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Balance between Christian Values of Pro-Life and Abstinence


I had such an atypical Catholic School experience. They were really upfront, "listen, try not to have sex until you're ready. If not, at least wear a condom and watch out for STIs."

The texts we had were surprisingly decent too, stressing that sex doesn't have to be the end all for a relationship, or just some coming of age thing to get out of the way.

But yeah most Catholic Schools take it too far it seems.

My experience too.


"Pro life" as a term needs to die. And a lot of Christians support expanded capital punishment. They are not pro life and they do not get to associate that term with their absurd, childish worldview.
My exact view on the subject. Fuck their hypocritical horse shit. Especially since they directly hurt the lives of millions of innocent women.


My experience too.

The teachers at mine were very forthcoming about it. Students never felt they were pressured not to honestly despite all the mandatory religion classes. My school did force me to sit through Pam Stenzel however. That's something I won't soon forget, she's insane.


Even as an Agnostic, I think Pro-Life vs Pro-Abortion is a good debate to have. However, what I don't think is up for debate is Pro-choice.

What's funny though, is Conservatives and evangelicals don't wanna come to the table for logical solutions to combat abortions. Like Obama forcing birth control availability, tat the GOP want to now reverse. They don't want a fuckin middle ground.

I was raised with "don't do the crime if you can't do the time". Acting responsibly, not having sex until after high school. And it kept me, and any girl I dated as a high school attendee, and a young adult, out of trouble.

I think it's ok to be Pro-Life, AND pro-abortion in the sense that preventing unwanted pregnancies through education, parenting, free birth control availability male AND female, EDUCATION, encouragement, EDU-fuckin-CATION. But at the end of the day, it's about what a female chooses to do with her own body.

GOP do everything they can to limit abortion as if Rowe v Wade doesn't fuckin exist. Including burials, guilt tripping the mom, printing goddamn birth certificates, etc. BUT FUCK TAXPAYERS PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL

"Pro life" as a term needs to die. And a lot of Christians support expanded capital punishment. They are not pro life and they do not get to associate that term with their absurd, childish worldview.
Also this
I'm the last thing from a Bible expert, but...

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

I mean Song of Solomon...

Behold, you are beautiful, my love,
behold, you are beautiful!
Your eyes are doves
behind your veil.
Your hair is like a flock of goats
leaping down the slopes of Gilead.
2 Your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes
that have come up from the washing,
all of which bear twins,
and not one among them has lost its young.
3 Your lips are like a scarlet thread,
and your mouth is lovely.
Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate
behind your veil.
4 Your neck is like the tower of David,
built in rows of stone;[a]
on it hang a thousand shields,
all of them shields of warriors.
5 Your two breasts are like two fawns,
twins of a gazelle,
that graze among the lilies.
6 Until the day breathes
and the shadows flee,
I will go away to the mountain of myrrh
and the hill of frankincense.


Proverbs 5

15 Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. 16 Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? 17 Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. 18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.


The post said:

So it's not a matter of finding 1 thing against, but about not finding anything for - which is clearly and demonstrably false.
Sure. But that passage is pretty fucking clear. There's no glossing over it.

If people truly followed the teachings of Jesus, the world would be a better place. But the reality is a very large portion of the population warps the Bible into a tool of hate to demonize gay people in a VERY significant way.

I know a lot of good Christians that truly are accepting of everyone. I also know a lot of Christians who are deeply homophobic due to their belief it's a heinous sin. It goes both ways. You can't ignore the negative impact it's had and focus primarily on the positives. Too many innocent gay people have been hurt and their lives destroyed in the name of religion. As the son of a gay man from a deeply religious family, I have first hand experience.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The Student Pledge which every student from 5th grade through 12th grade signs states that this application of Philippians 4:8 “extends to my actions, such as protecting my body by abstaining from sexual immorality and from the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs”.


Philippians 4-8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


This has been circulating for a while and I dreaded it showing up here because of regressive atheists who need to treat all religions and all believers as one single monolith. On the one hand, this school really does have a theology it's trying to promote, with logic and social data to back it up, and they shouldn't be forced to compromise on it. This is a private institution, people choose whether they want to be a part of this community. Something that really disturbs me today is when federal politicians suggest using funding as a weapon to dictate which religious tenets private communities are and are not allowed to believe in. Separation of Church and State needs to work both ways.

That's not exactly at issue here and I'm obviously with the majority of reasonable people that she should have been allowed to walk. If anything, it's a net gain for their values to put front and center this person who has every opportunity in the world open to her, yet chose the morally defensible path over a more convenient one. Hopefully the conversatiom this started will get Heritage to reevaluate this position in the future.
Sure. But that passage is pretty fucking clear. There's no glossing over it.

If people truly followed the teachings of Jesus, the world would be a better place. But the reality is a very large portion of the population warps the Bible into a tool of hate to demonize gay people in a VERY significant way.

I know a lot of good Christians that truly are accepting of everyone. I also know a lot of Christians who are deeply homophobic due to their belief it's a heinous sin. It goes both ways. You can't ignore the negative impact it's had and focus primarily on the positives. Too many innocent gay people have been hurt and their lives destroyed in the name of religion.


But it comes down to how you read and understand the Bible. Fundamental Christians read the Bible as a timeless truth that can apply across the board.

Or you can read the Bible as a collection of stories with of real people in ancient cultures and their interactions with divine experiences. The trajectory of the 1,000's of years recorded in the Bible is a journey of expanded human consciousness and awareness. Much like a middle schooler is almost always functioning on an ego-centric level developmentally, ancient cultures were not developed enough to go much beyond their collective development. As the story goes on, their collective awareness of their responsibility and actions expands and includes their awareness of the spirituality.

This is a vast over simplification, but it really is two totally different categories. These dualities of perspectives are not restricted purely to religion. Arguably it is more about both individual and collective development and awareness and ideologies that restrict and others that free. Religion has been a large contributor to control and restriction, but it has also been a large contributor to freedom and deeper awareness.


It's not about "winning," and it's not about "semantics."
It's about the fact that your post didn't correspond with what you were replying to.
Sorry, I didn't mean to unload my rant on you like that directly. That's my bad. Just something I have dealt with a lot.



But it comes down to how you read and understand the Bible. Fundamental Christians read the Bible as a timeless truth that can apply across the board.

Or you can read the Bible as a collection of stories with of real people in ancient cultures and their interactions with divine experiences. The trajectory of the 1,000's of years recorded in the Bible is a journey of expanded human consciousness and awareness. Much like a middle schooler is almost always functioning on an ego-centric level developmentally, ancient cultures were not developed enough to go much beyond their collective development. As the story goes on, their collective awareness of their responsibility and actions expands and includes their awareness of the spirituality.

This is a vast over simplification, but it really is two totally different categories. These dualities of perspectives are not restricted purely to religion. Arguably it is more about both individual and collective development and awareness and ideologies that restrict and others that free. Religion has been a large contributor to control and restriction, but it has also been a large contributor to freedom and deeper awareness.
Great post and I appreciate the insight dude.


“You have these two competing values,” said Brad Wilcox, a sociologist at the University of Virginia who directs the National Marriage Project, which conducts research on marriage and families. “On the one hand, the school is seeking to maintain some kind of commitment to what has classically been called chastity — or today might be called abstinence. At the same time, there’s an expectation in many Christian circles that we are doing all that we can to honor life.”

Yeah, this has always confused the hell out of me. It almost seems like they want stuff like this to be swept under the rug, any way they can. And that would probably include getting an abortion.

Good on this girl for being courageous and having consistent principles. School be damned.


This has been circulating for a while and I dreaded it showing up here because of regressive atheists who need to treat all religions and all believers as one single monolith.
Yeah regressive atheists are clearly the recurring problem with all these reproductive rights news.
I'm pretty clear on what kind of believer you are when you don't consider abortion a "morally defensible" option.
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