Played this on PS5 before all the patches and was really impressed, then read the patch notes which sound like they've addressed almost every criticism I had with it, so I imagine it's a solid 9/10 now. I also saw it launched on Steam to "mixed" reviews so far, feels bad man, the games legit great but folks seem to hate Ubisoft, or hate Avatar, or hate the DRM, or the store exclusivity, basically hate something other than the game enough for it to make the game look bad which is a real shame.
The first two hours are pretty weird and confusing and not really indicative of the game, it's a sort of meta "you have to teach yourself how to be Navi so we're not going to tutorial shit for you" but I can see folks maybe refunding on steam before the game ever really unlocks, but once you climb that massive hill and get your Ekron flying-me-jig, it's top tier.
TLDR; pick it up on sale, it's great, and thanks for attending my ted talk on Avatar.