Battlefield 2042 is ceasing development with Season 7

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Gold Member

While we’ve enjoyed and are proud of creating these seasons of additional content for Battlefield 2042, it is now necessary for us to turn from the present to the future. What this ultimately means is that Season 7 will serve as the final season for Battlefield 2042. After Season 7 concludes, we will continue to support the game with new in-game challenges, events, modes, and of course, ongoing maintenance, but we are moving away from delivering official seasons.


Gold Member
Yeah they've only had a small team still on the game for awhile now.

I still play it regularly with friends.


Gold Member
I fired it up around the end of last year and, I have to say, I’m really enjoying it!

Sure, the launch was messed up but it’s really good fun now.

I know I’ll probably get slammed/shamed for saying it but hey, I’m having fun :)
Don't let others ruin your enjoyment. Just keep playing what you enjoy!


I mean, it was doomed at launch.

Was so looking forward to this game, then I rememeber playing the Beta for this for the first time and it really felt off.

Next BF needs to focus on improving destruction in the game and back to the gameplay of BF4.


The biggest disappointment. Of course they have improved it with patches and the old maps have also been reworked. But unfortunately the game never really turned out that well.


every battlefield has lost some features and its crazy. the last great battelfield to me was 4. V had some good ideas, I liked the reinforcement mechanic, 1 was also good. 2042 was atrocious at launch.

I mean, DICE and bad releases is a must.


Gold Member
every battlefield has lost some features and its crazy. the last great battelfield to me was 4. V had some good ideas, I liked the reinforcement mechanic, 1 was also good. 2042 was atrocious at launch.

I mean, DICE and bad releases is a must.
I just want the gunplay from BFV back dammit. It's my favorite in the series.


Gold Member
I played Battlefield V and was shocked at how and it was. I didn't even bother with 2042. I read an interview from some producer when it was unveiled and she talked about how great the new character system is and instantly knew that nobody working on this game understood it, and it was going to be a disaster. Of course it was, the character system was horrible and so was everything else. Of course they replaced that system with the class-based one from the prior games.

Battlefield is dead.


I just want the gunplay from BFV back dammit. It's my favorite in the series.
BF1 and BFV look increidble on PS5 since both run on ps4 pro settings but with steady 60 fps, you can even change the FoV. Its insane that 2042 looks worse being a native ps5 app. And yeah. I love BFV right now, but at launch it wasnt the best.
Hopefully the next one has enough of a console player base to where I don’t get forced to play against PC mouse/key users and aimbot cheats to be able to find a game. Wishful thinking I’m sure.
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