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bash and other Linux command line utiltiies coming to Windows 10

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What? Wow.

Finally I won't need a VM to write my NANOWRIMO novel in VI.

Seriously though, using command line anything in modern Windows feels . . . well weird. I keep a VM with Ubuntu MATE on my machine for stuff like this - though I've thought about buying a NUC exclusively for Linux use.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
this article is trash. Powershell is THE command line tool for windows.

Have you used a computer in the last 30 years? I worked at Microsoft for eight of them. Whatever you're trying to do with that snark, I am not interested.
i asked if you can eloborate, i've never heard someone describe windows as a "Walled garden" No need to get your panties in a bunch. Also i could give two shits that you worked for microsoft. Most people i've dealt with that used to work there are arrogant pricks. I've had others tell me the same thing.

Not really.

Powershell may be a significant improvement, but it pales in comparison to bash.

I am not familiar with BASH but

I can
manage AD
manage Exchange
manage hyperv
manage vmware
manage citrix
manage RDS
manage lync
manage Azure
manage system center

and by manage i mean pretty much do anything and everything you want

and sooooo much more in powershell, including powershell remoting to do all those things listed.
If BASH can do all that with equivalent technologies, cool, but powershell is no slouch.
Yep. Resultant binary was an ELF.

Pretty fucking impressive. And not at all very difficult to understand.

Yea that's what I thought. So I mean if you're working with a Windows toolchain you're still hosed. It's kind of a bummer, because basically this is only useful for Linux developers who want to develop Linux software on Windows. That's certainly a huge step in the right direction, and undeniably great, but it won't do anything to get Linux developers developing Windows software on Windows. That means no MSVC etc.


Yea that's what I thought. So I mean if you're working with a Windows toolchain you're still hosed. It's kind of a bummer, because basically this is only useful for Linux developers who want to develop Linux software on Windows. That's certainly a huge step in the right direction, and undeniably great, but it won't do anything to get Linux developers developing Windows software on Windows. That means no MSVC etc.

True, but developing windows software has always felt like developing Java: you are going to have a bad time if you do not buy into how things are done.

In short: yes, it is definitely pretty limited for now, but hopefully this is the beginning and not just a neat toy for those loath to use cygwin.
this article is trash. Powershell is THE command line tool for windows
The article is fine.

i asked if you can eloborate, i've never heard someone describe windows as a "Walled garden" No need to get your panties in a bunch. Also i could give two shits that you worked for microsoft. Most people i've dealt with that used to work there are arrogant pricks. I've had others tell me the same thing.
I don't really care whether you've heard about Microsoft being a walled garden or not.


Well, you can cross compile windows binaries from Linux, so it wouldn't be completely isolated. Also, grep all over dat C drive.
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