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Batman lore questions

About Carmine Falcone...



Was Falcone and his empire essentially the wall holding back the crazier rogues from appearing?

In many instances of Batman(except the 80s/90s Burtonverse), it feels like once Falcone is arrested, the crazier guys/Arkham rogues come out and things get worse. Would this not happen if Falcone was never arrested?


Short answer, no. In fact, crime families pretty much create the super villains of Gotham.

Joker was forced to help a crime family because he worked at the factory they wanted to steal chemicals from. Two-face was a lawyer trying to bust these crime families but got his face burned for it. Poison Ivy got pushed into chemicals by gangsters. Clay face got fed a chemical by a crime family he was working for. Penguin and Black Mask are just mobsters.

Pretty much all of Batman/Gotham revolves around crime families. They get ignored for the most part in the movies and they always try to play that line of "is Batman the reason these super villains exist?".


Parody of actual AJUMP23
When you have a super hero you can’t have ordinary villains. You have to have the super villains come out to challenge. Mobsters are nothing to a super hero.


What period of Batman are you talking about? Because the importance of Falcone, Maroni etc. differs depending on what version of Batman you’re engaging with. You just talking live action? Or comics as well? Falcone wasn’t even invented until the 1980s, by my partial namesake.

For instance, most of the rogues are around in The Long Halloween, which features the Falcone and Maroni families heavily.

So, no. Falcone’s removal from power does not result in the rise of the rogues gallery.

Batman’s rise however absolutely does. It’s never been supervillains first, and then Batman. Always the other way around.
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What period of Batman are you talking about? Because the importance of Falcone, Maroni etc. differs depending on what version of Batman you’re engaging with. You just talking live action? Or comics as well? Falcone wasn’t even invented until the 1980s, by my partial namesake.

For instance, most of the rogues are around in The Long Halloween, which features the Falcone and Maroni families heavily.
Mainly the ones that involve Falcone, nothing before. I know that Joker predates him, but in a ton of different variations I've seen and read, the same thing happens. Things begin with Falcone. He gets arrested, and not long after that the crazier villains come out, assumedly due to a void in the crime power structure.

Short answer, no. In fact, crime families pretty much create the super villains of Gotham.

Joker was forced to help a crime family because he worked at the factory they wanted to steal chemicals from. Two-face was a lawyer trying to bust these crime families but got his face burned for it. Poison Ivy got pushed into chemicals by gangsters. Clay face got fed a chemical by a crime family he was working for. Penguin and Black Mask are just mobsters.

Pretty much all of Batman/Gotham revolves around crime families. They get ignored for the most part in the movies and they always try to play that line of "is Batman the reason these super villains exist?".
So, no. Falcone’s removal from power does not result in the rise of the rogues gallery.

Batman’s rise however absolutely does. It’s never been supervillains first, and then Batman. Always the other way around.
Do you guys think Falcone would have allowed the other rogues to go as far as they did if he were still in the picture? Considering that Falcone is one of the few 'traditional' crime bosses who feels like he 'owns' the city, I would think that he would want to get rid of the likes of people like Joker because they are messing up his flow of money, and Falcone would constantly send hitmen/assassins after him.
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Mainly the ones that involve Falcone, nothing before. I know that Joker predates him, but in a ton of different variations I've seen and read, the same thing happens. Things begin with Falcone. He gets arrested, and not long after that the crazier villains come out, assumedly due to a void in the crime power structure.

Do you guys think Falcone would have allowed the other rogues to go as far as they did if he were still in the picture? Considering that Falcone is one of the few 'traditional' crime bosses who feels like he 'owns' the city, I would think that he would want to get rid of the likes of people like Joker because they are messing up his flow of money, and Falcone would constantly send hitmen/assassins after him.
Falcone isn't much of a threat in a Batman Gotham. He is a more grounded character that exist to prop-up the rogues.

If everyone was dressed as a clown, Joker wouldnt be very interesting. But if you have a clown running circles around a mob boss, the clown will seem more interesting. He's not comparable to a character like Kingpin, who navigates a meta-human world without having any powers himself. Falcone would get stomped going up against Batmans villains. Look no further than The Batman where he got destroyed by Riddler


Mainly the ones that involve Falcone, nothing before. I know that Joker predates him, but in a ton of different variations I've seen and read, the same thing happens. Things begin with Falcone. He gets arrested, and not long after that the crazier villains come out, assumedly due to a void in the crime power structure.

Do you guys think Falcone would have allowed the other rogues to go as far as they did if he were still in the picture? Considering that Falcone is one of the few 'traditional' crime bosses who feels like he 'owns' the city, I would think that he would want to get rid of the likes of people like Joker because they are messing up his flow of money, and Falcone would constantly send hitmen/assassins after him.
Falcone openly admits to not bothering with super villains because then Batman would be more focused on him than them. But Joker is one he's legitimately afraid of. Most crime bosses are. I forget that in most media outside the comics, joker is relatively tame. But they rather not deal with someone who isn't afraid of causing mass death and destruction on a city wide level. Plus most of Gotham's worst tend to require damn next super high level assassins, who crime bosses tend not to do with either
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