I enjoyed it but one gripe I had was how Buddy (John Hamm) was basically invincible, it just seemed out of place.
It was like a slasher movie reference since his real name ends up being Jason haha
Anyways perhaps there will be better movies this year, the fall tends to have a lot of good ones but I'm finding it unlikely I'll enjoy any other movie this year as much as this one. So fun personally. And I just fuck with spacey, Hamm and Foxx a lot so to see them deliver lines from an Edgar Wright script had me gassed.
I get why people would say the opening scene was the best, it was like the big statement of the film showing the concept and kicked it into high gear. But I thought the botched heist at the end with the footchase and the shootout with the cops was better personally. Best song from the soundtrack, and it reminded me a lot of stuff like heat and point break with how urgent and frantic it got
For action movies this year I've got:
Baby Driver > Logan > John Wick 2