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Batman: Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge |OT| is anyone playing this?



Been out for quite a while in every platform (including Steam) and there's barely any discussion in the Arkham City OT. I actually forgot it was out, slipped my mind. I might get it later this month but I really feel most people need some sort of impressions on it, at least..

Not sure if a better OT is needed, but some more impressions would be nice. I dont understand how this flew so under the radar.
Played it. It was okay. Kinda short, story didn't really go anywhere.

If you desperately want some more Batman with more context than the challenge rooms, it certainly satisfies that need.


Love Arkham City but this just didn't look like it was worth the money. It was a 2 hour DLC and the plot didn't progress at all.


There was some small discussion in the announcement thread about it and it seems to be terrible. 2 hours long tops and very linear with not a lot of new stuff, all for $10.


If you're looking for more Batman it's a fun little romp. If you're sitting on the fence with splinters in your arse, I'd recommend waiting for a sale. It's more of the same, which is a good thing, but it is rather brief. I finished it in 4-5 hours the first time and that was combing over every inch for collectables and taking out all the enemies in every area. Second time through to mop up on achievements took about 2 hours.

Probably should of been a little cheaper or had some new challenge maps or even a new skin or two tossed in at the current price. Ultimately, GOTY Edition buyers get a pretty good deal.

Cannot unhear Twilight Sparkle screaming bloody murder at Robin


Waiting for a sale with this, 10$ seems a bit much for what I've heard is no more than 2-3 hours, as much as I love B:AC.


Meh, I'd say it was worth $10. Nothing great, but Robin was pretty fun and there were a few really good set pieces. Took me a couple of hours but I don't exactly hustle through games like this, I spent a good while defeating every bad guy I could find at the beginning before going to the first checkpoint as Batman.

I do wish I'd played it with the normal Robin skin though, I used the (cooler) Red Robin outfit and it just made me wonder if the default Robin looked absurd gliding with that short little cape lol. How would that even work (yes yes, obviously it wouldn't actually work at all for any of the capes, but you know what I mean).


I heard it was super short and really lame. So pass. Too bad.

I might still pick it up just for Robin gameplay not in challenge rooms though.


Hmm posted in the thread in Community, but yeah really enjoyed AC and I would have bought it, but it's not available in my region.


erm.. is there any conditions for starting this aside from beating the main game? I'm thinking steam screwed up with the download. :/
Bought this a couple of hours ago and just finished it, pretty meh overall. I think it only took me just under two hours to complete, the storyline hardly progresses, and it is just more of the same.
I absolutely love Arkham City and I played it to death when it first came out, but this DLC is pretty lacklustre and its hard to recommend considering the price it is. It has next to no replayablilty apart from to collect any balloons you miss the first time round, it would have been better if they included some skins, challenge rooms or maybe even free roam with robin.
I played through it. Waste of ten dollars.

You get 40 more collectible balloons you have to destroy.

Robin is alright but is underutilised.

If you're already good at combat, this won't be challenging at all.

The story is completely uneventful. It's like...just another night in Gotham.


Just remember if you buy it on steam, you have to register it through gfwl and then download it through that platform.

Took me a bit to figure out why nothing was happening when i bought it.


I don't like Robins cape looks so bland while playing, playing as Batman is so much more fun even playing as Catwoman is more fun imo. I don't even believe Rocksteady's main team was working on this. It is worth $5 at most.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Played it out of love for Arkham City and appreciation for Rocksteady's work, but, it is definitely to Arkham City as those two Lords of Shadow DLC chapters are to that game: cutting room floor material that doesn't accomplish much, short, easy, and boring. A real shame. I had hoped that the open map of Arkham City would invite a true, meaty expansion for the game.

Even worse that this wasn't even integrated into the real game; they could have created a meaty storyline using the entire city.
Just this second finished it. It's disappointing in that it's incredibly short, the story doesn't go anywhere (it's not like Harley had any big plan or anything), it's completely linear with no room for exploration, and doesn't offer up anything new in terms of gameplay. It also has no boss fight at the end; between that and the story not resolving anything, it ends with a whimper.

However, I don't regret buying it. I enjoyed playing as Robin (I'm not interested in playing Challenge Rooms, so the fact that he's in those is irrelevant to me), and thanks to Arkham City's interpretation of Robin being awesome, it's the first time I've actually liked his presence in anything Batman-related. But more than that, I enjoyed having a reason to play Arkham City again.

All in all, I'd still say it was worth the 800 Microsoft points I paid for it. Barely. 400 would certainly have been a lot fairer, and I'd recommend it to anybody who owns Arkham City at that price. But as it is, I'd say only get it if you honestly don't mind combat-orientated gameplay for two hours, and nothing more. If you download it hoping for story, variety, or exploration, you'll be disappointed.


I enjoyed it but it needed more Robin and less Batman. I really wish they would allow you to free roam around the entire city as Robin. Good fun but short.


Might wait for a sale, but I do want to play it. The ease of getting MS points thru Bung Rewards makes the price seem more reasonable.


I bought it because it is more Batman, but it's giving me random bluescreens... but I'm going to blame the new version of MotionInJoy, because Arkham City is infallible.


It wasn't bad, it was just fine really, can't say anything other than that really =/

It's short and adds nothing worthwhile to the story but it is more batman gameplay, can't complain too much about that.


Yeah I bought it blindly cause I'd just finished uni for the semester and wanted something new.

Regretted it somewhat. Bit lackluster for ten bucks.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Having wrapped up Max Payne 3 I decided to try this out. An hour and a half later the credits were rolling. The music finished halfway through, leaving me staring at white names floating on a black screen to silence.

That pretty much sums up Harley Quinn's revenge.
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