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aw HELL NO (xbl)


So, I'm playing an offline game of ESPN...about to complete a 99 yard punt return along with my complete domination of those dastardly Steelers....and my modem resets. 2K5 being the live-aware game that it is kicks me out of the game and to the setup screen. FUCK.

This shit had best be addressed in future live-aware games. I don't think I could handle losing 5 hours of gameplay in Fable.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
shoplifter said:
So, I'm playing an offline game of ESPN...about to complete a 99 yard punt return along with my complete domination of those dastardly Steelers....and my modem resets. 2K5 being the live-aware game that it is kicks me out of the game and to the setup screen. FUCK.

This shit had best be addressed in future live-aware games. I don't think I could handle losing 5 hours of gameplay in Fable.

your modem reset, so be mad at the game!

wait... where's the logic in that?


Because the modem resetting when he's playing OFFLINE shouldn't cause the game to abort?

Reading is fundamental! :)


edit: ^^^ that too

no, point being that the game shouldn't kick you out if you lose connection. let you know, "hey dumbass! i can't talk to xbl!" is fine, but kicking you completely out of the game (an OFFLINE game at that) is absurd.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Argyle said:
Because the modem resetting when he's playing OFFLINE shouldn't cause the game to abort?

Reading is fundamental! :)

oh well, he still had to confirm log in so it is indeeeeeeeeeed his fault ;)


Nothing like that happens in Amped 2, Rainbow Six, PGR2, POP or any other Live Aware games as far as I know. I was playing Amped 2 when the Xbox Live network went down for maintaince the other day and it brought up a network disconnection notice, but it didn't interfere with my game at all.


Yeah, in a lot of games you get a little notice saying "you've been disconnected from XBox live" and you can continue. This is in fact a selling point for games like Full Spectrum Warrior.
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