I'm 6'2" and lighter than the average American woman.
I'm 6'2" and lighter than the average American woman.
:| 140 lbs at an average of 5'3" is a BMi of 24.8 which is in normal weight range.
Christ and people wonder where the pressure for women to be thin comes from.
Hard to imagine? Isnt that type of body extremely common in the USA? Assuming you are american (majority of gaf).
:| 140 lbs at an average of 5'3" is a BMi of 24.8 which is in normal weight range.
Christ and people wonder where the pressure for women to be thin comes from.
Of course. I bet fast food culture has grown proportional to that as well.
75 kilo for women and 88 for men is the average now.
Damn... That's pretty sad.
According to Wikipedia:whats the average height there?
Im 86 kg and not overweight at all. I'm 186 cm tall
Because people are lazy. It's easier for them to buy a $7 cooked meal than it is to go to the store, buy the stuff and then cook it.This really can't be overstated. I'm still amazed that people eat fast food in this day and age. I understand that for some people it really is a cost saving exercise, but there are some vegetables that are as cheap as garbage and that are extremely healthy, like cabbage.
According to Wikipedia:
176cm for men
162cm for women.
Somehow its the gays fault.
I'm canadian so the problem is getting worse by the day. I mostly meant I can't imagine living a lifestyle like that.
It's not completely black and white. Years ago doctor said for my height at 5'9 that I was overweight at 180 ignoring the fact that I was into bodybuilding and barely had any fat on me.
It's not completely black and white. Years ago doctor said for my height at 5'9 that I was overweight at 180 ignoring the fact that I was into bodybuilding and barely had any fat on me.
It's not completely black and white. Years ago doctor said for my height at 5'9 that I was overweight at 180 ignoring the fact that I was into bodybuilding and barely had any fat on me.
Everyone smoked cigarettes up until the 1980s and then the government realized how much they were spending on smoker's healthcare.
When they got people to quit, those people gained weight as that's what usually happens to anyone I know who has quit.
That's one theory anyway.
The accurate tests are expensive so you literally have to eyeball it with BF%. If you have visible abs then chances are you're not overweight / obese. BMI isn't the end all be all when it comes to body composition, but it can be a warning sign.I'd be more impressed if they started analyzing BF% and not some archaic system like the BMI index with such clear flaws.
The accurate tests are expensive so you literally have to eyeball it with BF%. If you have visible abs then chances are you're not overweight / obese. BMI isn't the end all be all when it comes to body composition, but it can be a warning sign.
I'm not sure why we always end up in that conversation though. The US is not a nation of fit body builders.
What difference is 10 cm anyhow?how can you be 176 cm when you eat all that. I ate nothing as a kid and I grew to 186 cm, which is considered normal height here.
Fast food is cheaper, easier, and tastes dramatically better than healthier foods, and most americans are overworked and have lots of kids so they arent going to go home and workout.
What's the point of this (second) post?Sure as shit doesn't
Mmmm, all that grease
Well, it's not like the people on the borderline are the issue. More than one third of American adults are obese. All you need to diagnose that is passably good vision. Obesity is so prevalent that I'm overweight and everyone says I'm too skinny.They should cracking on a better method then
It's not, but we have no idea how inaccurate these studies are.
What's the point of this (second) post?
What's the point of this (second) post?
What difference is 10 cm anyhow?
Pretty big difference
I have a cousin who's 198 cm and and I look tiny as heck standing next to him
To give his opinion that fast food doesnt taste better than healthy food. I agree with him.
It adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. We're talking about the differences in society now from 40+ years ago. The vast majority of (American) people would rather eat a greasy burger than a homemade sandwich or salad. Part of that is the convenience and the time, but a huge part of it is that fast food is engineered to hit all the tastebuds the right way. People buy it because they find it delicious.That not everybody likes the taste of shitty food?
To give his opinion that fast food doesnt taste better than healthy food. I agree with him.
Because people are lazy. It's easier for them to buy a $7 cooked meal than it is to go to the store, buy the stuff and then cook it.
I feel like there's a new thread on this every day. It's really really sad at this point :/
It's also why I'm against the fat acceptance movement. We're eating ourselves into an early grave. It's not acceptable.
Fast food is cheaper, easier, and tastes dramatically better than healthier foods, and most americans are overworked and have lots of kids so they arent going to go home and workout.
It's pretty sad to see how my country is getting lazy and fat. Hopefully everyone snaps out of it soon.
We're not getting lazier. We work pretty hard actually.
It's our environment. It's toxic to normal weight attainment without proactive measures--sedentary jobs, car culture, food engineered to be addictive, two income families and the focus on convenience foods.
Our incentives are messed up.
You can maintain a healthy weight, but you need to actually make efforts to do so. Our grandparents never read or had nutritional labels, count calories, have gym memberships, do fad diets, and they were relatively slimmer?
Why? Their environment were more cohesive to healthy behaviors.
If am an obese person today I will have to:
--Navigate the landmine filled world of fast food, processed foods and office treats.
--Learn to cook and more importantly shop
--Find a sustainable workout program
--Fight hunger pangs
I'm doing that all at the same time. That requires tons of willpower, along with doing day to day stuff of working, having social life, family, rest and relaxation.
It adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. We're talking about the differences in society now from 40+ years ago. The vast majority of (American) people would rather eat a greasy burger than a homemade sandwich or salad. Part of that is the convenience and the time, but a huge part of it is that fast food is engineered to hit all the tastebuds the right way. People buy it because they find it delicious.
In a thread on how we can best counter this phenomenon, it is so pointless, and likely harmful, to go "Nuh-uh!! It's not more delicious! Those people are wrong."
Stand on your toes then.Pretty big difference
I have a cousin who's 198 cm and and I look tiny as heck standing next to him
I think the main problem lies with parenting and people not learning portion control from a young age. Later as adults, these are hard habits to change and of course it's a lot harder to lose weight than gain it since your body is fighting you.
I think it's wrong to try to be sensitive and from a young age, like before puberty, kids should be taught that it's important not to be fat, for health reasons and so other people don't judge them negatively. It does feel mean but self-control and shame are things most people only learn when they're young.
I'm not saying that will make them into better people but it seems like the only realistic solution and what probably explains the reason why countries like Japan don't have this problem, people would be afraid of looking out of place.