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"Awesome" Fan Art |OT2| James can see everything



Diaperbutt boyz.


Übermatik;47566317 said:
What the fuck is WRONG with people!?
A lot of things apparently.

Also, it's one in the morning on a Sunday and I'm looking through this thread. What the fuck is wrongwith me?!


Why is there always a combination of furries/Sonic characters with patriotic and Christian undertones?

And some of these fetishes I will never understand.


Sonic at Church by Lizniner

"Sonic, whatcha reading?"

Sonic sighed and waved the book in front of his best buddy. "I dunno, I just picked it up and started to read."

Tails took the book, while holding Sonic's place, and examined it. "Wow! I didn't know you had a religion!"

Sonic jumped. "A what?"

"This is a Christian book!" Tails exclaimed. "Surely you've heard of the Bible?"

Sonic stared at him blankly. Tails sighed. "Well, come with Amy, Cream, Big, Tikal and me to church tomorrow! You'll learn all you need to know!"

Sonic coughed. "Tails, I've got plans tomorrow. I owe 'You-Know-Who' a visit. How about today?"

Tails shook his head. "Sonic, tomorrow is a religious day. Not today. Tomorrow. It is, by tradition, that we go on Sunday."


"Elise'll forgive you!"

They stared hard at each other for a moment, then Sonic gave in. "Fine. I'll go. Hand me a pen and paper, please."

"You're gonna write?" Tails asked, stunned.

Sonic hesitated a moment. "Alright, you write what I tell you to, okay?"

Tails agreed, pulled out the pen and paper, before saying encouragingly, "Go on!"


Dear Elise,

Sorry I haven't written to you in a while. We've been seeing each other so often, I didn't see a need to. But now is important.

I won't be seeing you tomorrow as planned. Tails wants me to go with him to church, I think he called it Christian, and I can't say no to him. I'll also be going with Amy, Cream, Big, and Tikal. Maybe I'll be able to introduce them to you sometime! I know you've met Amy, but Cream's real nice, and polite, like you! Big's kinda dense, but he's a great pal when you need to relax and an excellent fisher! Tikal's so intent on making the world war-free, she doesn't seem to be doing anything else, so it's nice to see her doing something.

See me the day after?


Elise smiled as she finished reading the letter. Church? Cristian? What was Sonic playing at? She'd never expect to see him at a church, not ever! However... she was going to one as well. Christian, too. If Sonic was telling the truth, maybe they'd see each other...

"That's the seventh time today you've read that letter, miss!" the maid teased. "Is it from someone special?"

"You could say that," Elise replied. "Do you have my clothes ready? We'll be leaving any minute."

"Here you are!" the maid handed her a beautiful golden dress, lined with silver, and was accompanied by silver gloves lined in gold. It was the most gorgeous thing Elise had seen. The maid helped fit Elise into the dress, taking her time, trying not to wrinkle it. Then she handed the gloves to Elise to put on herself, before running outside to check the time.

Elise had just finished slipping her shoes on when she came running back in with a thick black book. "Begin to read Ephesians 6:18, please."

The maid opened up and turned to the page and read aloud, "'Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.'"

Elise stopped her there. "We shall continue after church. We are almost running late."

"Of course!" the maid bowed her head in respect, bookmarked the page, before scuttling Elise out the door.


"Why's everyone dressed so fancy here, Tails?" Sonic whispered.

"It's to show respect!" Tails whispered back. "And keep quiet, Sonic! This place isn't a chatroom!"

Sonic never thought it was. He just had so many questions. For example: why was Knuckles the priest? Why was everyone standing? What did the Cross symbolize? Why was there a guy nailed to it? What was a priest?

"Stand, Sonic!" Amy ushered quietly before pulling him up. "Gosh! You really haven't been to church before!"

Sonic didn't reply. He heard some music beginning to play, and then a song, afterwards. He glanced over at Tails's book and saw that he was supposed to sing along with the song.

"If you ask me to leap out of my boat on the crashing waves
If you ask me to go preach to a lost world that Jesus saves

I'll go but I cannot go alone
Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong

Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind, You shine Your light on me
Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your truth, and I'll fight with Your strength
Until You being the victory, by the power of Christ in me

If You ask me to run
And carry Your light into foreign land
If You ask me to fight
Deliver Your people from Satan's hand

To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with your Your heart
And to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory "

Sonic looked around. There were so many people here. Seeing them all sit down again, he took the hint and did as well. Then he noticed someone in front of him.

"Elise?!" he let escape his mouth almost silently. What was she doing here? Shouldn't she be in Soleana? She never told him that she was in Station Square!

Elise turned at the mention of her name and saw her lover. She smiled at him and mouthed "I'll explain later." Then she turned around and listened to Knuckles.

Sonic didn't see what was so important. Why did everyone want to listen to the densest Knucklehead ever?

When Knuckles started bringing bread and wine to the table. Sonic was disgusted. Wine?! Oh, he should have known! Knuckles loved grapes, so it was bound to have to be made from them!

"Mr. Sonic," Cream whispered as another song began to play, "When we go up, just put your hand over your heart, and say 'Amen' to what the person with the food says, okay? Then follow me."

"Sounds simple enough," Sonic shrugged.

Everyone in his row began to stand, so he did as well. They were walking up to the front in a single-file line. As Sonic walked up, he saw what Cream did, and decided to copy her. When she was done she stood to the side, allowing everyone else to pass through.

"The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," the man said to Sonic when he arrived in front of him.

"Amen," Sonic murmured, then hurried to Cream. Sonic was feeling strange--stranger than normal. Something was going on.

Cream smiled at him, as if she had read his mind. "You feel that way because you are glad you are being accepted," she nodded. "Now, follow me, Mr. Sonic."

Sonic followed her silently, though more questions racked his brain. Accepted? What was he being accepted for? Who was accepting him? Why did he have to be accepted? Why was he glad because of this?

They came back to the pew, where Sonic began to answer his own questions. Maybe he was being accepted by the church? That was incorrect, something told him. Maybe by... Him? Something about the way he thought it knew the first letter was capitalized. Yes, whoever "Him" was, he was being accepted by Him. He was glad because... well... you'd feel glad too if you were being accepted.

And for once, Sonic felt warmer than he ever had before--even warmer than when he was with Elise.


"That was awesome, Tails! Can we go there again, sometime?" Sonic begged.

"Sure," he agreed. "I'm surprised you're interested, Sonic."

"Hey look! There's Elise!" he noted. "Hey! Elise!"

"Who's Elise?" Big asked. Tikal shrugged.

"Hello, Sonic!" Elise greeted as she ran up to him. "I assume you're feeling good?"

"Good?" Sonic laughed. "I feel great! Oh, and this is Tikal, Big, and Cream."

"Nice to meet you," Big and Tikal said at the same time.

"Ms. Elise?" Cream repeated. "Are you the Princess Elise that Sonic doesn't stop talking about?"

"I... I suppose so," Elise replied shyly. "So, Sonic, what've you been up to?"

"Nothin' much," Sonic grinned. "I could get the hang of this whole 'Christian' thing."

Elise laughed. "I'm glad! I'm sorry I haven't told you yet, but I've been staying in an appartment in Station Square with some of my maids."

"What about Soleanna?" Tails demanded, worried.

"It's being run by someone very trustworthy, I assure you," Elise smiled.

"Elise!!" someone called. "Your vehicle is ready!!!"

"Oh!" Elise pouted. "That'd be Rose. She's a very good housekeeper. Well, I guess I'll be going." She gave Sonic a quick peck on the cheek before scurrying towards Rose.

"You two like each other a lot, huh, Sonic?" Big asked.

"Yeah..." Sonic grinned. "A lot... How long d'you think Elise's been going here?"

"For a long while, Sonic," Amy informed. "Since before I started going here, a couple years back."

They all knew then: there was more to Elise than met the eye.



So Bowser is a Nice Guy who keeps wondering why Peach is going out with that douchebag Mario?

Isn't this a reversal of what everyone always claims is the truth?



There must be something wrong with them, Lightning decided. To... to sparkle so goddamned much. Sparkle. For some reason she felt dirty thinking of the word, because surely no organic being should... sparkle. Logically, it does not make sense. But this world, it seems, defies logic quite aptly.

Because Lightning found herself unwillingly tensing up every time one of them crossed the window. Which happened often, because the window was one of those extravagantly useless floor-to-ceiling ones.

Oh, sweet merciful Etro. The blonde one sat up, and she knew what was coming next. She just knew. A glance at Fang, and she almost sighed in relief at seeing the look on her face. She looked like she wanted to swaddle her face with her sari and flee to the nearest corner. Or summon Bahamut and park him outside the window, perhaps. Lightning hoped she had the option with Odin, but his armour would just reflect the sun, and instead of having seven sets of sparkling beings, she would have eight. Besides, he was not as big as Bahamut, and she didn't feel the need to remind him of his size complex.

The blonde man crossed the window, and Lightning politely looked away. If you could call turning 180 degrees polite, that is. She turned back again, facing the rest of the beings – grateful that she had been spared of being blinded by a living disco ball. And yes, she knew what a disco ball looked like, having had a stint at being a wild, rebellious teenager. But that was not the point.

Her relief did not last long, however, because the man had moved directly in front of the windows. By some divine intervention of the hellish sort, the cloud parted majestically and light flooded into the room.

"Welcome," he said, spreading his arms, "to our humble abode."

Show-off, Lightning would've said under her breath, but found herself too busy wondering if she would ever regain her sight back to think of anything else.

The man said again, "let me introduce ourselves. We are the Cullens: a clan-"

Just then, a loud boom and the sound of a lot of crackings drowned his voice out. She felt the thuds of heavy footsteps reverberate through her chest, and knew that a part of the house had collapsed.

Accuracy was never Bahamut's strongest point.


The game was the most ridiculous thing he had ever seen. And Snow was a fan of sports, so that was saying a lot.

There was just... something slightly disturbing about a bunch of grown-up adults actually being so into a game as to have a matching set of uniform. Complete with player numbers on the back. He knew they were rich – certainly rich enough to afford custom made uniforms, but a family uniform? Really? And hitting balls with a stick and running around randomly on the field? Really?

This world and its people, Snow thought. Then hit the edge of his bat on the ground. "Ready," he said, hefting it up. Damned uncomfortable, playing with his trench coat, but hell if he's gonna use on of their uniforms.

The short pixie one, what's her name? Alice? Yeah. Alice grinned and did that stupid looking pose with a leg raised. Then...


"Damnit!" he roared, striking his bat against the ground. Second time. He'd have to hit it now, no matter what. How could people who sparkle so much throw so goddamned fast? And once more, he readied his bat. "Ready!"

And thuck!

Homerun. Yes! He saw the hair gel guy disappear into the forest and made a dash for the first base, aiming for a clean run back. Gonna make it, he thought triumphantly, resisting the urge to hit his chest with his fists. Gonna- the hell?

Because the hair gel guy was back. In less than three seconds. With Snow's ball in his hand. That sounded wro- oh, damnit, he was aiming and


A dive at the first base. Phew. He looked at the referee – the mother? (who looked around twenty-two) and grinned. She smiled back: a thumbs up at him. Then he glanced up at Lightning, still from his position at the ground. She looked very bored, punching her fist against her glove like that. Snow knew that in her mind, it was his face that she was punching.

Snow shuddered.

And shuddered again, albeit for an entirely different reason.

Hissings. There were a lot of hissings. There were a goddamned lot of hissings. And what he hated most in the world was snakes. Those creepy, crawly bastards. The slimy skin, those dead eyes, the- urgh. Just urgh. There was a brief impulse to jump up and hug Lightning for comfort, but the thought of her reaction triumphed even his fear of snakes. Didn't stop him from darting out one hand and grabbing her by the ankle, though.

"What-" Lightning stumbled from surprise, then seemed to realise that it was just him and regained his balance. She glared at him. "It's not snakes, Snow."

It's hard to believe her, not when she had immediately went and bought a pet snake after overhearing his fear and placed it on the entrance to her house.

Lightning sighed and shook her foot, detaching his grip. "It's not. Look."

Snow looked. At propped himself up by the elbow, sitting cross legged at the ground for a better vantage point. He resisted the urge to ask Lightning for popcorn – there were no snakes, but the scene before him was just

"Ridiculous, eh?" Fang appeared besides Lightning, standing with one elbow casually draped over Lightning's shoulder. "Feels like watching a bad movie."

Snow had to agree to that. They do look ridiculous, crouching and hissing with arms apart, exactly like what a bunch of grownups wouldn't do. It reminded him of those 'special' kids in high school. "What's that? New-"

"Sparklies, yeah," Fang said.

And Snow's eyes upgraded to the size of dinner plates as Fang abruptly reached over, unzipped Lightning's vest, and rummaged inside.

"Fang!" came Lightning's shocked gasp.

"Don't worry sunshine, everybody already knows."

Well, Snow certainly didn't know. And his mind, dear creator, his mind. "Holy-"

"Your turn," she said cheerfully, forcefully reaching into Snow's trouser pockets. He found himself gasping when her probing fingers brushed a very, very dangerous place. And that 'dangerous place' was growing. A few torturous seconds later, she withdrew her hand with his crystal in her grip. "Aha, gotcha!"

"Fang, you better explain now or-"

"Relax, Light. And cover that, will ya Snow?"

Snow buttoned up his coat very primly. Hiding his growing embarrassment, he coughed. "And what are you going to do with our crystals?"

She grinned at him and said: "this." Then tossed all three crystals out and broke them simultaneously with a single blitz.

A horse, a dragon, and a motorcycle dropped from the sky and landed on top of the newcomers. The hissings immediately stopped.

Snow and Lightning looked at Fang.

"Well," she said, shrugging, "I've had enough of being blinded daily. Don't need more of 'em hanging around." Then turned and walked towards the now very silent family.

Snow stood up (making sure his coat remained neatly in place) and trudged stiffly after her, joining the fray. "Wow," he said, looking at the debris on the grass. "It's just like you guys are made of stone or something."

The father (who looked around twenty-three) cleared his throat. "Yes. Technically, we are."


The girl was pretty. A bit pale and clumsy, perhaps. But still pretty. And that was the only thing that mattered for Fang. Who cares if she's Spiky Hair's mate; it certainly hasn't stopped her conquests before. And yep. Mate. Taken straight from their mouths. Who uses the word mate these days, anyway?

She cornered the girl against a wall and held out a hand, running her fingers down the girl's cheek. "You're quite the pretty face. Anyone told ya that, sugar?" Because sunshine, obviously, had been reserved for Lightning and Lightning only.

"Actually..." The girl hesitated, biting her lips. "Not really."

"Uh-huh," came Fang's noncommittal sound, urging her to continue. Shy. Just her type.

"I'm so boring," the girl said, "no one ever pays attention to me. I even look boring-"

"Now now there, sugar." Self-esteem issues there. That could be rectified after a night with Fang, no problem.

"I mean, I don't understand why the guys in my school kept asking me out. It's so annoying. Gosh, I don't know what their problem is. I can't even go to my car without tripping over one of them, sometimes."

Wait. What? How did she go from self-deprecating to blatant self-complimenting?

"And Jacob. Don't even get me started." She scoffed, and Fang felt her grin falter. "I don't even know what they see in me. I trip over flat surfaces, I'm average looking... I just don't know what makes me so special, you know?"

Fang was at loss for words.

"I felt so alone and so helpless. So alienated. I thought I couldn't fit in anywhere: a social outcast. Then I met Edward..."

Two hours and many, many velvety adjectives later, Fang strolled out of the house in a daze and approached Lightning, who was occupied with repairing a collapsed section of the wall.

She stood behind Lightning's kneeling form, hands on her hips. Sniffing, she looked up at the sky. "I believe this is what they call karma."

"Perhaps," Lightning said airily. Then drove a nail into a wooden board with such force it split into two.

True Literature.
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