Are there any comparison between OG and after patch PRO in regards to IQ?
I would like to see this as well.
Are there any comparison between OG and after patch PRO in regards to IQ?
I would like to see this as well.
Quitting a match after the round is over takes over a minute, wtf.
Wait, they made it better? Haha! Is it still the 10-A Hunter variant you're rolling with?Also omg since the buckshot patch the model 10 is ridiculous. I loved it before but even I can admit it's massively op now
Quitting a match after the round is over takes over a minute, wtf.
The additional tickets have made Operations games last way too long now. If the teams are anywhere organized, be prepared to spend an hour or more per game. Holding a sector is a grind that never ends. It just gets boring holding the same two flags for as long as you need to in order to get the tickets to 0. Frankly I like the old Operations better. It did not need such a huge buff.
Also, it seems they've actually made the Hellreigel and Model 10-A hunter shotgun better. The supposed recoil nerf on the Hellreigel is almost non-existent (I have 10 service stars on it), but boy the slower time to overheat isn't. And the Model 10-A... DICE was that supposed to be a nerf? Because you've just made the shotgun a more consistent killer at all ranges! (lol)
I wanna play with GAF but at the same time I enjoy playing solo and don't want to ruin that when I see what it's like to actually play with a team.
It would suck it if's the same. Buying a PRO is like upgrading your GFX cards. If it's the same then I'm returning my PRO.
All the time....Ever perform a running charge and charge right on past? Lol
That's because the game automatically loads the next map in rotation.
IIRC a DICE developer has mentioned they cannot change this.
That's because the game doesn't let you do anything once it starts to load a map. It's the same thing that happens with Battlefront and why BF1 didn't even come with a Quit button at first, because it's pointless.
All the time....
Half of the customization options are missing in the out of game menu and I can barely discern the skins because of the lighting, the fuck is this?
Overall, pretty good patch. However, weapon balance still leaves a lot to be desired. Lmgs are still trash tier. Also every Assault player is using the Hunter, but I dont care because Im abusing it now. If you cant beat them, join them. Also just a lot of useless weapons because other weapons are better, like the Selb 1906. Hopefully, they do another balance pass when we get that free map. That should be the next update, sometime in December.
Top 10 weapons and Hunter has my highest KPM, who would have guessed. My Hunter and Auto have pretty much the same playtime, however the Hunter has over 130 kills more, lol.
It is not the same. I may not have the eye to see the difference between pre-patch and post-patch on the Pro (especially since I can't do a side by side comparison), but the Pro version still looks and runs better than the base PS4 version ever did.
I have not played Argonne Forest yet post-patch though so I can't comment on it.
Where you find those stars, in the app? Scoring that app, can't find anything. Or is that on a tracker website?
Any suggestions on good sidearms? I use them so infrequently I don't even know if they're the same between classes.
Any suggestions on good sidearms? I use them so infrequently I don't even know if they're the same between classes.
Didn't see anything about this but.. Did they fix tank hits not registering on other tanks? Seems like it happens a lot when the target is driving down a hill or slightly angled downward. Three shots in a row failed to reg for me yesterday on an enemy tank.
Lol. Gotta be quicker to the objective flash!Played two games of Operations as Attackers and still lost. Please buff again.
It's an intentional game mechanic that shots from oblique angles ricochet off armored vehicles. They did change the graphics for this mexhanic to make it more obvious.Didn't see anything about this but.. Did they fix tank hits not registering on other tanks? Seems like it happens a lot when the target is driving down a hill or slightly angled downward. Three shots in a row failed to reg for me yesterday on an enemy tank.
Btw, what's everyone's score/minute? Curious to know if 645 is a decent average.
Lol. Gotta be quicker to the objective flash!
On that note, can someone provide a comparison between OG, PRE-PATCH AND POST-PATCH.
LMG's are still bad in my opinion. I'm finding it hard to play this game that much anymore because they're usually my favorite weapon in Battlefield games and most, if not all FPS games, and unless Dice changes their mind on the bizarre mechanic they introduced to them, I don't know how much can be done to fix it. Dice did a ton of great stuff with this game, but stuff like this, and some other things are very disappointing to me.
My SPM is a 970.Thanks to the Operations update, I FINALLY got to see the third stage of the desert campaign, Sinai. Before the buff to attackers I never once made it to this part, no matter if I was attacking or defending. Badass!
Btw, what's everyone's score/minute? Curious to know if 645 is a decent average.
Thanks to the Operations update, I FINALLY got to see the third stage of the desert campaign, Sinai. Before the buff to attackers I never once made it to this part, no matter if I was attacking or defending. Badass!
Btw, what's everyone's score/minute? Curious to know if 645 is a decent average.
I think I ruined my SPM average a bit by doing a ton of tdm. In operations which is all I play now I am having some nice scores, but I've put in 100 hours now and I'd say 60 was tdm, really low scores there compared to my operations.. But I'm 600s, would of loved to see that without any tdm mixed in
Thanks to the Operations update, I FINALLY got to see the third stage of the desert campaign, Sinai. Before the buff to attackers I never once made it to this part, no matter if I was attacking or defending. Badass!
Btw, what's everyone's score/minute? Curious to know if 645 is a decent average.
Thanks to the Operations update, I FINALLY got to see the third stage of the desert campaign, Sinai. Before the buff to attackers I never once made it to this part, no matter if I was attacking or defending. Badass!
Btw, what's everyone's score/minute? Curious to know if 645 is a decent average.
662 according to tracker website. Top 14% on xbox.
What site? Does it have PS4 rankings?