I just found the 2 Ubisoft collect-athon copy-paste loving fans in this thread
Christ my dudes, if you can't see what Ubisoft have been doing wrong for the past 15 years I really don't know what to tell you - especially to the dude that put FROM into the discussion.
You love their games ? that's fine by me and more power to you , the fact that you apparently put quantity over quality (which is an Ubisoft trademark at this point) though and the fact that you also don't get the comment about the repetition/typical Ubi grind /Maps filled with icons and collectable shit for people suffering from OCD is a different thing.
They're the kings of "soulless" and "repetitive" videogames putting quantity over quality above all else.
You like it ? Again, it's fine, don't mean that others have to though.
PS : Valiant Hearts + Child of light were actually really good games - a stark contrast to the usual open world bullshit that they shit out every 1 year/1 year and a half for the lowest common denominator target group out there which likes to "shoot shoot bang bang®" watching those XP bars fill up whilst collecting 146758821117 collectables in their boring, almost empty maps/worlds.