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Baten Kaitos...does this game suck?


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Don't get this. Deck construction is the heart of the CCG genre. If a game has deck construction as a core game element, that makes it very heavily CCG influenced at the least.
yeah, but there's nothing of the gameplay structure of a CCG beyond that. that's why people say "it's not really a CCG" ... and in some senses, that's right. especially for people who don't understand that deck construction is an integral part of CCGs(since they don't really play them.)

deck construction in BK is super duper easy. just throw in things with higher damage. =P the only thing you have to worry about is not having too few cards that can be used on combo 1 (i.e. first attack you do on your turn.) that can handicap you. it's nothing like nearly as complex as a real CCG either in terms of deck building or gameplay.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I do not understand how the world continues to think this is some kind of traditional card battling RPG.

And, assuming that The True Mirror is the standard battle theme, I do not understand how WarPig thinks it sucks.

This thread has proven, if nothing else, that these two things make no sense.

I'll be getting it when it hits. I was pleased with ToS, am enjoying Shadow Hearts 2, am looking forward to SMT Nocturne next week, and am absolutely loving Paper Mario 2 now. Adding another high profile RPG to the list next month = ok in my book.
ferricide said:
yes, yes, no, yes, what?

i mean, there are some resemblences, but it feels more like chrono cross than anything else. it certainly looks like it.

Well from the menus to the "experimental" gameplay it feels like tri-Ace to me. Also the fact I did NOT like Chrono Cross in the least bit, and I DO like Baten Kaitos quite a bit, I feel I'm within my rights to say it resembles a tri-Ace game in some respects...

Also, the graphics aren't very good, but the art really is. I need to find an art book.

i want to talk about this game >_<

but i'll be good.

oh, i can definitely ask this: people who are complaining about the card system, have you actually played a decent, in-depth card game (culdcept, or the real paper magic) or are you just complaining because you've played lame ass shit (lost kingdoms) or even nothing at all? there's a lot of interesting depth to card games, IMO. but BK is not too hard to deal with in that regard, anyway. (people who are doing damage control by saying IT IS NOT REALLY A CARD GAME!!!!! kind of miss the point, too. the card-ing is in the setup, not the execution, and it's there, but that's a good thing.)

I agree with this. People who are complaining about the "Card" system need to give the game a fucking chance and actually, you know, PLAY THE FUCKING THING. THIS IS NOT YU-GI-OH SPAMTARDS.

I really love how they determined elemental damages. I think it's brilliant. The game needs more love.

I do think some things could be improved considerably... some of the game design seems somehow "experimental" and "unfinished". I really would like to see a BK2.


People are playing the whole card thing down way too much. One of the main reasons why it IS a card-based game is because your hand is dealt from your deck randomly. If that's not card-based I don't know what is. It's not just card graphics for a typical RPG menu system, unless you play RPGs that give you a random selection of moves you can perform each turn.

The soundtrack is one of the best RPG soundtracks I have EVER heard. I listen to the CDs regularly even when I'm not playing the game. The graphics are nice, as you can see for yourself, and the story, while not totally fantastic, does have some really nice twists. One neat thing is that you're actually involved in the story as an omnipresent being, rather than just having the characters ignore you.

I've not finished it yet, so I can't give a complete rating of the story, but I'm about 60% of the way through. It's a long game - at my current rate, I'll probably be heading for a 70 hr completion time, and that's ignoring a few of the big side quests too. It should be a big hit, but the cards will definitely turn people off. Plus it's not as if the GC has a huge RPG-loving fanbase.

king zell

Jonnyram said:
People are playing the whole card thing down way too much. One of the main reasons why it IS a card-based game is because your hand is dealt from your deck randomly. If that's not card-based I don't know what is. It's not just card graphics for a typical RPG menu system, unless you play RPGs that give you a random selection of moves you can perform each turn.

The soundtrack is one of the best RPG soundtracks I have EVER heard. I listen to the CDs regularly even when I'm not playing the game. The graphics are nice, as you can see for yourself, and the story, while not totally fantastic, does have some really nice twists. One neat thing is that you're actually involved in the story as an omnipresent being, rather than just having the characters ignore you.

I've not finished it yet, so I can't give a complete rating of the story, but I'm about 60% of the way through. It's a long game - at my current rate, I'll probably be heading for a 70 hr completion time, and that's ignoring a few of the big side quests too. It should be a big hit, but the cards will definitely turn people off. Plus it's not as if the GC has a huge RPG-loving fanbase.

I liked ToS.. do you think Baten Kaitos can be better?


Dragona Akehi said:
Well from the menus to the "experimental" gameplay it feels like tri-Ace to me.
don't see your point about the menus.

Dragona Akehi said:
Also the fact I did NOT like Chrono Cross in the least bit, and I DO like Baten Kaitos quite a bit, I feel I'm within my rights to say it resembles a tri-Ace game in some respects...
i'm not sure that's good logic ^_^;;

Dragona Akehi said:
Also, the graphics aren't very good, but the art really is. I need to find an art book.
the art? do you mean the character art? well, to each his (her) own. yech.

Dragona Akehi said:
I really love how they determined elemental damages. I think it's brilliant. The game needs more love.
it's not bad. something they can do because of using the card system. that's one of the ways in which it genuinely resembles a card game -- laying it all out and then calculating it at the end. it works.

I do think some things could be improved considerably... some of the game design seems somehow "experimental" and "unfinished". I really would like to see a BK2.
yeah, me too. i think BKII could, in theory, be a very good game. there are a lot of things that need work, though.

king zell said:
I liked ToS.. do you think Baten Kaitos can be better?
they're not very similar at all. but IMO, no.

king zell

ferricide said:
they're not very similar at all. but IMO, no.

I know they are different.. but I meant as a whole package

BTW I really enjoyed Chrono Cross.. I consider it my best RPG of all time (haven't played Chrono Trigger yet)
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