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Battlefield 3 PC Community Meetup

Yeah, which is what we have to do :) I think it's better to discuss this stuff now than when we have 50 people donating different amounts, nobody is sure who is paying each month, etc etc.


Foliorum Viridum said:
At the moment we have enough for two months, though, which includes a donation from me that would cover only one month. I'd be getting one month free because some people are doing bigger donations.

It is a bit confusing how it will work. Our goal should be to get to a number where we can all pay equal amounts every month to prevent confusion etc.

Eg: once it gets to 20 people we automatically go down to $5/month.

We've had some people say they'd pay $20 a month, and that it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think any special privileges should be given to those that are able to spend more money, but at the same time, for the sake of everyone I'm not sure we should refuse $15 a month from them either.

If we get to 20 regular donors or more, we can set it so that $5 = a month of a reserved slot. In other words, if you paid $20, you'd be guaranteed four months of a reserved slot. That would obviously have to come with the enormous caveat that the server remaining up is dependent on donations though, and that we couldn't "guarantee" (in the legal sense) that the server was going to remain running for the remainder of the months a person has accrued, in the event that donations completely dried up.

That would also require some bookkeeping on the part of Snrub (who is the only person who will have access to his Paypal account, and thus the only person who knows who has donated how much and when). I'm not sure if he's willing or able to do that though.

Honestly, I hope that never becomes a problem. It's completely understandable if someone can't donate every month and I don't foresee us being huge dicks about it and taking people off of a reserved list because they haven't been able to donate in a 30 day period, unless absolutely necessary (if we had 64 donors, for instance).

/text wall

Mr. Snrub said:
I could eat $100 for a single month, though I doubt it would come to that. Any danger of that happening multiple times and I'm out.

I don't think you should ever have to do this. That would be shameful, for a bunch of freeloaders to play on a server you had paid for. If it comes to it, feel free to shut the server right down.
LordCanti said:
/text wall
That sounds good to me. If the server is up and running well for, say, 3 months I'd be happy to do a lump sum of an extra 6 months then in the new year to guarantee me 6 more months of a reserved slot, with the understanding that it also requires other people to keep paying up for the server to exist. So yeah, if that was even an option, I'd be down for that.


Foliorum Viridum said:
That sounds good to me. If the server is up and running well for, say, 3 months I'd be happy to do a lump sum of an extra 6 months then in the new year to guarantee me 6 more months of a reserved slot, with the understanding that it also requires other people to keep paying up for the server to exist. So yeah, if that was even an option, I'd be down for that.
Kind of why I suggest the top 64 lifetime donors get the reserved spots. Seems completely fair to me.

hint: we'll never have 64 donors, and if we do, HUGE SUCCESS!


Menelaus said:
Kind of why I suggest the top 64 lifetime donors get the reserved spots. Seems completely fair to me.

hint: we'll never have 64 donors, and if we do, HUGE SUCCESS!

If we ever get to 64 players in a single month, I will personally rewrite the lyrics to the end theme of Portal to reflect our server success, and sing it + release it to the internet.



LordCanti said:
If we ever get to 64 players in a single month, I will personally rewrite the lyrics to the end theme of Portal to reflect our server success, and sing it + release it to the internet.


I'm donating twice under different accounts just to see this


Everyone realizes I meant "donors" and not "players", right guys?


Scogoth realized it, and I think by all the laws of man, that counts.


Menelaus said:
You had me fooled, I will admit.

I went to the store, came back and re-read what I had written. I nearly shat myself. Obviously we're going to get to 64 players, but 64 donors is something else entirely.

Reposting this for the bottom of the page


Ok so far (pledged to the first month):

Foliorum Viridum: $10
Menelaus: Approx $33.3
Orgun: $8
LordCanti: $10
Giriath_89: $10
Mr. Snrub: $10
Souljiro: $10
abuC: $10
gillFTR: $20
scogoth: $30
Kyaw: $10
ColeTheMole: $10
ChiefKief: $20
Bru: $20
Megalodactyl: $10
Cuban Legend: $5
Tallshortman: $10
g35twinturbo: $15
Jtrizzy: $10
BrLvgThrChmstry: $10
Approximately $280
($180 left after first months rent = Second month paid for + $80)

The first and second months are paid for, if all of these pledges turn into actual donations.
Cuban Legend | Cuban_Legend

US | East Coast

ill put up $5 USD to start it off. let me know when the paypal is ready to receive.
Put me down for $10 for first month and I'm willing to do $5+/mo. afterward if we continue to get a steady stream of contributors. Should probably go set up my paypal account I never use.

EDIT: I'm on the East Coast so list me down as someone voting for an EC server.


How will the rules be set? I saw a picture in the BC2 thread where someone was banned from a server for using the rpg launcher too much. I hope we don't go that route, I'm pretty much fine with anything, even the overuse of certain weapons.


abuC said:
How will the rules be set? I saw a picture in the BC2 thread where someone was banned from a server for using the rpg launcher too much. I hope we don't go that route, I'm pretty much fine with anything, even the overuse of certain weapons.

Good thing I don't run the server cause then CGs would be banned.
abuC said:
How will the rules be set? I saw a picture in the BC2 thread where someone was banned from a server for using the rpg launcher too much. I hope we don't go that route, I'm pretty much fine with anything, even the overuse of certain weapons.

It was most likely a "noob" server. They have a fairly long list of "cheap" stuff you can't do although they are often overdone for various reasons. I doubt our server would have anything like that besides maybe baseraping if that turns out to be as big a problem as in BC2.


I already said I would donate, mark me for $15

also, people add me!

g35twinturbo | dashyt2dafulliz

I'm in North America - West
abuC said:
How will the rules be set? I saw a picture in the BC2 thread where someone was banned from a server for using the rpg launcher too much. I hope we don't go that route, I'm pretty much fine with anything, even the overuse of certain weapons.
Yeah I've seen some ridiculous rules in BC2 servers.

No baserape is the only legit one I've seen.
If it comes to it and base raping becomes a problem, sure. Put a rule or two in place. But that's it. Banning weapons, kits, etc. Putting ridiculous arbitrary rules in place because your disdain for particular content or mechanic game is a "no-go" for me. I take the good with the bad. I'm not even that bothered by base rape. Yep. But for the sake of others... I guess that's one rule I would accept.

Put me down for $10.


Love me some base rape.

(while it's fun, it's a fast way to get rid of half a server's players, so best to avoid it)
Menelaus said:
Love me some base rape.

(while it's fun, it's a fast way to get rid of half a server's players, so best to avoid it)

It depends on what side you're on. Not being able to take a step out of hiding in a building in your base without getting sniped to hell for 20 minutes can get pretty frustrating. Other than that, I definitely hope we don't put in other "rules" unless there's some sort of blatantly unfair glitch/exploit.


I don't have a problem with base rape if two teams have the same number of players from the start of the game. Because in that case it's usually the result of one team being crappy and the other being good, get your shit together and you won't get buried like that. I'm all for punishing other teams, I want to crush our enemies, see them driven before us and hear the lamentation of their women.
We'd probably set some standard rules (no base/spawn camping being the main one), but I don't think we'd go so far as to ban certain weapons. I think DICE/EA actually has rules against that--can't make weapon rules on a Ranked server.

We have thrown around ideas for some fun custom matches, but those would probably be "events" more or less.

Got the Paypal account linked, just working out the kinks and prettying up the donation site, now. Great to see so many pledges!


I'll decide my level of commitment after the beta is released. Still not sure about this game. Really hoping the beta is a conquest level.

1-D_FTW l SteamedUp (Origin ID) - East US


Mjunter | Mjunter

NA- Central

Not sure if I want to contribute just yet. Will have to see if I like the game enough to stay with it.


I will update the pledge list later tonight. Only have access to a touchpad right now. It's a long story.

I pm'd you mr.shrub.

I think the plan is to have PayPal up tonight. Looks like 3 months are pretty much going to be paid for.

also lol@Mr shrub. Autocorrect ftl
Okay, bros: please visit the NeoGAF Battlefield 3 Server blog to donate!

We weren't sure if we could get a Paypal button in the OP, so we came up with this quick site, and MAY eventually use it for server updates and such.

To donate: please use the "Donate" link in the right pane to make a donation via PayPal. Donors will receive a reserved slot on the server for each month that you donate. If we get more than 64 donors...well. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

When you choose to donate, please click "Add special instructions to the recipient" and provide your NeoGAF username. Without this, we cannot match your donation to your username and you will not receive a reserved slot.

Oh, and of course, everything on this site is temporary. We're gonna rework it in the coming days, but we wanted to get the donation link up since the response has been going so well.
Okidoke. What we'll start doing now is removing the red highlight from pledged donors, and instead list the names of the actual donors on the blog site.

Giriath, I don't think you left a comment with your name, but I got you on the list. Try to add it next time, just so we make sure you get proper credit


Menelaus said:
good job, sirs. only $10 away from our first month paid for!

I'll put my 10 in tomorrow when I have access to my computer again. Consider the first months rent paid for.

also pro tip= eat something before having blood drawn lol. Fml.
LordCanti said:
I'll put my 10 in tomorrow when I have access to my computer again. Consider the first months rent paid for.

also pro tip= eat something before having blood drawn lol. Fml.


Generally, that's a good idea.

Just a heads up to all donors: PayPal DOES have a tax, even for donations. Seems to be right around 5-7%. I'm gonna update the blog with the actual donated amount, post-tax.
Legato.Reborn- said:
Why is Mumble the VOIP standard now?

I think TS3/Ventrilo is such a better alternative (imo).

From the thread linked in the OP:

What is it?

Mumble is a voice chat program similar to Ventrilo or TeamSpeak. However, unlike Ventrilo or TeamSpeak, Mumble is designed for games.
Thus, it offers a wide variety of features to make playing games with your friends and teammates even more fun. My friends and I use
it to play Left 4 Dead, Bad Company 2, Team Fortress 2 and several others. Of course, Mumble can also be used to just bullshit with
your friends like I do after we finish playing a game.

·Low latency and Superior Sound Quality: Unlike Ventrilo or TeamSpeak, there is practically NO delay on receiving messages from other
users. Ventrilo delay is roughly 2 to 4 seconds, Teamspeak is around 2 to 3, and in-game chat delays are usually around 3 to 6 seconds.
Mumble has a delay of .25 to .75 at most.
That's less than a damn second. This means that when you go to warn your teammates about a
sentry gun or a grenade, they aren't already dead by the time they hear you. Oh and did I mention that the sound quality on Mumble is
leagues above what you can get on Ventrilo and TeamSpeak? This is because Mumble removes background noise from your mic.

I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but we all use Mumble now. JOIN US
Mr. Snrub said:
From the thread linked in the OP:

I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but we all use Mumble now. JOIN US

I'm already apart of LoL Mumble, but I was just wondering. I will definitely be in BF3 GAF Mumble!
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