I think a big issue is your proclamation that fans won't like it as much as season 1 and 2.
Can you find a single Twin Peaks fan community online such as the major Twin Peaks forum or the Twin Peaks subreddit where the overwhelming opinion ISNT that season 3 is the best of the 3 seasons?
It is fair to say amongst the more rsvid/hardcore fanbase that season 3 has been embraced very widely.
The Twin Peaks Facebook group is pretty mixed for what it's worth...
But that's fine too. Season 3 is challenging. I don't think it's a matter of get vs not get, but whether it's your kind of thing or not. Season 1 and 2 definitely appeal to some groups season 3 doesn't. Heck maybe there are some groups who didn't like the first two season that would love season 3 if you made them watch the whole three seasons who never get to three in reality.
But it isn't poor writing. Like, I saw mother! last night and think everyone in this thread should go see it. It doesnt deliver a straight forwards narrative and it certainly won't be for everyone but it's unquestionably well written in that it succeeds at that the writer was trying to convey.
Not being something everyone will like doesn't make it poorly made, nor does it mean anything positive or negative about people that do or don't get it.
But that's a clear difference between entertainment and art. One is trying to entertain an audience and can be judged by it's failure to do so. The other isn't, and can't. Good art will find it's audience eventually just like Fire Walk With Me and the work of Stanley Kubrick etc. Bad entertainment is bad entertainment.
People who loved the week to week murder mystery of Twin Peaks, or the week to week love stories, won't find much to enjoy in season three and that's fine. Them being disappointed by that is fine too.
Yes David would hate them fast forwarding through parts but there isn't much in season three they would enjoy in the first place so I don't blame anyone for doing it.
But the show remains successful art even if it doesn't speak to everyone the same way.
TV is so rarely art that I think it's fair to give people a lot of leeway on this.