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battlefield 1942 or vietnam


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
It depends.

Edit: To further elaborate, since you only seem to want one, it depends on your system specs. BF:V obviously requires higher specs, so even if your PC would run BF:1942 fine, it might choke on BF:V, and you might not enjoy it as much. There are far more mods for BF:1942 at the moment, and many of the great ones have absolutely no interest in porting over to BF:V. There's a Vietnam mod for BF:1942, and probably some WWII mods for BF:V by now. I have both, but I get far more play from BF:1942 right now, and most of that time is devoted to mods, with almost none to the vanilla game.

Further Edit: You can probably find the version that includes both Road to Rome and Secret Weapons for the same price as BF:V alone currently, if you really want both of those. You don't need them to play any of the mods, but if you really like vanilla, then it's a good deal.


for some reason, bf1942 just seems so dull to play now after vietnam. it could because i'm sick of the ww2 setting, the lack of a radio on the vechiles and no helicopters.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
teepo said:
for some reason, bf1942 just seems so dull to play now after vietnam. it could because i'm sick of the ww2 setting, the lack of a radio on the vechiles and no helicopters.

I've found most of the helos from BF:1942 mods to be a lot more satisfying to fly. I think it's likely because they're a bit harder to fly, so once you know what you're doing, it feels a lot better. If you really want radios so bad, turn on Winamp in the background :p


it's not the same having a 5.1 setup and all and even with just 2 speakers, it's awesome hearing a jeep zip past you playing some hippie song.

It is one of the best games on the pc IMO. I bought it with a bunch of other games when I bought my first pc, thinking I wouldn't play it that much. Its turned out to be my most played PC game since I got my new system.

I like it a hell of allot more then BF1942. I don't know, I just felt 1942 was kinda boring. Its not that Vietnam is really any different. I just enjoy the atmosphere and weaponry allot more.

Some of the maps are sorta "blah", but some of them are excellent. Play some Cambodian incursion on a good server and you'll really have allot of fun. Great jungle warfare.

Buy BFV!


Vietnam for three reasons

- Helicopters
- music!
- bushes to hide in

Minuses... expect some lag on graphic loading unless you have a good card
Battlefield Vietnam is awesome! But I like 1942 better. Since you already played 1942 to death I recommend Vietnam. But the game needs GOOD ram and GOOD Hard Drive (7200 RMP) It streams stuff on my computer.

One of the WORST thing in Vietnam is HELICOPTER BASE CAMPING >_< Its really bad on some maps.

But the night jungle maps are totally awesome. I will post pics when I get home. If you have any questions ask me.
1942 is 19.99 retail now. I have neither anymore, but I'm thinking of picking 1942 back up for Desert Combat. BF:V is really only enjoyable if your sole interest is being a helicopter pilot. Otherwise the balance is complete ass and it's no mystery that since the 1st patch BF:V went from being the second most popular online shooter (Behind Counter-strike - Gamespy server stats) to consistently 8-12th. Not only does 1942 kick its ass in popularity, but each patch seems to worsen Vietnam's popularity.
ravingloon said:
1942 is 19.99 retail now. I have neither anymore, but I'm thinking of picking 1942 back up for Desert Combat. BF:V is really only enjoyable if your sole interest is being a helicopter pilot. Otherwise the balance is complete ass and it's no mystery that since the 1st patch BF:V went from being the second most popular online shooter (Behind Counter-strike - Gamespy server stats) to consistently 8-12th. Not only does 1942 kick its ass in popularity, but each patch seems to worsen Vietnam's popularity.

Don't listen to this man!!!

Vietnam is hella fun even if you aren't interested in heli's. I'm not, and I love it.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
And then there are the large scale naval engagements. Large at least, when compared to the swift boats of BF:V. It's a pity vanilla has so few big naval maps. FH has an interesting "Atlantic" map, which I believe they've reworked for the next release, titled Operation Rhei-something. This time they'll have the Bismarck (as opposed to the Tirpitz in Atlantic), the Prinz Eugen and a host of u-boats, versus pretty much the same British fleet from Atlantic (Prince of Wales, Ark Royal, a couple destroyers, and some escort carrier). Supposedly they've also reduced the horrible lag that usually plagued that map, so hopefully the big servers will be more likely to host it.
Biff Hardbody said:
Don't listen to this man!!!

Vietnam is hella fun even if you aren't interested in heli's. I'm not, and I love it.

That's a matter of opinion. And the majority have abandoned this game. The Gamespy servers are not subjective. It went from consistently being the second most popular game with usually over 10,000 players at any given time to being beaten by games that have no business beating it.

But this was earned. There are major balance issues that have been worsened with patches. And people like myself got tired of pissy helicopter pilots telling people to shut up about balance and quit playing if you don't like it. Well the majority of us quit. Gamespy's not open for debate. These are server stats.


Top Game Servers By Players
1. Call of Duty
3997 servers, 9602 players
2. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
2608 servers, 8947 players
3. Battlefield 1942
2576 servers, 7024 players
4. Half Life
2887 servers, 6700 players
5. Americas Army: Special Forces
1652 servers, 6199 players
6. Neverwinter Nights
1456 servers, 5894 players
7. Medal of Honor Allied Assault
2634 servers, 5487 players
8. Quake 3: Arena
2614 servers, 5091 players
9. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead
1284 servers, 4376 players
10. Unreal Tournament 2004
3489 servers, 4296 players
11. Battlefield: Vietnam
1690 servers, 3962 players

This is the stats right now. Pretty usual. Although a lot of time Soldier of Fortune 2 also beats it. From launch to patch 1 - BF:V was untouchable (CS excluded, because no one competes with that.)

Second Edit: CS has finially been taken off Gamespy completely.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
1942. I hate fast jets.

Mods are also alot better, and IMO so is the actual game. Much better balance, better community, better maps.


MrAngryFace said:
I was a damned good mid-range sniper with my engineer

I tend to find my own fun in games

I was a mad car-bomber with the engineer class for a while. I once blew a tank clean off the big cliff by the airfield on Wake Island with an Axis jeep packed full of demo charges. You couldn't use an Allied jeep, 'cuz the dynamite always fell out the sides.

Making goofy screens in the Battlefield demo was fun. At IGN we made this really cool-looking riff on the cover to the Band of Brothers DVD box.



I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Back in the days when all I had was the Wake demo, I prided myself on my skills at shooting down enemy aircraft at medium range with the destroyer's heavy guns. Stupid Allied pilots thought they could just attack a defenseless destroyer? Guess they didn't think much of the big turret turning towards them until it fired....


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Desert Combat Final will be released some time today. Check your favorite download sites for it.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Bah! They've had over half a year to make the release and they delay it 24 hours. Well, I'm sure the results will be worth it anyway.


DarthWoo said:
Bah! They've had over half a year to make the release and they delay it 24 hours. Well, I'm sure the results will be worth it anyway.

Is there an official homepage for DCF? I haven't been able to find one via googling.


Time ta STEP IT UP
If you have the patience and an excellent computer buy the "Forgotten Hope" mod for BF1942. Unbeleivably fun, and it improves upon BF1942 so well. Basically, it updates the maps, weapon classes, and just about everything there is to Battlefield 1942. It keeps it in the WWII setting, but trust me when I say it's a lot more fun/difficult.

But it's 1.7gigs big


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Well, since somebody else brought up FH, I'll take the opportunity to post some more screenshots:




I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Just posting a couple more screenshots because I'm bored.





To those of you who have BF1942 but not FH, you owe it to yourself to download this!
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