Old Gimlet Eyes
Insane come back. We always have a long shot chance, but that was about as close as it gets. Still pumped over that win.
I started playing in an old 720p and I swear the input lag was gone. I even asked Olimpia if anything had changed since the last patch. I was moving and turning almost too fast.
It's funny how the lag feeling isn't prevalent with everyone. I definitely felt the lag on my 1080 set, but with this older one it's barely noticeable.
It's almost too bad I'm getting back to the newer set in a couple weeks.
So is it that most people aren't experiencing the problem or is it that they do but don't care?
Any recent patches for this? I haven't played in forever... they fixed the controls yet?
So lately I've been raging hard while getting wrecked in a jet. I can usually follow just about anyone if I'm already behind them but if a good pilot is behind me I can never gain an advantageous position again. It's driving me nuts, especially when I hear the enemy jet say Burt Burt and I'm 3%, on fire, and screaming towards the ground.
Any recent patches for this? I haven't played in forever... they fixed the controls yet?
I find it pretty minimal and darn near unnoticeable myself. I only really noticed it when I was tweaking my sensitivity settings. Otherwise, if you've played Killzone 2 or any number of other "floaty" controlling games, a little input lag is nothing. Game controls nicely, imo. (Wouldn't object to it not being there, just saying.)
The only fix I've found for how shit this game is, is to return to BC2. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now, but this time on 360.![]()
So is it that most people aren't experiencing the problem or is it that they do but don't care?
I didn't really play BC2 but retail BF3 to me felt slow compared to virtually every single other fps I had ever played outside of Killzone 2.Well, I've seem people say that they haven't experienced lag at all, but I believe that in this case they just weren't used to how Bad Company 2 felt.
I'm in the camp that simply didn't care. Lag was an issue for me for maybe the first few hours when I bought the game, but I adapted quite easily. I used to have a small re-adaptation period when I took a break from the game, but now I don't even have that.
I do believe that lag may be more severe for some people than others. The game controls almost like BC2 on my old 720 plasma set. It is almost too quick. As soon as I get my newer 1080 set back I'm gonna test this. I had to adjust the sensivity all the way up to play on the 1080 TV, but now on the older one I've toned it way down.
If you haven't been doing this already... Slow down to get a nice sharp turn, then hit the after burners for a few secs to gain some speed back. Works for me most of the time, it is extremely frustrating when a dog fight turns into never ending circles. This is where its good to have another player in a jet up there with you to break it up lol.
So is it that most people aren't experiencing the problem or is it that they do but don't care?
yeah definitely helps with a wingman. I was doing the sharp turn but not applying a burst of afterburner so I'll try that out. And the split S has gotten me destroyed against good pilots so I'm unsure about the application of that one. Am I a turbo nerd if when I'm not playing bf3 I'm pretending my hand is a jet to visualize better evasion movements?
Well, if you are getting destroyed super quick its probably because your flying straight for to long OR in a turn and you were keeping your jet "flat" ill call it.. for to long and the enemy caught up. Using the after burner idea i talked about helps that out, same with using legacy controller lay out on ps3 i find with the roll on one stick helps me control my spins better(just my preference). The smaller you appear the better.
Some pilots are persistent as all hell and will try to stay on you forever and just pick you apart. And this is where a button or something would come in handy to call on your other pilot not in your squad to help.(Take notes DICE!)
What is the deal where you kinda just stall out and lose control of your plane for like 5-10 seconds? Am I stalling? I'm pretty sure I'm keeping up my speed. What am I doing wrong there?
I know the planes are nothing alike and modern jets pack a lot more power, but piloting my plane in 1943 felt "heavier" and like I had more control. The planes in BF3 feel more "floaty". I wish there was a way to adjust the sensitivity for just the jets.
Those last four or five matches we had yesterday against hose clans were fucking disheartening. I have BF3 on the 360 and have been contemplating playing that version some more, but the thought of leveling up from the beginning again is kinda overwhelming.
You stall at 900 feet, or if you throttle down to much and your low enough your landing gears come out, to get out of this just hit after burners.
Well, you and Mr. Faceless are both insanely awesome, so I wouldn't expect any less from you. ^__^Insane come back. We always have a long shot chance, but that was about as close as it gets. Still pumped over that win.
leveling from the beginning isn't so bad...Those last four or five matches we had yesterday against hose clans were fucking disheartening. I have BF3 on the 360 and have been contemplating playing that version some more, but the thought of leveling up from the beginning again is kinda overwhelming.
Well, you and Mr. Faceless are both insanely awesome, so I wouldn't expect any less from you. ^__^
Oh and btw, I have been thinking how bad wannabe I can be so it is generally acceptable for a noobie like me to use GAF as a clan tag?
leveling from the beginning isn't so bad...
in jets and choppers it can be a pain, and for me, not having the Smoke Launcher and AT Mines was a real annoyance, but overall, it was ok.
I've learned to fly low with helicopters. Below radar helps, and its more fun.
Well, you and Mr. Faceless are both insanely awesome, so I wouldn't expect any less from you. ^__^
Oh and btw, I have been thinking how bad wannabe I can be so it is generally acceptable for a noobie like me to use GAF as a clan tag?
I honestly haven't used the AT mines since they made them disappear on death. Kinda similar to me not using them in BC1. Imagine that.
I also haven't touched Jets or Choppers in months because LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK LOCK "OKAY BUT WHEN DO I BREAK LO--"*crash*
Too bad that's a late level unlock, so getting there is not fun.
Just like jets.
Yay! Now I can be one of the cool kids.of course you can use GAF as a clan tag!
...so we can just look like beasts when we are dominating the top of the scoreboards with GAF tags (at least in my wet dreams).Definitely use that GAF clan tag!
Hey NeoGaf Newbie here again. Do many guys play together off the forum? I'm from the UK and would definitely be interested in teaming up. Add me if interested 'Kingles08'.
Well, that person's profile says "PS Network User ID: kingles08" so I could make a wild guess, he/she referred to PSN, but I do understand that some people can't afford to lose around 1,6 seconds of their precious lifes to check that kind of things.and hey please say what platform too, its mainly PSN gamers here but the console platforms are not in different threads.
Well, that person's profile says "PS Network User ID: kingles08" so I could make a wild guess, he/she referred to PSN, but I do understand that some people can't afford to lose around 1,6 seconds of their precious lifes to check that kind of things.![]()
so you're switching to 360 too?
and yeah, i haven't used AT Mines since they show up on the minimap without spotting after the patch.
you should unlock the ECM Jammer. it's awesome!
Yay! Now I can be one of the cool kids.
...so we can just look like beasts when we are dominating the top of the scoreboards with GAF tags (at least in my wet dreams).
All I have is time when I am trying to make myself excuses not to write the graduating thesis.too much work!
...Last time I checked I am pretty sure that wasn't part of that wet dream I was talking about.And if your really lucky...The otherteams clan may call in reinforcements...
...Last time I checked I am pretty sure that wasn't part of that wet dream I was talking about.
And if your really lucky...The otherteams clan may call in reinforcements...
I happily sign the silly and the newbie part, but in really good, enjoyable matches, you don't have enemy reinforcements becauseSilly newbie, why would you not want enemy reinforcements?
Challenge = fun.
More people to defeat = more fun.
And if your really lucky...The otherteams clan may call in reinforcements...
i still can't believe that series of games!
they kept calling in more people until they had 10 clan peeps in the game!
and they were good, but honestly, i don't know if they would have won if it wasn't Metro Defense.
Really good Conquest games with th and two other non-gaffers. The voip fix works flawlessly!