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Baldur's Gate III | OT | Bear in Mind, Your Choices Have Consequences


I've just tested the EA release to see how it runs on my PC and how the game plays

And yeah, I'm 100% buying it. This is such an improvement over Divinity 2 presentation wise, holy shit

The start of Divinity 2 was slooow, and presented in such a boring way. Here the game starts with a bang and you get invested immediately

The game runs like shit here tho, even locked at 30 and with DLSS on. Early access and all that, so I'm sure it will be improved by launch.

They have to release a demo of the opening hours. I'm now sure that despite it being a cRPG, if they tweak the game a little to make it easier and more user friendly it can be a huge hit.

Since progress is not carrying over, I've stoped playing and will now wait for the final release


you are limited to one short rest per long rest -

not sure if this video is still to date as its 2 years old but this is how it works

Its 2 short rests per long rest now. I know short rest happens within the region, i'm just unsure in regards to long rest, if there are camps for every region or just one camp.


The post-rationalization is worthless.
Functionally it remains an INSTANCED camp separated from the rest of the gaming world, where you are under no risk of being interrupted or assaulted in any way.
Just because they reskin it (with sparse consistency, too) when you change area, the concept doesn't really change.
Another downside to using camp i wasn't aware of before is that long rests 'progress time'. Some quests will change or fail depending on the amount of long rests you take at a certain point, like being too late to save a person, or have a story bit progress without you. I'd say this also works as another stopper against players spamming rests.
Magic user always. Might be a support healer, let thy companions slay.

A week out, preordered. Ordered a 1 tb ssd too to install on my laptop. 120 gb is no joke.


Another downside to using camp i wasn't aware of before is that long rests 'progress time'. Some quests will change or fail depending on the amount of long rests you take at a certain point, like being too late to save a person, or have a story bit progress without you. I'd say this also works as another stopper against players spamming rests.
Yeah, it would, except it isn't how it works.
The way it works is that when you enter a certain area, you activate an invisible trigger. If you leave that area in any way (even just walking two hundred meters back on your steps) whatever events you trigger in that area progress automatically.
It has nothing to do with the number or rests OR how long it took you to get there.
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Yeah, it would, except it isn't how it works.
The way it works is that when you enter a certain area, you activate an invisible trigger. If you leave that area in any way (even just walking two hundred meters back on your steps) whatever events you trigger in that area progress automatically.
It has nothing to do with the number or rests OR how long it took you to get there.
Not what i've been reading from other players. It has nothing to do with real time passage indeed, but resting does progress certain world and quest events, not necessarely in a positive way. I imagine in addition to that leaving a certain area may also trigger such progresses. The main point though, is that this still means rests aren't really 'free'.

Keep in mind this is a REALLY important point that should be made clear for other players jumping into the game now. We shouldn't mislead them saying you can just long rest whenever you feel like without any meaningful downsides, when in fact that could be affecting their playthrough.
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Gold Member
Bard just seems like the most fun class to play from a roleplay standpoint. You bring everything to the table in combat, making it way easier to balance your party out to your liking. Also you've got that silver tongue when it comes to RP segments.


Another downside to using camp i wasn't aware of before is that long rests 'progress time'. Some quests will change or fail depending on the amount of long rests you take at a certain point, like being too late to save a person, or have a story bit progress without you. I'd say this also works as another stopper against players spamming rests.

I hope they don't abuse the "passage of time" thingy. I hate to have a clock running on quests and have them fail because you didn't finish them fast enough within a time limit. Even worse is if there is no indication that that is the case for a certain quest, only for you to discover hours later that the quest failed. I hope that is telegraphed very clearly when it is a factor. A lot of people hated that shit in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, iirc.


I hope they don't abuse the "passage of time" thingy. I hate to have a clock running on quests and have them fail because you didn't finish them fast enough within a time limit. Even worse is if there is no indication that that is the case for a certain quest, only for you to discover hours later that the quest failed. I hope that is telegraphed very clearly when it is a factor. A lot of people hated that shit in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, iirc.
From what i understood, there is no real in-game clock passage of time. Time only passes when you do certain actions like resting.

So basically if you were to stand on the same spot for 2 hours, no in-game time would've passed. But as soon as you long rest, certain in-game events or quests that were previously triggered will progress. Similar to how it works in Atelier games
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I'm trying out early access right now even though I said in another thread that I was just going to experience the full release all at once. I wanted to familiarize myself with things so I just quickly created a character and now I'm running through the first couple hours of the game.
Keep in mind Larian just said the the Early Access version of the game will not act as a pre-load for the full game when it is released, you'll have to download and install the full version when it releases.
So remember to uninstall the early access before hand so you don't have issues with storage on your HD.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Keep in mind Larian just said the the Early Access version of the game will not act as a pre-load for the full game when it is released, you'll have to download and install the full version when it releases.
So remember to uninstall the early access before hand so you don't have issues with storage on your HD.


I will be a human with Dark Urge for sure. Not sure about class yet. Not sure either if male or female, but if all females are romanceable by a female PC then I may go with female (because having girl-on-girl is kosher for my main character).

So, I decided on what I'm gonna play (not that you care, but I have nothing better to do atm):

Sex/Gender & Sexual Preferences: probably male, maybe female, but into girls anyway

Race: Human

Other #1: Dark Urge

Background: either Sage or Hermit

Class & Subclass: Warlock, Great Old One

Other #2: Starting proficiency will include Intimidation. At Warlock Level 2 I'll choose the Eldritch Invocation "Beguiling Influence", so that I can also get the Persuasion proficiency (I want the latter badly).

This isn't a build based on min/max but instead based on character concept for actual roleplaying motivation. I have a relatively clear vision of who the character is as a person, his/her background, what he/she stands for, etc. That's what I always go for in RPGs: character concept first, mechanical advantage/disadvantage considerations second.

Fools idol

So according to some sources at WotC, Larian has a very small team currently scoping and pitching for a Baldurs Gate 2 remake within the Divinity 4.0 engine. According to some bumblefuck on the 4chan boards which I wont link to, it has been shot down before but revived once WotC encouraged Larian to put in a scope pitch for a 1 for 1 remake, after seeing how well received BG3 has been thus far, and it will live or die depending on sales of Bg3.

Absolutely no clue how legit it is but seems like I could get a boner over it.

Edit -- ahh it seems the video has been sniped already. lol
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So according to some sources at WotC, Larian has a very small team currently scoping and pitching for a Baldurs Gate 2 remake within the Divinity 4.0 engine. According to some bumblefuck on the 4chan boards which I wont link to, it has been shot down before but revived once WotC encouraged Larian to put in a scope pitch for a 1 for 1 remake, after seeing how well received BG3 has been thus far, and it will live or die depending on sales of Bg3.

Absolutely no clue how legit it is but seems like I could get a boner over it.

Edit -- ahh it seems the video has been sniped already. lol

Sniped? It may mean that WotC/Larian sent a warning? That would basically confirm the rumour to be true?
I don't believe it. For one if the deciding factor is how well BG3 sells then it should already be decided. BG3 has spent 17 weeks on the Steam Top 100 sales chart, including currently at #3, and the game is not even out yet. The only question now is not if BG3 will sell well, but how massively well it's going to sell.
Also, if I'm Larian, I would want to ride this wave of BG3 success into doing my own IP, not doing another Licensed property. Plus the max level for this game is level 12, so I'm sure Larian has plans to release a follow up to get players to level 20.
Of course if it's just a secondary team doing a side project, that would be one thing. I just don't see this being their next main project.
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more than likely.

It would be amazing to see a true remake just with modernised UI and quality of life updates.

Just for the sake of the argument, if they did a remake I think people would expect them to deliver something on the level of BG3, which would take a lot more than just modernised UI and QoL updates. On the other hand, they could have a smaller team do it and make it clear that it would be a smaller project, and that their main next project on the level of BG3 would be something else (say BG4 or D3). I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm not holding my breath.


Gold Member
I don't believe it. For one if the deciding factor is how well BG3 sells then it should already be decided. BG3 has spent 17 weeks on the Steam Top 100 sales chart, including currently at #3, and the game is not even out yet. The only question now is not if BG3 will sell well, but how massively well it's going to sell.
Also, if I'm Larian, I would want to ride this wave of BG3 success into doing my own IP, not doing another Licensed property. Plus the max level for this game is level 12, so I'm sure Larian has plans to release a follow up to get players to level 20.
Of course if it's just a secondary team doing a side project, that would be one thing. I just don't see this being their next main project.

A game with Dragon Age Origins/2 combat system would sell like hot cakes.


So according to some sources at WotC, Larian has a very small team currently scoping and pitching for a Baldurs Gate 2 remake within the Divinity 4.0 engine. According to some bumblefuck on the 4chan boards which I wont link to, it has been shot down before but revived once WotC encouraged Larian to put in a scope pitch for a 1 for 1 remake, after seeing how well received BG3 has been thus far, and it will live or die depending on sales of Bg3.

Absolutely no clue how legit it is but seems like I could get a boner over it.

Edit -- ahh it seems the video has been sniped already. lol
Not sure how I feel about it. I would probably prefer RTwP vs TB for BG2 just because of nostalgia.


Some new info from interview (summary on reddit)

**Release time:** Baldur's Gate 3 will Release Officially at 10am Pacific Time on August 3rd. That is 6PM UK time and 3am August 4th Sydney, Australia Time.

>No rolling for stats

>They're trying to make it Steam Deck verified

>Boo is also in the game

>No dodge or ready action unfortunately

>No DM tool (already said there wouldn't be, just re-confirming)

>Plan to introduce modding tools

>They know what they're doing next, but probably not more content for BG3

>The game will require a total reinstall of the game. It's NOT an update. So 150 GB download.

>No pre-loading

>You can't be a completionist in this game

Fools idol

The fact he says 'no one will see everything' is crazy. This game, man.

It's not like it's a procedurally generated mega-verse like no mans sky or something where it is impossible to see everything, it;'s a hand crafted RPG that is just so massive with so many combinations of events and paths... wild.
Can't help it, I think I'll go again with a human sorcerer like the old times. And I'm sure it'll end up looking exactly like me...anyone else with a similar fetish?

(Come on, Series X version)
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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Multiclass EVERY class with fighter just to level 2 for the double action turn, holyyyy 😍

For attaining level 2 fighter on multiclassing, do I have to spend 2 levels (1, 2) or 1 level?!
Anyone know?


Gold Member
Another downside to using camp i wasn't aware of before is that long rests 'progress time'. Some quests will change or fail depending on the amount of long rests you take at a certain point, like being too late to save a person, or have a story bit progress without you. I'd say this also works as another stopper against players spamming rests.

It's one of the reasons why our group is taking a bard, as it gives us access to 3 short rests per long rest instead of 2. It does however have the potential to make Warlocks the go to spell caster as they get their spell slots back per short rest vs sorc and wiz who only get there's on a long.

Planning to roll a Paladin as we need a front liner as everyone wants to be casters, and none of them want to be a druid so I need some healing capability...
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Damn this is a mighty fine OT, OP.

Also,didnt know it was releasing in August early, somehow I was thinking it was 30th something of August. I'm genuinely a little bit excited which rarely happens these days.

Another downside to using camp i wasn't aware of before is that long rests 'progress time'. Some quests will change or fail depending on the amount of long rests you take at a certain point, like being too late to save a person, or have a story bit progress without you. I'd say this also works as another stopper against players spamming rests.
Sounds good. I don't like it if the world stops and only spins when the hero takes action and everything is waiting for you/the hero.
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I've just tested the EA release to see how it runs on my PC and how the game plays

And yeah, I'm 100% buying it. This is such an improvement over Divinity 2 presentation wise, holy shit

The start of Divinity 2 was slooow, and presented in such a boring way. Here the game starts with a bang and you get invested immediately

The game runs like shit here tho, even locked at 30 and with DLSS on. Early access and all that, so I'm sure it will be improved by launch.

They have to release a demo of the opening hours. I'm now sure that despite it being a cRPG, if they tweak the game a little to make it easier and more user friendly it can be a huge hit.

Since progress is not carrying over, I've stoped playing and will now wait for the final release
what are your PC specs and resolution?

i agree about the demo. i bought and played the early access for a few hours. that was enough for me to know it's definitely not "Divinity Original Sin 3" which is what i was fearing. I really couldn't get into those games but what I saw of BG3 i am hyped for. I'm waiting for full release before jumping in as i don't want to put lots of time into it and have to restart.


Another to keep in mind is that Swen has implied in a recent interview that the first playthrough is best as a custom character, and that Origin and Dark Urge is better for later playthroughs.

what's the reason for this? although i dont expect much from the story bits of origin characters.

so will they lock out some playable options?
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what's the reason for this? although i dont expect much from the story bits of origin characters.

so will they lock out some playable options?
Probably because a custom character would be the "standard" playthrough, origin characters may actually add quite a bit to be plot. One of the main traits of the Dark Urge for example is the fact you get extra choices that tempt you to do ridiculously cruel things, which naturally would affect the story in unusual ways.


what are your PC specs and resolution?

i agree about the demo. i bought and played the early access for a few hours. that was enough for me to know it's definitely not "Divinity Original Sin 3" which is what i was fearing. I really couldn't get into those games but what I saw of BG3 i am hyped for. I'm waiting for full release before jumping in as i don't want to put lots of time into it and have to restart.
Its a gaming laptop powered by a Ryzen 5600H processor and an RTX 3060

I was streaming it to my tv by Steam Link, so it was probably taxing my hardware more than it should. But this is no PT Cyberpunk, so drops below 30 (felt like) with DLSS on was weird.

And I hear you man, its been hard trying to hold back from playing it. Luckily life have been pretty busy lately. Couldnt even finish FF XVI yet.


Its a gaming laptop powered by a Ryzen 5600H processor and an RTX 3060

I was streaming it to my tv by Steam Link, so it was probably taxing my hardware more than it should. But this is no PT Cyberpunk, so drops below 30 (felt like) with DLSS on was weird.
The game can be quite CPU intensive (DLSS won't really help in such cases), so it might be the streaming/steam link affecting performance. I've seen cases like this before and experienced it myself.


The game can be quite CPU intensive (DLSS won't really help in such cases), so it might be the streaming/steam link affecting performance. I've seen cases like this before and experienced it myself.
Weird, huh? 'Cause the world and battles are so static. Shouldnt be taxing CPUs this hard.

But this is not a competitive multiplayer ganme, so 30 with drops is more than ok for me


Ssd installed for this 150 gb monster. No wonder theres no physical edition for ps5.
They could do the same thing as other games do, put a bit on the disk and download the rest.

That would allow discounts in physical stores, reselling games, buying used,collecting, etc... Digital only basically jacks up prices for a lot of folks.

Edit: ">They know what they're doing next, but probably not more content for BG3" - this sucks. I was hoping for expansion or a sequel to go all the way into high level gameplay.
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Weird, huh? 'Cause the world and battles are so static. Shouldnt be taxing CPUs this hard.

But this is not a competitive multiplayer ganme, so 30 with drops is more than ok for me
Its not a matter of being static or dynamic. Many many different surfaces, values, stats, options, hidden variables all being tracked and interacting with each other, not to mention the tactical combat requires the AI to be quite advanced.
It isn't for nothing a games like Civ6, which are turn based, are among the most cpu heavy ones out there.
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Its a gaming laptop powered by a Ryzen 5600H processor and an RTX 3060

I was streaming it to my tv by Steam Link, so it was probably taxing my hardware more than it should. But this is no PT Cyberpunk, so drops below 30 (felt like) with DLSS on was weird.

I've been playing it on a 3070 and framerate is consistently 60fps (capped). This holds for streaming as well, though I'm using moonlight/sunlight, so that might be the difference.


I've been playing it on a 3070 and framerate is consistently 60fps (capped). This holds for streaming as well, though I'm using moonlight/sunlight, so that might be the difference.
Oh, I'm still a noob when it comes to PC gaming and didnt know about Moonlight. From what I've seen its much better than Steam Link. I'll try it later.

Also, I couldnt run the game on Vulkan using Steam Link, it starts to a black screen. Only way to get it to work was using DX 11.
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