Just started playing on PS4.
How the hell am I supposed to counter the girl with the orb aura that hurts you while she is also super fast?
50% of my deaths in my dozen games are to people using this ability on me, it's enraging. Haven't had any other characters or abilities even kill be 10% as often.
Go here and see what you might be up against:
It can list damage per second and anything else you'd want to know.
Novices die to her all the time. If its a team of novices, you're probably going to lose against Ayla (the orb girl). Once you understand her tricks it will be much more even. Keep in mind:
-All abilities (other than one basic attack) have some kind of cooldown period where they can't be used again. If Ayla uses her ball or evil eye (close range 1 shot projectile that does more damage based on how hurt Ayla is), she can't use the same ability again for a few seconds.
-the orb can give her a speedboost while its active (with upgrade)
-If you whole team is in the orb, scatter! She gets lifesteal (health back) based on the damage she does, which increases the more people are in there.
-the evil eye at maximum upgrade can do 96 damage when Ayla is at low health (25% normally, 45% with upgrades)
The way to kill Ayla is to do a lot of damage all at once, and prevent her from escaping. If you *almost* kill her, that sets her evil eye up for a very powerful attack, so make sure you finish the job.
Some characters have traps that can make this easier. Derpl has snares, Clunk has a bite that snares, Lonestar can push her into a wall, etc.
Burst (all at once) damage is key. Again, Derpl and Clunk are good - they can both do explosions for 50+ damage. Lonestar's dynamite can do 20x3 damage, and so on. Most characters have burst damage.