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Azerbaijan plans worlds largest tower; Dubai am cry

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Those mighty Kingdom Tower guys are probably crying their eyes out right about now! In the spitfire race to build the tallest edifice on the globe, there's a new frontfronner: Azerbaijan Tower, a kilometer-tall structure that's set to break ground in 2015 in the Republic of Azerbaijan in Eurasia. If you don't usually equate Azerbaijan with, say, skyscrapers, it's because this beast will essentially be the first, rising above the Caspian's Khazar Islands, a 41-island manmade archipelago that has yet to be developed to its $100B glory. And compared to the Burj Khalifa, currently the world's tallest building at 2,723 feet, and Saudi Arabia's planned Kingdom Tower (3,280 feet, not a mile, as Curbed previously reported), Azerbaijan's 3,444-foot mass will go unrivaled. Ever poetically, Architizer describes the architecture of the new edifice as such: "the form altogether shuns the slim, shard-like profiles that characterize the current crop of Brobdingnagian skyscraper design. Instead, it curiously alludes both to the platonic massings of Constructivist projects (via corporate High-Tech of ’80s and ’90s) and various paper arcologies of the last quarter of the past century, from the Metabolists to the Sims." Estimated completion, 2018 or 2019; estimated cost: $2B.



but even taller!

These pics pretty much look like Crackdown IRL.


In context, this is all built out into the Caspian Sea (and the whole complex, etc. will be closer to $100M)





A real life dick waving contest, every few years we seem to hear about a new tower.

granted these buildings are awesome when they're done.

That's actually fucking awesome.


or they could spend that money on diversifying their economy so that they aren't massively reliant on oil...

nope, build skyscrapers that make you feel like a modern country even though it will lead you to absolute reliance on US/EU/Chinese demand for oil and be at the mercy of wider OPEC, geopolitical decisions!

anyway, it looks like something Shinra would build in Midgar.


Do they have plans to, you know, fill it with businesses and people? Cause that seems to be a vital part of the whole "gigantic building" thing.


Back in the 60s and 70s we were in a space race... Now we're in a giant building contest. USA should just create the tallest building that is also a spaceship.


So they are building the worlds largest tower, out in the sea, on a man-made island, in a region with a fair amount of seismic activity?



Ha! SimCity2000 is actually the first thing I thought of seeing the renders.

The building is insanely huge and not just the jaw-dropping 3400ft figure. Some of the attached lipstick tubes will be almost as tall as Burj Khalifa itself. Can they really find a use for all the space inside?

And it looks like much of the surrounding area will be filled with 1000+ ft skyscrapers to boot.

I also see an oval track and a road course track.

Good lord.
Was I the only one that thought of a Final Fantasy cutscene when I saw those renders?

No, I was thinking something similar too haha

Those pictures are odd though...they don't make it look very tall. I guess it's the building's design and the other buildings and whatnot around it, but I'm having a hard time picturing how tall it actually is :/

Does look kind of neat though, very different from what we normally see.

That tower...can't unsee lightsabre hilts

That too.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The tower looks like its coming from some sci-fi movie, cool.

But by the time the Earth is filled with futurist looking buildings, i'll be an old man or dead. :(


All these places are starting to remind me of the art design in the Star Wars prequel trilogy or something.


Should spend that money on a space elevator. They make something really useful and still get the biggest dick award.


The building is insanely huge and not just the jaw-dropping 3400ft figure. Some of the attached lipstick tubes will be almost as tall as Burj Khalifa itself. Can they really find a use for all the space inside?

Good question.
How long has the Burj Khalifa been completed, and what is the current occupancy rate?
And I'd say Dubai is a more desirable location than Azerbaijan...
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