode jumps around with little connective tissue between individual scenes. People come in and out of this episode with little more than a name placard.
They took a shotgun approach where they just jammed everything in all at once and the editing exacerbates this by doing a rapid-fire style. For example, look at this scene:
There's at least five separate cuts that all don't serve any purpose other than to focus on the size of her tits and putting away an umbrella. Editing can be used for the purpose of time skips, change in perspective, or a sudden action/ending. Here I'm having difficulty figuring out why the direction is going for such a quick editing approach as it doesn't gel with the genre or material. I'll give you an example of another work with a fast editing style, Baccano. Baccano however has a flow to the storyboarding and narrative where the audience can follow along with motions or storylines without feeling overwhelmed about it. Another example would be the Monogatari series however it also has a flow where the use of text shots would be used to reinforce verbal lines. I have to imagine a fundamental question for any storyboarder is, "How does the editing help you tell your story?". Here the editing looks to be fighting against the actual content of the work resulting in a show that doesn't have any particular interest into any of the characters. Steins;Gate was another show that had a difficult to understand opening however it fits with the material in that time is a wibbly wobbly timey wimey ball of mess. The reason you generally don't do shit like that is because if the writer doesn't give a shit about any of the characters, why should the audience? So far, I don't see a strong argument as to why this directorial approach was necessary or warranted.


Been out of the anime loop for a long while. Has there been any good anime in recent years with actual (i.e. undeniable if not bold) LGBTQ+ representation? The general impression I get is that there is a lot of baiting and subtext. I ask this as a queer person.

Not in my memory. Manga is where you want to go if you want actual serious tackling of the issues (as well as a lot of fluff).

The Private Report on my Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is some pretty depressing realness.


Speaking of tits, Narag hasn't watched ep.9 of Konosuba yet, huh?!?

Sorry, been out with fam all day. Damn girls and shopping...


You know we always say that you should give a show a couple of episodes before dropping it because it isn't fair to judge it based on an initial showing.

But has a show with a really bad first episode ever done a 180 and ended up being enjoyable? If the first episode in the US is considered the pilot you gotta go in with the mentality this introduction is meant to sell you on the show. If it can't do that with one episode then I doubt they'd turn it around 3 episodes later.

Gintama and One Piece come to mind.
When something special becomes the standard, it's not so special anymore.

True enough, true enough.

You can only one-up yourself in defying logic and reason so many times before defying logic and reason becomes the new logic and reason.

Still doesn't change the fact that I'd like a little bit more than we have.

Maybe they're not all as over the top as Inazuma Eleven, but it's more common to get sports shounen with crazy superpowers than moderately realistic sports action: Prince of Tennis, Kuroko, Yowamushi Pedal, etc. I would counter by saying there is not enough subdued sports anime with a focus on intimate character drama a la Ping Pong and Battery.

I feel like we've been getting those every other season. Isn't that what Yuri on Ice and All Out! are?


True enough, true enough.

You can only one-up yourself in defying logic and reason so many times before defying logic and reason becomes the new logic and reason.

Still doesn't change the fact that I'd like a little bit more than we have.

Are you even watching the crazy sports anime that's already out there?


I was not expecting such a defense force, still whatever the merits of the info dump were, it was a slog to watch and I almost dropped the show.


My mastery of english is far from perfect and I had no trouble following what was happening. You guys are way to hyperbolic.

You may not like but this is far from garbage.

I don't think the complaints are because it was hard to follow. At least I didn't have a problem with that.
But it was still way too fast and didn't give you enough time to process what was happening or any sort of breathing room between scenes.
It just wasn't.... good? Like why the fuck should I care about the characters or story if the show itself doesn't appear to give a fuck and just tries to throw as much as possible at me in as little time as possible without any consideration?


I'm not an active member here in AnimeGAF, but I just want to echo the negative impressions of the first episode of Occultic;Nine. Never an episode has ever gotten me so confused and dissatisfied, and it's especially disappointing since I really enjoyed the Steins Gates VN and was looking forward to whatever else its creator had to offer. Hopefully the next episode will be an improvement, because despite the frantic pacing I really enjoyed the visuals.


Realistically it was probably too fast and should have been two episodes. I feel like episodes like this are more of a language barrier problem.

No, I don't think you're even appreciating what people are complaining about. The problems of Occult Nine have nothing to do with any language barrier. The problem is that this episode was a directionless mess.

What you might expect from an episode of any series is that it tells a story. You introduce a setting, characters, relationships - that kind of thing. There's a narrative - which flows in a coherent manner. If you're watching a really well crafted show you might even get a beginning, middle and end all in a single episode!

What Occult;Nine episode 1 does is not that. Instead, it simply has an assorted jumble of scenes. Most of these scenes introduce a brand new character and I use the term 'introduce' very generously because often they only say a few sentences before we're onto the next 'scene. It feels like these scenes could have been put together in any order at any time. That's bad. Each scene only exists long enough to give us some minor plot detail - but they never feel fleshed out or explored in a coherent manner.

Jarmel has already pointed out how laughably bad the visual storytelling is above, but nearly every scene is like that. Often the camera cuts a bunch of times just to shows us a close-up of girls breasts or her ass. Yet at other times the camera is really far away from characters talking - the only apparent reason for this is so that the animators wouldn't have to do so much work. The director is supposed to be telling us the story through the visuals but they are as aimlessly hyperactive as the writing.

Nor I think this should have been two episodes. I don't know how you can make any number of episodes out of this jumble of stuff. It's not a story. It is nothing.


Orange: 11
For someone who was warned to watch her mouth, Naho sure prattled off like an idiot. This was by no means a bad episode, but it sure was slightly frustrating. Not only was it obvious that was the wrong thing to say at that point in time, she repeated it again and again when Kakeru was having none of it because of what happened with his mother. Anyways, despite the show's downside, if there is one thing this show always did right is the group dynamics, and as long as it's there I will stick with this till the end.


jesus christ those boobs are ridiculous.

did a single woman on staff feel free enough to say "listen... this ain't right"?

hell, you don't need to be a woman to know that shit ain't right
I don't think the complaints are because it was hard to follow. At least I didn't have a problem with that.
But it was still way too fast and didn't give you enough time to process what was happening or any sort of breathing room between scenes.
It just wasn't.... good? Like why the fuck should I care about the characters or story if the show itself doesn't appear to give a fuck and just tries to throw as much as possible at me in as little time as possible without any consideration?
I never felt overwhelmed by any of the stuff happening. Each characters was introduce well enough so that we can get an idea of who they are and I never felt like the show did not care for it's cast. I found that the way they introduce the main duo was well done too.

This is merely speculation but I feel this is the kind of show that introduce is characters in episode 1 and go into them in the episode after. So while this episode gave use info on the main duo, the next will probably focus on someone else.

We will see.


The only thing I can think of is that she's an alien and when she took human form, she didn't know what was normal for humans and just upped her boob size to ridiculous numbers.


I think I liked Occultic;Nine, but it was underwhelming and if it continues like that I'm not sure I can keep up with it. I liked it for the same reasons I liked the PV. Nice visuals and a lot of energy in the characters. The thing is, this felt like an extended PV, telling a story without details, in a frantic pace too. It introduces the main characters, then it skips to more and more characters without having any impact. The story progressed and I hadn't even realized that the introduction was over.

I was looking forward to it, but I'm kind of disappointed now. The fact that this will likely be semi-original is kind of alarming too... I hope the first episode was the odd one and it will find a good pacing and a tone soon.

The only thing I can think of is that she's an alien and when she took human form, she didn't know what was normal for humans and just upped her boob size to ridiculous numbers.

I mean, she even uses a ray gun...
http://working.gov 2

It's funny, I think this might end up being my AOTS by default because I love Working shows so much and nothing else has wow'd me. The new guy doesn't really have a massive personality gag to him outside of not speaking Japanese. The two leads are INCREASINGLY better than the former two leads. But the downside is a massive downgrade to the sidecast with there not being not nearly as many great characters. I hope the two girls that are still missing from the cast end up being good.


when you max out the size of your tits on the character creator but a bug lets you make them bigger

That looks freaking painful. I knew a girl in high school with tits that big. She always complained about back problems and would have to sit gym out sometimes with a doctor's note.


March comes in like a Lion 1 - That was excellent. My favourite new (non sequel) #1 so far. Shaft onto another winner for me. Really liked the look of it, loved that family and if I'm honest some of the feelings the MC expressed arent exactly unfamiliar to me. Curious to see how much time Shogi will be the focus.


Do you kbow if it covered everything in it? Or will it go like Durarara and make us see stuff that's happening at the same time from another character perspective?

Also for the pacing I did not think it was bad. I think they handled the fast pace pretty well. It made it very easy to follow.

If you're asking if it covered everything in volume 1, then yes, according to Japanese twitter.


Orange: 12
I wonder if the first half of the episode could have been an episode by itself, or placed on the latter end. It feels too much of a climax to just stick it like that. That said, it is a very good flashback segment, and it shows why he was afraid to talk about his depression and suicidal thoughts.

I do have to question the way their future selves arrived at the send the letter to the past idea. Only one of them seemed to have any common sense, who kept commenting it was impossible. It was a pretty laughable segment actually.


My mastery of english is far from perfect and I had no trouble following what was happening. You guys are way to hyperbolic.

You may not like but this is far from garbage.

Well they did previously call SAO the worst piece of anime made in the history of the medium, so yes I'm shocked animegaf would be hyperbolic.
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