lol watSorry If I'm not adequately explaining my argument.
In countries like Bangladesh, which people in the West considered religious, thus less "progressive" than Western countries. I argue that all cultures participate in forms of symbolic thought and abstract thought, but each framed in different ways, one with Gods and the other with science.
All cultures participate in empirical activities and also symbolic abstract activities, that don't make sense. However in the West the prevailing thought is that Western action is justified with science, empirical or not. So I argue that perception that everything that Western people do is scientifically correct is wrong.
Again instead of trying to change cultures, we should look at the root of the problem (The State structure)
No. You have a funny, and fucked up perception of the "west". Really.
And what does culture has to do with a state being secular or not? Your culture doesn't change if the state is secular or not. For example, a lot of the old colonies. In America under the Spanish, the catholic church was the official religion, and the other religions were suppressed with capital punishment. They got their independence and build secular governments. Did they stop being who they were? Did their culture change? Did they stop being Catholic?
Same with the old British colonies. England was catholic, and then changed to Anglicanism. Did their culture change? No.
Did the British try to suppress Buddhism or Islam when they controlled those countries? No. Why? Because they were secular. Did their culture change when the British left? No. They still were the same culture they had been like the day before the British left.
The countries that installed secular governments are doing decently ok. The ones that involved religion? Not so good.
Look how Afghanistan was before the Taliban. Please try to argue that religion as part of their government helped preserve the "culture" of those people. I dare you.
Shit, not even China dared to try to change anything when they got Hong Kong back.
Unlike what is happening in Bangladesh with the minorities. If anything, their "culture" that you seem to argue is something we should leave alone, seems to be a culture of intolerance towards other religions or atheists.
Do you think that if their government turned secular, their culture will change? No. Not at all.