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Avengers: Age of Ultron | Production Thread

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They haven't actually introduced that concept in the MCU. They could potentially add it into Ultron, but as a plot device, it's kinda weak.

Ultron was too strong the first time around, so we just pissed off the Hulk a whole bunch and then we won.

I'm just saying, I'd at least like to see a one on one fight between the two of them where Hulk is getting his ass beat, but maybe comes back in that manner. At least making Ultron have to retreat or just breaking one of his weaker bodies before he transfers into an upgraded model or something.
I'm just saying, I'd at least like to see a one on one fight between the two of them where Hulk is getting his ass beat, but maybe comes back in that manner. At least making Ultron have to retreat or just breaking one of his weaker bodies before he transfers into an upgraded model or something.

I'm sure there will probably be something of that sort. Though, I'm more of a fan of Hulk being in some way prevented from engaging.

If there's going to be a severe Hulk beat-down, I'd prefer they wait until Thanos. Because Thanos really, really deserves to be known as the MCU villain who went face to face with Hulk and beat him. And that only really works if the other films make Hulk the ultimate trump card.
I think if anything, upon the defeat that supposed destruction of Ultron, maybe in the final scene, you see a lavish room with a giant computer terminal. you see the terminal flipping through files and screens until it accesses something called "Vibranium Ore Mine".... Project Ultron Rebuild Uploading.... Upgrade 2.0 Initiated ...
they then zoom out really quickly, like Google Earth quickly, and you see we just zoomed out from somewhere in Africa
(this is assuming that Ultron didn't rebuild himself several times during the movie, one of which being with a Vibranium body, but this leads us into a reason to get Black Panther fast tracked.)

But I also don't think that Ultron beating up Hulk in the beginning is not the best way to start off the movie, unless the endgame is to show that they had to outsmart the sentient A.I. that has access to way more than it needs. I think a good angle would be to show that Ultron is a threat because Knowledge and Access = Power. He would be a much more formidable foe as something more than a robot that can take a punch and deliver one too.
You don't need a bloodlust for dead heroes in the storyline to show what a threat Ultron is. Scarlet Witch can see into the future and the past, and speak to the dead. Show visions to her of a world where Ultron rules. A world where every hero is dead. And even show him killing them. Maybe they're about to enact a plan that will fail, and Scarlet sees them all die. Show that, and you've shown what Ultron can do. You don't need to kill anyone, just show a future where it has happened.
But I also don't think that Ultron beating up Hulk in the beginning is not the best way to start off the movie, unless the endgame is to show that they had to outsmart the sentient A.I. that has access to way more than it needs. I think a good angle would be to show that Ultron is a threat because Knowledge and Access = Power. He would be a much more formidable foe as something more than a robot that can punch and deliver one too.

Part of the reason I like the JARVIS = Ultron theory, is because it gives the enemy intimate knowledge about all of the superheroes from the very beginning. I mean, it would definitely be a different sort of first battle if it started out with Ultron just tranqing Banner and then sending out an electromagnetic pulse to short out the Iron Man suit.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
How are they going to explain Scarlet Witch in this movie, btw? What I mean is that she's a mutant and Magneto's daughter. They're obviously going to lift the Magneto relation but seeing as the MCU doesn't seem to have mutants, are they also going to explain a completely different origin for her?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
How are they going to explain Scarlet Witch in this movie, btw? What I mean is that she's a mutant and Magneto's daughter. They're obviously going to lift the Magneto relation but seeing as the MCU doesn't seem to have mutants, are they also going to explain a completely different origin for her?

Terrigen Mists. Marvel/Disney will introduce the Inhumans to replace mutants in the MCU.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Stark will die in Avengers 3 and they'll pull a new Iron Man from a different dimension who's the same but with a different actor.

Repeat for all other characters :p

But I hope they get the right balance for all the characters in this one, the first one got it right but as someone else pointed out earlier, they never really felt in danger, seemed like one big joke.


Stark will die in Avengers 3 and they'll pull a new Iron Man from a different dimension who's the same but with a different actor.

Repeat for all other characters :p

But I hope they get the right balance for all the characters in this one, the first one got it right but as someone else pointed out earlier, they never really felt in danger, seemed like one big joke.

NO. No alternate dimensions/resurrection/reincarnation bullshit in MCU.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
According to that article, there's an upcoming Inhumans film:

A trade report in March 2011 said Marvel Entertainment is developing an Inhumans film. It describes the film as being "in the vein of X-Men about aliens who were put on Earth as a sleeper cell to eventually call back their race to take over the planet."[54][55] In November 2012, Stan Lee reported that the film is in development.
Wouldn't it make sense then to release the film before Age of Ultron?


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
According to that article, there's an upcoming Inhumans film:

Wouldn't it make sense then to release the film before Age of Ultron?

You can't release something that doesn't exist. If it eventually happens we won't be seeing an Inhumans movie for years.

Anyway, I don't get why everyone's so hung up on the twins origins anyway. They just have powers. We don't need to know their life stories.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
You can't release something that doesn't exist. If it eventually happens we won't be seeing an Inhumans movie for years.

Anyway, I don't get why everyone's so hung up on the twins origins anyway. They just have powers. We don't need to know their life stories.
Everyone else in the Avengers is explained so it seems a bit out of place to just throw a human super powered character with no explanation at us. I guess they're going to do serious tweaking with Scarlet Witch considering there's no mutants, no Magneto that we know of and no magic in MCU - all of which is tied to the comic version of SW.


Everyone else in the Avengers is explained so it seems a bit out of place to just throw a human super powered character with no explanation at us. I guess they're going to do serious tweaking with Scarlet Witch considering there's no mutants, no Magneto that we know of and no magic in MCU - all of which is tied to the comic version of SW.

Well you say that but with Doctor Strange and probably Adam Warlock on the way she could be the first step into 'Mystic Marvel' so to speak.
Well, considering all that random Chitauri junk scattered all over the place, is it too unreasonable for the explanation for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to be that they just kinda stumbled onto some super alien tech? And Avengers is their "origin" story?

That would avoid the mutant storyline, but could still give them the proper powers. I mean, alien stuff. It can do anything in movies.
Haven't seen this plot description before, found it translated on a Russian website. Wouldn't really consider it spoilerish but I'll block it just in case:

Humanity is on the brink of destruction. At this time, people are threatened Ultron - artificial intelligence, previously created in order to protect the Earth from any threats. However, he considered the main threat to humanity. International Organization S. I. T is not able to cope with such a powerful enemy, and because they again seek the help of Earth's greatest heroes - the Avengers. However, Ultron is too strong, and there is a high probability that even they can not stop the impending start of the Age of Ultron.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
ABC to air Avengers: Age of Ultron special next month




What!? How!? It just started shooting, unless it's all pre production stuff.

Fake edit: Oh, I was under the impression the entire special was about Age of Ultron, but they're probably going to just show a short 1 minute behind the scenes thing.
Sneak Peek at Age of Ultron
new footage from Cap 2, GotG & Agents of SHIELD

That's one way to drum up interest in the show.
I bet they'll mention how AoS ties into Cap 2 somehow as a way to bring the movie hype to the TV set.


What are the odds Hawkeye/Renner actually lives through this movie?
I would say bet your house on it.

They will never make a Renner hawkeye movie but they will make a Black Widow movie and those are the only 2 characters disney would even entertain killing off.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I would say bet your house on it.

They will never make a Renner hawkeye movie but they will make a Black Widow movie and those are the only 2 characters disney would even entertain killing off.

I would love to see a Fraction/Aja Hawkguy series of Marvel One Shots with Renner.
It parallels, certainly, but this wouldn't be Hulk going berserk, just Banner getting fed up and quietly taking off. And I'd say it would mainly be the fault of Tony Stark. I dunno why, but I really think we're going to see in this movie that the honeymoon there is officially over.

Though, the more I think about it, this seems like a better way for him to end the movie rather than start it. This could be my subconscious and eternal desire for a good solo Hulk film speaking, of course.

Hulk getting beaten up by Ultron doesn't really make a huge amount of sense to me, though. Sure, he got killed off in the comic, but the comic also kinda sucked and dealt with weird time travel and brutal murder... probably not going to be in the film. I mean if Ultron goes and beats up Hulk, why isn't he killing Cap, Black Widow, and Hawkeye at the same time? Did they just not show up? Does he have a busy schedule?

It ups the ante, sure, but it leaves a bunch of gaping plot holes. I'd figure it more likely that Ultron more uses altitude and range to make himself a target that can't be smashed easily. I mean, he can fly, right? Hulk can reach the altitudes, but he can't change direction mid flight, so it would be ridiculously easy for Ultron to just never get into any sort of engagement range and keep the fight to only Iron Man and Thor, who wouldn't be able to take him alone. It would be more of a case of Hulk being completely useless in the fight, rather than getting creamed. It also allows for a change in strategy, or the addition of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, to change the game at the end.

Basically, if Hulk gets beaten up at the beginning by raw strength, there's no plausible way to overcome that in time for the end. If he, for some reason, can't get to the fight, strategy and planning could fix this.

There's another alternative that would spawn off of the theory that Ultron takes over/is JARVIS... in which case, he would have the ability to build and control dozens of Iron Man suits at once. That alone could serve to spread out the heroes enough and up the ante without having to resort to a devastating unbeatable attack.

tl;dr Ultron out-physicallying Hulk isn't a particularly clever way of showing that Ultron is powerful and cunning and it requires an inordinate suspension of disbelief to come up with a reason why any of the other heroes survive this confrontation.

But what if Banner realizes the pseudo control he has over the Hulk is what allows him to be defeated in the first fight?

Banner realizes that he has to give the Hulk 100% control and let him go completely berserk, something he is loathe to do, but he must to help save the day. His fellow Avengers have to convince him to do it. The Hulk goes so far off the deep end that he cannot recognize friend from foe so the other Avengers must all work together to subdue/defeat him even after he defeats Ultron. This would be a scenario that has played out in the comics and cartoon several times. This would accomplish several different character/team developments and plus it gets some of that Avenger on Avenger action that we all love so much :) It would also showcase what a loose cannon the Hulk is and give the Avengers a reason to be very reluctant or even fearful of him. This would help make the Hulk feel like a cursed monster again, which is the root of the character after all.

I think it would be a good fit!


I hope they don't do something as obvious as an army of Ultrons for this one.

I think I'd like it if Ultron came at the Avengers similar to the way Harry came at Peter in Spider-Man 3 by manipulating Mary Jane. Find some less conventional weak points among the Avengers as individuals rather than just trying to blow them all up. Ultron's traditionally got daddy issues, and if he inherits them from Stark I feel like that's an interesting way into some kind of conflict.

I don't mind if the movie ends in a giant fist fight 1v6 or whatever - I expect that - but it should be more creative than them just fighting another generic army.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
From the MCU thread:

Seoul Braces for Disruptions for Filming of 'Avengers' Sequel

Seoul will be portrayed as a city featuring cutting-edge technology and ultramodern buildings. The headquarters of a Korean IT institute on a small islet on the Han River will also play a central role as villainous robot Ultron tries to acquire state-of-the-art technology. The superheroes are tasked with protecting the institute and keeping the world safe.

Korean actress Kim Soo-hyun, who drew much attention when she was cast in the movie, will play a scientist at the institute.

The core scene set in Seoul involves Ultron laying parts of the city to waste. It will be shot partly at densely populated areas near Gangnam Subway Station.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The core scene set in Seoul involves Ultron laying parts of the city to waste. It will be shot partly at densely populated areas near Gangnam Subway Station.

Psy cameo confirmed


After watching Spader be an I-don't-give-a-fuck bad-ass on Blacklist, I'm ready for SpaderUltron.

Or would it be UltronSpader?
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