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Battleborn hits open beta April 8 on PS4, 13 on XB1/PC. Story Mode details.

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Looking at videos of the game currently doesn't really make it look bad. I do wanna definitely try it myself before judging it.
Datto of Destiny fame is doing a stream of Battleborn right now; https://www.twitch.tv/Datto

I'd really love to get early access myself. If any of the Gearbox gods are listening right now, let me into the Xbox One version please. I loved the Closed Technical Test and would love to do some streaming.


Man. I never thought much of this and have been pretty meh or negative about it but my time with it has completely reversed that.

Your time with it....recently? Please be good, Battleborn.

I would love for this game to be good. I'll get either Battleborn or Overwatch, and I do like the inclusion of a single player/ coop is appealing. I'll try both.


Your time with it....recently? Please be good, Battleborn.

I would love for this game to be good. I'll get either Battleborn or Overwatch, and I do like the inclusion of a single player/ coop is appealing. I'll try both.

Yesterday. I even asked them just a bit ago if I was ok to talk about it. But ya I went from laughing at it actively at PAX with the people from my channel to simply enjoying the ever loving shit out of it for the last couple days.

I am making a video of it very soon.


Yesterday. I even asked them just a bit ago if I was ok to talk about it. But ya I went from laughing at it actively at PAX with the people from my channel to simply enjoying the ever loving shit out of it for the last couple days.

I am making a video of it very soon.

Very cool. I wonder if the game has actively improved over the past few months. People seem to have such a negative impression of it right now. Maybe the beta will turn that around. Thanks for the impressions.

Did you play both the story and VS modes?


~1 hour interview with devs (bad audio quality): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXhhQdbzpmQ

and here's a hand drawn effects animation montage by the FX director: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKy4BfE2Rhk&index=7&list=WL

and someone did a short rundown of the heroes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbXfIxPNprU&feature=youtu.be

Thanks! That hero video was excellent. A really wide array of character types. They look fun. It will be tough picking favorites.


People are shitting on this game for some reason but I personally see this having longer staying appeal, more replayability than The Division which is a mess at the end game and a complete bore once you leveled up your character to 30 and did that challenge missions.

At the same time, pretty burned on games as of late so not sure I'll buy this at launch. I'd definitely have preferred Borderlands 3 over this.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i think that open beta will do a lot to help this game

at the very least, it gives my boys and i a solid amount of time to play around and see if we like the mechanics
A good open beta certainly can help this, however remember Overwatch open beta will be on this game's launch. That plus a bad open beta can pretty much bury this for good.


Man, this is filling in the gap of Super Monday Night Combat, but open beta starting the day after Dark Souls 3 is out... Seems they can't get a window to breathe as Overwatch is cramping them up too and that has way more publicity due to Blizzard.


Ps4 gets double the beta days the others get? Damn

However, I played this game on the closed beta and my reaction was a mere meh.

I think Gearbox knows that the game's best chance of survival is on the PS4.

But, even though they don't have to fight League and DOTA there, they still have Overwatch to worry about.

Even if Overwatch is purely an arena shooter while Battleborn is a MOBA with arena shooter-tendencies, I think they'll be fighting for an audience.


I want to like this game but people's impressions have been so meh. Really like the idea of an FPS MOBA but won't matter if the community doesn't take off.


Everything about this trailer is offensively generic.
I'm also not sure who it wants to market go, seems like kids but at the same time, creators of Borderlands and the "suck it gesture".
I don't understand.

Total Biscuit pointed out in his video that the game is pretty good but a theory of his is that the lack of interest in the game is probably due to the marketing team messing up and giving a whole lot of mixed messages what the game actually is.

Personally, one of the things that made me loose interest in the game was for instance that E3 conference they were part of were they revealed Toby the Penguin, and then kept gushing on about fucking Toby for the next 15 minutes or whatever like he was the ultimate big hit behind what made Battleborn. It was very cringey. They should have just focused on talking about the game and showing off all the different characters, show the wide spectrum of personalities they had in the game.

That's a pretty good video.

I like a lot the strategic side that isn't in Overwatch. As a pure fps experience Battleborn seems worse than Overwatch, but I like the whole thing of having to decide if go attacking in one place put push my robots or try to kill an almost down enemy that is retreating or help defend the other lane that is being pushed, or decide go farming for 10 seconds, or attack the enemy deployables they just bought. And then choose if I want to spend the scrap in unlocking my gear or in the map structures. And then choose what's more important, if I should improve the turret on the left side or buy the shield recharger in the center of the map.
TB also says how he loves the diverse character designs and humor. That's also a part that's offputting for a lot of people. Something like Overwatch has a lot more friendly and unified cast design compared to this.


The beta is up for dl on the AU PSN store. I don't know if it's playable or not yet though, as it's downloading for me.
I went from thinking this game was a joke to being a little more interested in it after the TB video. The beta this weekend will probably be what decided if I end up going in on this

Special C

Wow, my hype has completely shifted from Overwatch to this game. Monday Night Combat was my favorite game in XB360. Good thing both games have an open beta.


CAN'T FREAKING WAIT. I'll be playing this all evening.

Hopefully the beta will go well, because the amount of content and the lack of attachment to any pre order tie in bullshit is...refreshing.


I like Open Betas especially when they are not tied to PS+/XBL Gold

Will try out. Seems like the MOBA hype is now in full swing on consoles. About time. SMITE is nice but I need a really good one. LoL, Dota2, HoS good I mean


I couldn't find it on the UK PSN store without actually searching for Battleborn. Installed now and waiting for it to unlock.
I've been absolutely loving Paragon. Now i'm hearing people like this too. I kinda hope I don't like Battleborn so I don't have to split my time between it and Paragon


I'll be in Houston for a wedding this weekend but now that there is remote play it looks like I'll still get to get some game time in lol


Yesterday. I even asked them just a bit ago if I was ok to talk about it. But ya I went from laughing at it actively at PAX with the people from my channel to simply enjoying the ever loving shit out of it for the last couple days.

I am making a video of it very soon.

Well, that's a hopeful sign, my last experience with it was meh as the game felt kind of wooden, as far as shooting was concerned. had more fun playing the non shooter characters based around healing and buffing
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