Spike Spiegel
So I ordered vol. 1 of Baron Gong Battle way back in September, for a number of reasons: 1) it's from the same artist who did the Battle Royale manga; 2) I've always been partial to violent action manga, good and bad; 3) several of the manga series I've been collecting are beginning to wrap up; 4) the writeup sounded cool, in a trashy kind of way ("one-man army vs Nazi monster for the fate of humanity!").
The problem is that vol. 1 has yet to ship. I think it was originally scheduled for November... then December... then January; well, it's February of course, and still nothing. And to make matters worse, vol. 2 is currently being solicited for an April release. By now I thought that I'd at least have vol. 1 in my hands, so that I would be able to make an informed decision on whether or not I wanted to continue with this series. But alas...
Basically, I now find myself questioning my earlier enthusiasm for this series, and wondering if I should skip it entirely by not ordering the second volume. It'd help if I knew a bit more about Baron Gong Battle, but I don't. That's where (I'm hoping) you come in. Someone on here's gotta know a little something about this series (probably FnordChan).
So gimme a hand here, folks, 'cuz I'm turning in my order form on Friday. @_@