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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Do I even need to do a writeup for March Comes in Like a Lion or can I just say that it's really good and be done with it?


That looks freaking painful. I knew a girl in high school with tits that big. She always complained about back problems and would have to sit gym out sometimes with a doctor's note.

She does look like she has adult actress breasts from the trailers.
Do I even need to do a writeup for March Comes in Like a Lion or can I just say that it's really good and be done with it?

I'm watching it right now and I'm too lazy to write anything besides "the contrast being depression and the livelihood of the girls and their surroundings is easy but fantastically done"
Flip Flappers 1

This was bad. Maybe not actively, aggressively bad, but it was pretty much... uninteresting. It felt hard to attend to it in the middle part, and around the end I was looking at my smartphone.
It didn't make me want to know more about the characters or the settings or anything. Just extreme indifference.
3 Saber Lions 1

the contrast between depression and the livelihood of the girls and their surroundings is easy but fantastically done.

Strongest first episode this season I've seen as of right now.


Occutlic Nine

I very rarely drop a show for superficial reasons such as stylistic choices and sexualization alone, but the second that tits monster appeared on screen and her bazongas were bouncing around like a pair of over inflated beach balls I was disgusted and couldn't go on.

No better explanation than somebody hacking a game and turning the boob slider to ridiculous proportions. I can't. It's not even the sexualization. It's just grossing me out that somebody finds this actually HOT. It's almost a parody of anime girls.


March comes in like a Lion 1 - That was excellent. My favourite new (non sequel) #1 so far. Shaft onto another winner for me. Really liked the look of it, loved that family and if I'm honest some of the feelings the MC expressed arent exactly unfamiliar to me. Curious to see how much time Shogi will be the focus.

It's there in the background. The sounds do add more to the game. At first I had some problems with that in the manga, because I wanted more out of shogi. And it's pretty hard to follow because both sides use the same color. The only way to distinguish it is by the direction. Anyway over time the story will be more interesting and that definitely won me over in watching this anime.

The first episode is off to a fantastic start. Opressive vs cheery. Shaft did a excellent job in the first chapter. Rei drowned in his sleep and is slowly resurfacing.

Great use of imagery as well. Looks like I'll be watching it next to All Out and Tiger Mask W.


Occutlic Nine

I very rarely drop a show for superficial reasons such as stylistic choices and sexualization alone, but the second that tits monster appeared on screen and her bazongas were bouncing around like a pair of over inflated beach balls I was disgusted and couldn't go on.

No better explanation than somebody hacking a game and turning the boob slider to ridiculous proportions. I can't. It's not even the sexualization. It's just grossing me out that somebody finds this actually HOT. It's almost a parody of anime girls.

My reaction was mostly....did crunchyroll stream it at 2x speed? The speed alone puts me off.


March comes like a lion 01

... I'm not really feeling this. At first I thought it was a show for me, with its artstyle and calm, slow-paced intro with a good insert song and some dark imagery, but it lost me shortly after that. Story was confusing, and the humour was awful and off-putting. I might give it another shot next week.

Also, the cats are talking
Izetta 2

Really? Really?

Yeah, I'm not feeling this at all. None of its characters interest me. That action scene was devoid of tension. Visually it's fine, but nothing sticks because it's just WW2 + a witch. There's very little sense of desperation here, considering the Nazis are about to kick down the capital.


Orange: 13, end
That part when they talk to Kakeru after he almost commits suicide, especially when Kakeru confesses it and why in the end he changed his mind, got to say, touched my heart.

With this, I finish my summer 2016 backlog, woohoo!


March Comes In Like A Lion Episode 1:

Yea, this show is already on fucking thin ice with me because these are some of the worst tonal shifts I have seen in recent memory. Dear anime, stop interrupting your dark and somber tale of a child prodigy whom finds himself isolated and depressed because of his gifts because you have wacky antics you have to get out of your system.
March Comes In Like A Lion Episode 1:

Yea, this show is already on fucking thin ice with me because these are some of the worst tonal shifts I have seen in recent memory. Dear anime, stop interrupting your dark and somber tale of a child prodigy whom finds himself isolated and depressed because of his gifts because you have wacky antics you have to get out of your system.

I'm usually bothered by this if the show was edgy a fuck ala Akame Ga Kill, but in a show that contrasts the depressing lifestyle of his 'career' and being a prodigy to the happiness and joy he gets from being involved with these three girls I think it works in this instance.

I'd have to see later on though. But I'm pleased with the first episode.


I'm usually bothered by this if the show was edgy a fuck ala Akame Ga Kill, but in a show that contrasts the depressing lifestyle of his 'career' and being a prodigy to the happiness and joy he gets from being involved with these three girls I think it works in this instance.

I'd have to see later on though. But I'm pleased with the first episode.

I was iffy on all of that but I got the contrast, what killed it for me was that fucking teacher going all goofball all of a sudden.


March Comes In Like A Lion Episode 1:

Yea, this show is already on fucking thin ice with me because these are some of the worst tonal shifts I have seen in recent memory. Dear anime, stop interrupting your dark and somber tale of a child prodigy whom finds himself isolated and depressed because of his gifts because you have wacky antics you have to get out of your system.

Why address anime lol.

It's in the manga as well. Besides these tonal shifts are important later on, as that's how it's written.

Not that they added stuff on their own to mellow it out. They did draw out the contrast between the two more.


Why address anime lol.

It's in the manga as well. Besides these tonal shifts are important later on, as that's how it's written.

Not that they added stuff on their own to mellow it out. They did draw out the contrast between the two more.

Haven't read the manga so I wouldn't know. At any rate, not changing the fact that my immersion was broken to the point I was actually angry about it.

If it help my case, IRL glasses people are ok :p

I just think very few young anime characters wear glasses well. I mean look at the MC in March, any time he took his glasses off he looked at least 3x better.

Anyway dogs look super sweet with or without glasses! So you don't have to worry admiral!
Heybot 04

I used to be watching this ironically but I don't even know anymore. I like it more then most of the shows I watched today but I don't think I could recommend it to anyone because it makes no sense.

March Comes In Like A Lion Episode 1:

Yea, this show is already on fucking thin ice with me because these are some of the worst tonal shifts I have seen in recent memory. Dear anime, stop interrupting your dark and somber tale of a child prodigy whom finds himself isolated and depressed because of his gifts because you have wacky antics you have to get out of your system.

Not even the worst example of that this week...Yuri on Ice and especially Drifters were far worse with that. Drifters also looks bad and has way worse direction and visuals so it stands out even more.


If it help my case, IRL glasses people are ok :p

I just think very few young anime characters wear glasses well. I mean look at the MC in March, any time he took his glasses off he looked at least 3x better.

Anyway dogs look super sweet with or without glasses! So you don't have to worry admiral!

You must have loathed Log Horizon.


Drifters - 1

First impression: Old school gory samurai anime (al-la Ninja Scroll) with an art style which reminds me of JoJo with a more subdued colour pallet.

1/3 through the episode: What The Fuck?


Occultic; Nine: 1
While it's not complete garbage, as I like the visual aspect of the show, I think it's not very good either. It's very fast, but not in a good way. It's incoherent, presenting characters and names in what feels like a randomized manner. I don't think I can remember half the things that went on in this episode. Not to mention the protagonist is your typical sucky anime protagonist. Also, the big boobs reached a ridiculous limit.


Heybot 04

Not even the worst example of that this week...Yuri on Ice and especially Drifters were far worse with that. Drifters also looks bad and has way worse direction and visuals so it stands out even more.

You are not wrong about that, this season has had quite a few of these and it never worked with me. There is an art to making this work and no show this season has figured that out yet.


March...Lion 1
It's been way too long since I've enjoyed a SHAFT show so this wasn't on my radar but this was one of the strongest starts this season. It reminded me of what they can do with visual language when they're not working on garish trash like they have these past few years. The train sequence was such a visually striking moment early in the episode, I was hooked on the show right there. There were a lot of cute small touches too, such as the energetic sisters, the cat inner monologues and the narrated sound effects. It helped to balance the depressed normal of the main character, which makes sense as someone who dealt with depression but also had family support. I hope this will end up on my AotY list when it's finished.

Occultic;Nine 1
Pure genki chuuni drivel, which isn't necessarily a completely bad thing if it's fun to watch but there were few actually fun moments and instead it was full of anime cliches and horrible stereotypes.

Izetta 2
A disappointing second episode, the visual quality seemed to take a serious hit and the amount of episode dedicated to flashbacks has me very worried. I did enjoy the magic used this episode, using blood as a weapon is an interesting concept.


March Comes in Like a Lion-1
Normally I wouldn't bother doing a writeup for Sangatsu and just say it's really fucking good but since I've pretty much shat on everything this season, I feel I should at least acknowledge when a show is exceptional. As Jexhius said earlier, it's much easier to criticize than praise and it's a very easy pitfall to fall into. So this is a show seemingly about depression, more so than anything. This is apparent through the color usage, quietness, visual motifs, character animation, and background art. Hell, the opening shot actually makes me think he's about to commit suicide as he seems to be really high up and he has his back to the camera.
So one of the motifs in the show is with water and Rei seemingly drowning. The opening has him sinking and later walking out of the water only to be dragged back into the water. It's obviously supposed to be representative of Rei's depression and how it's consuming him but what I found impressive was how insistent the direction is about it. It's almost always there and is oppressive in how it's continually portrayed. The show repeatedly uses the color blue to his mood through either an aquatic blue overlaying him or him being covered in darkness and surrounded by a bright blue background. Almost any scene with Rei is going to have blue. The episode has a real focus on color usage and having that be a mirror for the characters.
The background art is a huge plus in this production as it's helping to set the mood, note how sparse his room is which reflects how apathetic he is about himself. There's no paintings, bed, television, or computer. The only thing in his room are his clothes, futon, schoolwork, a shogi board/set, and left-over ramen cups. His room is spartan-ish which in this case doesn't represent a military-like persona but rather one who just doesn't care. The later backgrounds also feel impressionistic which along with the use of dominant colors, establishes a strong atmosphere. For example, scenes with the Kawamoto family utilizes strong yellows.
As for Rei himself, he's very controlled is in his movements and speech. When Rei is by himself he walks in a very rigid, almost robotic, sort of manner. The only times when he doesn't act so restrained is with the Kawamoto sisters and so his character animations become a bit looser. He's a person that is dictated by the flow of others and the animation reflects that. On the audio side, he doesn't speak until nine minutes into the episode and his first words are "That's a lie". It seems as though he has internalized a lot of domestic issues leaving him reclusive and having to be extrinsically motivated. When he's by himself he's just very quiet. I would almost mistake that for tranquility if not for the shadows that visually overlay him. It all comes back to his depression.
Besides the color usage, the sound direction was the thing that impressed me most about the episode. It's not only how well the quietness is used but sound punctuations. For example the click of the shogi pieces landing were tied together with quick flashbacks which show Rei's emotions and thoughts during each individual move. It's a stylish way of giving the game a heightened importance for both players. It's not just during the actual shogi game though, but the clicks in the background that continue after the game is over at the end of each of the old man's lines, as if the game is still continuing. That in conjunction with the lines later, about each move feeling like a punch, makes it seem as though Rei was being emotionally punched by his 'father' after the game.
Unlike Yuri on Ice, I thought the comedy worked much better here. Not so much the jokes in of themselves, as I wasn't really laughing, but rather seeing the effect the Kawamoto family has on Rei. His interactions with the sisters seems as though that is the closest he comes to being normal and serve as a good contrast to the scenes by himself. The family is serving as his anchor and I thought the comedic direction did a good job of establishing why. It looks as though Rei dwells on the negative and the Kawamoto sisters are fast-paced enough that they prevent him from doing so.
I thought this was a stellar opening that gives a great insight into Rei's mindset. From things such as the use of the French song to the abstract images representing sound effects such as the wind, this was SHAFT at their best. The only issue I have with the show, and unfortunately it's a really grating one for me, is how the mouths are designed. The mouths have these weird lines that seem to represent lips but unfortunately it's very distracting for me as sometimes it looks as if their mouths are still open even when closed. That said, this is a really gorgeous show due to the art direction of Seiki Tamura and I love the mature direction of the work as a whole. I'm also a big chess fan so I look forward to seeing how shogi compares to chess.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't like Occultic;Nine but it's honestly just sad to see how many people are calling shows "incoherent" this season, or that shows "do not have a story". Occultinc:Nine is kind of stupid trash, so who can really blame someone if they don't want to pay attention, but the sequence of events and what the show is about is pretty clearly laid out. It's not that fast. It's not that zany. If this is the "worst piece of anime" someone has seen this year that are probably not watching that much stuff.
I don't know anything about Shogi, but I managed to read all of Akagi while not understanding anything beyond the very basics of Mahjong so I should be fine.
MahoGirls Precure whatever the hell the current number is

I guess two months or so after not bothering to watch an episode, It's like I'm lost and not lost at the same time.

I don't feel lost because quite frankly.... there's not even a story at this point, and the SoL may as well be dead on a sidewalk, yet I'm lost because it feels like... there's no real direction for the show, it feels like a mess that I have to decipher and I doubt watching the previous 8 episodes will help when it comes down to Trauma-chan's friend being denied the penis and she ends up on the rebound or the fact that there's a hot new general.

Honestly this season is a disaster. It was already meandering at the beginning but it had a semblance of direction that it wanted to go to, that sort of felt like it started stumbling once they went back to the non-magic world. Now it's just... spinning it's wheels really. Feels like everything surrounding this is in shambles, be it how the show is handled to how people react to the show itself.

Honestly........ waiting for the leaks for the next show. Dropping.


MahoGirls Precure whatever the hell the current number is

Honestly........ waiting for the leaks for the next show. Dropping.
I heard it was underwhelming, but I didn't know that it's this bad.
Not that it matters too much for me since I only watched HC and therefore I'm not running out of Precure anytime soon, but still.
MahoGirls Precure whatever the hell the current number is

I guess two months or so after not bothering to watch an episode, It's like I'm lost and not lost at the same time.

I don't feel lost because quite frankly.... there's not even a story at this point, and the SoL may as well be dead on a sidewalk, yet I'm lost because it feels like... there's no real direction for the show, it feels like a mess that I have to decipher and I doubt watching the previous 8 episodes will help when it comes down to Trauma-chan's friend being denied the penis and she ends up on the rebound or the fact that there's a hot new general.

Honestly this season is a disaster. It was already meandering at the beginning but it had a semblance of direction that it wanted to go to, that sort of felt like it started stumbling once they went back to the non-magic world. Now it's just... spinning it's wheels really. Feels like everything surrounding this is in shambles, be it how the show is handled to how people react to the show itself.

Honestly........ waiting for the leaks for the next show. Dropping.

I feel bad that that's the current consensus for the show now when people seemed to be really enjoying the first half.

I actually took a peek at some episodes here and there out of curiosity. I totally sympathize with those who think that the actual "Precure" parts of the show are bringing it down when the regular SoL stuff is more engaging. I'm honestly a sucker for cute Real World V.S. Magic World interactions and that seemed to be what the show was all about but keeps getting shoved to the size for the obligatory evil organization and precure action.

Honestly take all of the latter out and rebrand the show and I might have given it a more serious watch.


I don't like Occultic;Nine but it's honestly just sad to see how many people are calling shows "incoherent" this season, or that shows "do not have a story". Occultinc:Nine is kind of stupid trash, so who can really blame someone if they don't want to pay attention, but the sequence of events and what the show is about is pretty clearly laid out. It's not that fast. It's not that zany. If this is the "worst piece of anime" someone has seen this year that are probably not watching that much stuff.

I do agree there is a lot of hyperbole. But I did call it incoherent because somehow its editing makes things harder to understand than it is necessary, and not for any good reason, even if I did understand at the end after many backtracking. Yes, it is not a complex story, but I do think there is a lack of flow that makes threading the disparate contents not as instantaneous. Maybe incoherent wasn't the word for it. As for whether it wasn't that fast, eh, I feel like that is a more subjective view point. Of course, I don't think people said the fact that it was fast was the problem.


I don't like Occultic;Nine but it's honestly just sad to see how many people are calling shows "incoherent" this season, or that shows "do not have a story". Occultinc:Nine is kind of stupid trash, so who can really blame someone if they don't want to pay attention, but the sequence of events and what the show is about is pretty clearly laid out. It's not that fast. It's not that zany. If this is the "worst piece of anime" someone has seen this year that are probably not watching that much stuff.

Certainly I didn't find it incoherent. I followed the plot. I did find it distractingly fast though. First anime in ages where I was pausing and rewatching chunks.


I'm also a big chess fan so I look forward to seeing how shogi compares to chess.

It shares some pieces and basic rules, but promotion works differently and you can use captured pieces. The game is like a battlefield.
Considering Rei is already a young pro, there's a large gap that probably won't be shown.

I think it will be fine, but the shogi is more a means than a goal. Well I'll let the anime speak for itself now.
I heard it was underwhelming, but I didn't know that it's this bad.
Not that it matters too much for me since I only watched HC and therefore I'm not running out of Precure anytime soon, but still.

I feel bad that that's the current consensus for the show now when people seemed to be really enjoying the first half.

I actually took a peek at some episodes here and there out of curiosity. I totally sympathize with those who think that the actual "Precure" parts of the show are bringing it down when the regular SoL stuff is more engaging. I'm honestly a sucker for cute Real World V.S. Magic World interactions and that seemed to be what the show was all about but keeps getting shoved to the size for the obligatory evil organization and precure action.

Honestly take all of the latter out and rebrand the show and I might have given it a more serious watch.

Honestly it feels like a lot of things fell apart all over, and I seem to recall a LJ post on the Precure LJ where the staff on this is a total mess.... and I can see it considering that it certainly feels like the director doesn't know how to do a show. I mean.... I'm going to echo what madp said, but it has a lot of things similar to Max Heart. It may not reach its depths, but it's getting there each passing week.

It doesn't help that interest in subbing this is really low, and therefore adds another factor that hinders my enjoyment immensely. It feels bad when the last season, which may as well have been directed by an otaku (held back by a lot of restraints mind you) was better to watch than this.

I'm not surprised at the fights being a detriment though, and part of why I enjoyed Shugo Chara S1 quite a bit. There's not enough time to devote to the story of the episode, so it may as well be the backdrop. Which feels weird when older seasons (I mean before like DokiDokI) were capable of getting some in at least.


I still think Maho Girls is enjoyable for the record. At least whenever it's subbed, which feels like an impossibility sometimes.

Aikatsu Stars 26

Where was Ako during this episode? She seems to get left out the most if any of the five are. With Lily comes the blizzard. Yuzu moves fast. If Lily made it to the finals last year, that means she was prepared to take on Hime. Hard to see how she'll lose this year unless she gets sick again. Song class gets all the drama. Interesting that there were people mocking her for her illness, since it's hard to be an idol when you're sick all the time. You need to be extremely talented and memorable to retain a large following with that going against her.

Oh, and new OP and ED. Both are a downgrade, especially the OP with focusing almost entirely on Yume and Laura while sidelining everyone else. I get it, their rivalry is the focal point. I like Aikatsu when it makes use of its full cast.
Marching Lions 01

I wasn't sure if this was a story about depression or just general loneliness. Either way this was a great first episode. I loved the way the MC brightened up a bit when he was with the family. I had my doubts about the show at first because I'm not a fan of the character design but if the story's good enough I can look past that.
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