Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End


It's only "trying" if you've had your attention span completely destroyed by the internet and superhero movies.

Even the best attention span can't fix poor writing. And not even condescending posts to defend the poor writing can fix the poor writing.

Tammy is still the undisputed worst new character in Season 3.

Tammy was always cool.

It's Diane who needed to be better.

Lynch did the only thing I expected him to do: Creating something bold and different than anyone expected.

Yeah. I just wish along with bold and different it would've been more interesting too. Boldness and being different alone only go so far.


People are really upset about Audrey, huh? I can't say I missed her being promiscuous this season, which wouldn't have worked because of the passage of time, anyway.

I was more referring to Coop with that since they turned him into an empty husk for most of the season. And even when they brought him back he didn't have the same swagger.

Not everything is for everybody, that's okay.

Sure is. It's probably not a good idea to proclaim "the gum you like is going to come back in style" if you intend to make something completely different, though.

The old Twin Peaks was the show that revolutionized TV, but these times have long passed, TV has evolved as an art form that can rival films nowadays.

TV has largely surpassed film in my opinion. The latter still owns the market for big dumb action thanks to insane budgets, but for everything else from traditional genres like comedy to straight up storytelling TV wins. Still, I can't name anything similar to the original run of Twin Peaks in either medium. It would've been awesome if season 3 picked up where season 2 left off and they just don't acknowledge the actors have aged. Actors didn't want to reprise their roles? Just recast them. It's not like there isn't precedent with Donna. (be respectful and don't recast those that passed away, though) That to me would've been both more ballsy and crowd pleasing than what we got.

Ultimately whether someone liked this new season or not, I'm pretty sure it will stand the test of time and will be seen as a classic many years from now.

I'm sure holier-than-thou film student bloggers and such will tout it as the greatest chapter in Twin Peaks lore, but I don't think it will be anywhere near as beloved by the existing fan base as the original run nor will it cultivate droves of new fans down the line the way s1+2 did.


Unconfirmed Member
I love the original Twin Peaks and watched it in the 90s, but S3 surpassed S1/2 Imo. Just depends on what you are looking for and how ones tastes skew.


At least you could say Diane had a part to play in this story. Plus Laura Dern played her well. I don't care much about Diane but Tammy was a waste of a character imo especially reading the Secret History. Chrysta Bell, whether she was directed by Lynch to do so or not, felt very unimportant and you probably could have cut her character and she would not have been missed. She kinda just spouted out lines and looked sultry the entire time lol.


But yeah, I'm sure fans of this would rather write me off as someone who didn't get it or whatever.
This is such an annoying strawman that only seems to come up when someone is being defensive. I didn't say anything about you 'getting' the show or not. It's a challenging show that doesn't dole out answers easily or ever, so 'getting it' is highly interpretative. What I was getting admittedly pissy about is just randomly fast forward through the show, which is a bad way to watch anything, but particularly in a show like this that's built on very methodical pacing! That's got nothing to do with getting it or not, I just think it's TV watching 101 :lol


This is such an annoying strawman that only seems to come up when someone is being defensive. I didn't say anything about you 'getting' the show or not. It's a challenging show that doesn't dole out answers easily or ever, so 'getting it' is highly interpretative. What I was getting admittedly pissy about is just randomly fast forward through the show, which is a bad way to watch anything, but particularly in a show like this that's built on very methodical pacing! That's got nothing to do with getting it or not, I just think it's TV watching 101 :lol

I don't think I'm being defensive. I'm not the one defending this show. I even think that I agreed with you about fast forwarding in stating that it's something that I typically never do. It's not like I intended to when I picked up where I left off.

I think I also already explained why I was inclined to do so instead of just skipping the rest of the season completely. There are a few bits that I did enjoy. I'm a fan of the original run, it left questions, and of course I would be pleased to get some answers. And I admittedly fast forwarded very little through the final two episodes since they were overall higher quality than the bulk of the season.

As far as methodical pacing is concerned, that's fine if the writing is engrossing. I've heard a lot of criticism from friends/family about Boardwalk Empire being "slow," but I absolutely adored seasons 1-4 because the character interactions were largely well written and I found the weaving of fiction into history so compelling. Conversely, having bad cop yell "shut up" at no eyes lady and parrot guy for the fifth time (or first, for that matter) just isn't at all entertaining to me.


I don't think I'm being defensive.
"I'm sure fans of this would rather write me off as someone who didn't get it or whatever."

Every time someone enters this thread (or the last one) to be critical about the show, they end couching it in "but I guess you guys would just think I don't get it." Like, no one ever says that! (Well, usually.) I just think it's a lazy way to deflect counter-arguments.

I think it's totally fine for people to not like this season. I loved it, warts and all, but it's a weird, challenging, divisive thing. I'm not bothered by you not liking it. I think it's a real shame that longtime Peaks fans who had been waiting years for this felt let down by it. So my issue isn't that you didn't like it, it's just the random fast forwarding to move through parts you don't like that rubbed me the wrong way.


"I'm sure fans of this would rather write me off as someone who didn't get it or whatever."

Every time someone enters this thread (or the last one) to be critical about the show, they end couching it in "but I guess you guys would just think I don't get it." Like, no one ever says that! (Well, usually.) I just think it's a lazy way to deflect counter-arguments.

I think it's totally fine for people to not like this season. I loved it, warts and all, but it's a weird, challenging, divisive thing. I'm not bothered by you not liking it. I think it's a real shame that longtime Peaks fans who had been waiting years for this felt let down by it. So my issue isn't that you didn't like it, it's just the random fast forwarding to move through parts you don't like that rubbed me the wrong way.

Well, yeah. I'm not looking to get into arguments over the quality of the show. I found it boring and no level of outside interpretation/opinion or ancillary content will change that. Trent Reznor performs a shitty five minute song. That's what I seen on screen and that's what I wished I hadn't wasted my time with. It doesn't matter if the song represented James' lost innocence or some shit. Is it a lazy deflection? Maybe... I don't really care. But you have to admit that this is the kind of content with super fans who read way too much into stuff and get argumentative of dissenting opinions. I myself was guilty of this when a friend wasn't feeling season one.

But now we're way off topic so I'll drop it. Sometimes people bitch about shit on the internet. That's what I did. But at least I qualified my opinion for what it was instead of misrepresenting it as me picking apart every frame and mathematically calculating the degree to which it sucked. And hey, at least me paying attention to what I was fast forwarding through shows that I was engaged in the content to a degree as I didn't want to miss anything with actual dialog or other moments of discernible significance. At least I wasn't doing what many do and stare at my phone relegating it to background noise.


It's Diane who needed to be better.

Diane was awesome. Actually the entire Revival was incredible. I feel like I can't even watch television any more in a post-Twin Peaks S3 world. Nothing on Netflix or HBO interests me any more after the gift of 18 hours of David Lynch.
Diane was awesome. Actually the entire Revival was incredible. I feel like I can't even watch television any more in a post-Twin Peaks S3 world. Nothing on Netflix or HBO interests me any more after the gift of 18 hours of David Lynch.
I feel similarly haha. I honestly think this season has been some of the best television I have ever seen. I can't wait for the bluray release so I can watch it again :)


Well, yeah. I'm not looking to get into arguments over the quality of the show. I found it boring and no level of outside interpretation/opinion or ancillary content will change that. Trent Reznor performs a shitty five minute song. That's what I seen on screen and that's what I wished I hadn't wasted my time with. It doesn't matter if the song represented James' lost innocence or some shit. Is it a lazy deflection? Maybe... I don't really care. But you have to admit that this is the kind of content with super fans who read way too much into stuff and get argumentative of dissenting opinions. I myself was guilty of this when a friend wasn't feeling season one.

But now we're way off topic so I'll drop it. Sometimes people bitch about shit on the internet. That's what I did. But at least I qualified my opinion for what it was instead of misrepresenting it as me picking apart every frame and mathematically calculating the degree to which it sucked. And hey, at least me paying attention to what I was fast forwarding through shows that I was engaged in the content to a degree as I didn't want to miss anything with actual dialog or other moments of discernible significance. At least I wasn't doing what many do and stare at my phone relegating it to background noise.
I think a big issue is your proclamation that fans won't like it as much as season 1 and 2.

Can you find a single Twin Peaks fan community online such as the major Twin Peaks forum or the Twin Peaks subreddit where the overwhelming opinion ISNT that season 3 is the best of the 3 seasons?

It is fair to say amongst the more rsvid/hardcore fanbase that season 3 has been embraced very widely.


I'm annoyed by people skittering around the phrase "you don't get it." It's fine not to get things. I "get" Twin Peaks; I don't "get" something like Inception. I understood the plot and the story basically, I understood why characters did what they did, but I don't understand what it is people see in that film. And that's okay, because I'm not going to "get" everything I see and read and hear, nor will everyone else. I don't think it's insulting, it's just a fact of life.

If you don't get Twin Peaks, that's fine. It won't be for everyone to get. But please don't let that get under your skin and then accuse the rest of us of being sycophants or something. This was some of the best television I've watched, probably the most cinematic thing to release this year and probably will release this year, and I was thoroughly and utterly engrossed the entire run. Everyone else can feel however they want about it and that's fine, but if I can respect that it's not for you, please respect that it was for me.
I'm pretty okay with Tammy. She was another of the younger generation. Which you need to show. She was the one given the grunt work to do. Albert and Cole are too senior to analyze fingerprints and do data collection. And she also helps the characters explain things to the audience that the Senior characters otherwise know (Blue Rose Task Force, Tulpas, etc.).
I'm pretty okay with Tammy. She was another of the younger generation. Which you need to show. She was the one given the grunt work to do. Albert and Cole are too senior to analyze fingerprints and do data collection. And she also helps the characters explain things to the audience that the Senior characters otherwise know (Blue Rose Task Force, Tulpas, etc.).
I agree with you in theory, but I feel like they didn't go far enough with it. Other than the interrogation scene - which, unlike most, I thought she did a really good job with - Tammy doesn't really do anything other than pose, wiggle, and get exposited at.

She really needed at least a couple more scenes where her character is under the spotlight.


I agree with you in theory, but I feel like they didn't go far enough with it. Other than the interrogation scene - which, unlike most, I thought she did a really good job with - Tammy doesn't really do anything other than pose, wiggle, and get exposited at.

She really needed at least a couple more scenes where her character is under the spotlight.

I agree. She became the newest member of the Blue Rose Task Force, but what'd she really do that can compare to the other members? She didn't make any discoveries that advanced the plot - Gordon and Albert were usually one step ahead of her, and were more or less testing/training her. She should've had her own standout moment nearer the end.


I liked Tammy but she felt weirdly underused, particularly given that Secret History introduced her. It was really weird how they didn't even try to mention her knowing about Twin Peaks/Briggs/etc. from the dossier she supposedly read.

Though I still wonder if that's just because of when it was filmed vs when the book came out and potentially wanting to leave things open for the Final Dossier to show.


Unconfirmed Member
Tammy was the worst new character.
They should have given her a moment to shine near the end.
. It would've been awesome if season 3 picked up where season 2 left off and they just don't acknowledge the actors have aged. Actors didn't want to reprise their roles? Just recast them. It's not like there isn't precedent with Donna. (be respectful and don't recast those that passed away, though) That to me would've been both more ballsy and crowd pleasing than what we got.
Beyond being incredibly sad, that would have just drawn attention to how different the show would have been. It is not possible to recapture exactly what Twin Peaks was in the 90s. Everyone has aged and changed.

And hey, at least me paying attention to what I was fast forwarding through shows that I was engaged in the content to a degree as I didn't want to miss anything with actual dialog or other moments of discernible significance. At least I wasn't doing what many do and stare at my phone relegating it to background noise.
So much of the appeal of this show was in the silences and scenes that were only there to build atmosphere.
Diane was excellent right up until episode 17 imo

Her tulpa being shot probably should have been the end of her story.
Nah, real Dkane/Linda's was one of the best new characters. The sex scene was really raw in how desperate it was.
Tammy was the worst new character.
They should have given her a moment to shine near the end.

Beyond being incredibly sad, that would have just drawn attention to how different the show would have been. It is not possible to recapture exactly what Twin Peaks was in the 90s. Everyone has aged and changed.

So much of the appeal of this show was in the silences and scenes that were only there to build atmosphere.

Nah, real Dkane/Linda's was one of the best new characters. The sex scene was really raw in how desperate it was.

Diane's episode 17/18 scenes are godlike in a vacuum, but complete garbage in the context of the series as a whole.


Nine Inch Nails Have Another Twin Peaks Song, But It Wasn’t Well Received

'Reznor said, “It was written specifically for Twin Peaks. Actually we wrote a different song initially, he said, ‘How about something less Twin Peaksy sounding, and more aggressive and ugly.'”

'Then a few a months later he asked me, ‘Hey, you want to come by to my house and check out your footage?’ So we go by, it started, the frame we began playing, I think it went one frame past it, and he said, ‘Pretend you didn’t see that.’ That was Cooper lying on the ground.”


Beyond being incredibly sad, that would have just drawn attention to how different the show would have been. It is not possible to recapture exactly what Twin Peaks was in the 90s. Everyone has aged and changed.

Wouldn't that be quite an interesting idea though?
A world where people and all living things have aged but it would still be the next day from the ending of season 2.

Now that would be a mystery!
Kinda crazy how Lynch and MacLachlan nailed the tempo and sound of Mr. C way back in the Missing Pieces extended version of the "HOW'S ANNIE?" scene. I haven't watched that since a few weeks before S3 aired, so going back to it now that we've seen so much of the doppelganger is just strange. The delivery on "But I haven't brushed my teeth yet" feels like the launching pad for the entire modern performance.

And of course the full Jeffries scene, the full convenience store scene, Cooper's scene with The Arm ("Is is future or is it past?"), etc. all have way more context and importance to them now. It really is a shame that these scenes are relegated to a deleted scene collection. I'd love to see a proper (read: not fan created) recut of FWWM with S3 in mind.
I think a big issue is your proclamation that fans won't like it as much as season 1 and 2.

Can you find a single Twin Peaks fan community online such as the major Twin Peaks forum or the Twin Peaks subreddit where the overwhelming opinion ISNT that season 3 is the best of the 3 seasons?

It is fair to say amongst the more rsvid/hardcore fanbase that season 3 has been embraced very widely.
The Twin Peaks Facebook group is pretty mixed for what it's worth...

But that's fine too. Season 3 is challenging. I don't think it's a matter of get vs not get, but whether it's your kind of thing or not. Season 1 and 2 definitely appeal to some groups season 3 doesn't. Heck maybe there are some groups who didn't like the first two season that would love season 3 if you made them watch the whole three seasons who never get to three in reality.

But it isn't poor writing. Like, I saw mother! last night and think everyone in this thread should go see it. It doesnt deliver a straight forwards narrative and it certainly won't be for everyone but it's unquestionably well written in that it succeeds at that the writer was trying to convey.

Not being something everyone will like doesn't make it poorly made, nor does it mean anything positive or negative about people that do or don't get it.

But that's a clear difference between entertainment and art. One is trying to entertain an audience and can be judged by it's failure to do so. The other isn't, and can't. Good art will find it's audience eventually just like Fire Walk With Me and the work of Stanley Kubrick etc. Bad entertainment is bad entertainment.

People who loved the week to week murder mystery of Twin Peaks, or the week to week love stories, won't find much to enjoy in season three and that's fine. Them being disappointed by that is fine too.

Yes David would hate them fast forwarding through parts but there isn't much in season three they would enjoy in the first place so I don't blame anyone for doing it.

But the show remains successful art even if it doesn't speak to everyone the same way.

TV is so rarely art that I think it's fair to give people a lot of leeway on this.


Unconfirmed Member
Diane's episode 17/18 scenes are godlike in a vacuum, but complete garbage in the context of the series as a whole.
I can't really argue with that, but I had no complaints with how they were presented at the time. Perhaps I was just too under Lynch's spell to care about how we're essentially presented with a completely different character right at the end.
I think it didn't bother me because Cooper was now becoming so different and the boundaries of the show were becoming so fluid that I was open to anything at that point.
It reminds me of The End of Evangelion. Anno hijacks the characterisation we've seen previously but in doing so he creates such an intense experience that I won't complain about it.
Wouldn't that be quite an interesting idea though?
A world where people and all living things have aged but it would still be the next day from the ending of season 2.

Now that would be a mystery!
It's an interesting and funny concept, but it would inevitably have to evolve into some kind of satire or commentary on the original show. It wouldn't be possible to sustain a recreation of the season 2 tone and feel for long without it getting really uncomfortable.
But that's a clear difference between entertainment and art. One is trying to entertain an audience and can be judged by it's failure to do so. The other isn't, and can't. Good art will find it's audience eventually just like Fire Walk With Me and the work of Stanley Kubrick etc. Bad entertainment is bad entertainment.
I'd add that good art is entertaining. It's often entertaining in different ways to what we usually think of when we think 'entertainment', but as long as it gives us something to find intellectual engagement, emotional catharsis, etc I consider that entertaining. Kubrick and Fire Walk With Me are definitely entertaining. Art made under the misconception that it doesn't have to be entertaining is usually pathetically self-involved and pretentious.


Neo Member
TV has largely surpassed film in my opinion. The latter still owns the market for big dumb action thanks to insane budgets, but for everything else from traditional genres like comedy to straight up storytelling TV wins. Still, I can't name anything similar to the original run of Twin Peaks in either medium. It would've been awesome if season 3 picked up where season 2 left off and they just don't acknowledge the actors have aged. Actors didn't want to reprise their roles? Just recast them. It's not like there isn't precedent with Donna. (be respectful and don't recast those that passed away, though) That to me would've been both more ballsy and crowd pleasing than what we got.

My God, that sounds like the worst idea ever.

In EP17, do we know what Phillip Jeffries meant when he told Cooper "There may be someone... did you ask me this?"


I'm annoyed by people skittering around the phrase "you don't get it." It's fine not to get things. I "get" Twin Peaks; I don't "get" something like Inception. I understood the plot and the story basically, I understood why characters did what they did, but I don't understand what it is people see in that film. And that's okay, because I'm not going to "get" everything I see and read and hear, nor will everyone else. I don't think it's insulting, it's just a fact of life.

If you don't get Twin Peaks, that's fine. It won't be for everyone to get. But please don't let that get under your skin and then accuse the rest of us of being sycophants or something. This was some of the best television I've watched, probably the most cinematic thing to release this year and probably will release this year, and I was thoroughly and utterly engrossed the entire run. Everyone else can feel however they want about it and that's fine, but if I can respect that it's not for you, please respect that it was for me.

The defense force just reads like this


Real Hero

People should be able to criticise the show without resorting to 'and people only like it because they are pretentious posers'. this thread was full of people enjoying it each week and when somone feels the need to imply those people were just pretending makes them a dickhead


I really miss this show. I don't really want another season necessarily because I'm dying for the story to continue. There's just nothing else like it out there. It kind of ruined all other shows that I was trying to watch in between. I had a hard time caring about GoT.


Been watching this again, and I have absolutely no clue what they disappearing bleeping black device is. They never brought it up again even.


TammyBeyond being incredibly sad, that would have just drawn attention to how different the show would have been. It is not possible to recapture exactly what Twin Peaks was in the 90s. Everyone has aged and changed.
While not saying picking up right where seasons 2 left off would've been a good idea, it really wouldn't have been. All the bits and pieces that took place in Twin Peaks this season with the old characters, very much felt like the old Twin Peaks series to me. The Double R dinner with Norma and Shelly, Doctor Jacoby going completely mental in those speeches, the mystery in the woods of where Bobby used to play with his father, even something as simple as the ringing sounds in the Great Northern Hotel, it all felt very much like the original series to me. All the while everything outside of the town or or outside of the Red Room/White/Black Lodge, and especially all the Dougie stuff, just felt... Well off to me.

I do think they could've recaptured it perfectly. But it's Lynch, we all knew better than that and we knew we would be in for a wild ride. Which was exactly what we got.
Not everything is for everybody, that's okay.

Lynch did the only thing I expected him to do: Creating something bold and different than anyone expected.
The old Twin Peaks was the show that revolutionized TV, but these times have long passed, TV has evolved as an art form that can rival films nowadays.
Ultimately whether someone liked this new season or not, I'm pretty sure it will stand the test of time and will be seen as a classic many years from now.

The last two episodes moved me like nobody else in film or TV ever did, I can't put my finger on it or describe it in words, but no finale left me as speechless since the cut to black in The Sopranos. It was a nice run.

So, being honest here: I hate Season 3. I had times watching it, but the frustration and anger I feel when thinking about how many new threads it opened when it never bother to close them is infuriating.

So, to my question. I kinda have a problem with a common defense of S3 any any criticism for it: "
Lynch did the only thing I expected him to do: Creating something bold and different than anyone expected."

So, my question: What does it take to not meet the criteria in the quote? Technically, 18 hours of a black frame would be 'bold' and 'different'. All the defenses I see to see from people piling on those with critical views seem to boil down to "It was weird! That's all I wanted!"

If the only metric is "was it weird", then it can never be bad. Quality is now not a meaningful part of the discussion, as any complaints can be deflected with the lazy defense of "but it was weird tho" as a magical Trump card.

Season 3 was most definitely bold and different. That does not automatically make it good.


Neo Member
Season 3 was most definitely bold and different. That does not automatically make it good.

That is correct, I don't think anyone would/should disagree with this point.

I'm one of the people who loved season 3, and I honestly find it really difficult to get excited about watching anything else on TV right now. I had the same feeling while watching GoT this year too, which is unusual.

Isn't it strange how we have opposing views on the show? That's the great thing about TP in my opinion, is that it can mean different things to different people.

All the criticisms people have of the show are 100% correct when it comes to unresolved plot, scenes that went on too long, uneven pace, etc... but I personally don't mind any of it. I enjoyed the torturous slow pace and expansion of the TP universe. It works for me because I was in it for the journey, not the answers. That's not to say it's wrong to watch the show expecting answers, but I'm saying here that expectations play a role in how it is enjoyed, and this applies to practically everywhere else too.
Well, Monday mornings officially suck again without a new Peaks to watch and discuss.

Has there been an unboxing of the Bluray yet? I'm hoping there's a 'missing pieces vol 2' included in there. Gimme gimme.


Unconfirmed Member
I just finished binging this. I don't know what to say other than that I very much enjoyed reading the OT while watching this. The complete mindfuck that was episode 8 was just hilarious to see unfold through the comments here. I especially laughed at the poster who before it aired said something like "This is going to be a James-focused episode, I can feel it".

In general though, I loved it, despite some weak episodes. Dougie got old fast, but Dale Coopers return made the torture worth every single second.


Well, Monday mornings officially suck again without a new Peaks to watch and discuss.

Has there been an unboxing of the Bluray yet? I'm hoping there's a 'missing pieces vol 2' included in there. Gimme gimme.

Bluray is only coming out in December so patience is required. The producer has stated that there aren't any deleted scenes, so a Missing Pieces thing seems unlikely. Mclachlan has mentioned extensive behind the scenes material however.


How the fuck does this actually somehow make sense with the finale in view? Lynch, you magnificent bastard!
Is this scene gonna make sense later I was so God damn confused


Well, Monday mornings officially suck again without a new Peaks to watch and discuss.

Has there been an unboxing of the Bluray yet? I'm hoping there's a 'missing pieces vol 2' included in there. Gimme gimme.

Unboxing for a bluray that was just announced last week and isn't out for months?

Also we got confirmation in the reddit q&a last week there are no deleted scenes.
Bluray is only coming out in December so patience is required. The producer has stated that there aren't any deleted scenes, so a Missing Pieces thing seems unlikely. Mclachlan has mentioned extensive behind the scenes material however.

It's disappointing they aren't releasing any of the deleted scenes or Missing Pieces. I guess it's possible they're going through it all to make it presentable and decide what gets out for a future release. Hopefully. Was there any mention of other extras, like commentary?
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