Sandy Nipples
I'm over this, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is more stable than this. They should use the Euro Truck Simulator 2 engine in the next Mass Effect, unless you want to crash out every 10 minutes.
I'm over this, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is more stable than this. They should use the Euro Truck Simulator 2 engine in the next Mass Effect, unless you want to crash out every 10 minutes.
We made sweet beautiful boat love today.
Yea its not very stable atm and some extreme fps drops as well. Hope they fix itGot to play 64 player conquest games yesterday, had a lot of fun. All ended up crashing to dashboard on the PS4.
Roll on next weeks patch - I want to play more!
Does anyone know if there is a limit to the amount of XP boosts that you can store? Planning on stacking as many as I can for the double XP week
What are you guys using to record your clips? Like to start doing this myself.
I swear, Quick Match is progammed to put you in your least favorite maps on the shittiest teams it can find.
Right now I use shadowplay which is available for Nvidia 600 and 700 series cards. It has very minimal framerate effect.
From what I have read dxtory has the most options and best functionality but more an affect on fps.
Problem is if you want to record like 3-5 hours of matches completely to upload them uncut to Youtube you need a LOT of harddrive space and fucking about with codecs and shit to where Youtube doesn't compress the hell out of it/break quality.
I really wish there was better services for free that didn't restrict you for your high-def videos. :/
Who wants to watch 5 hours of straight bf4 play? Highlights reel! Get to editing!
Nothing very special but reminiscent of bc2.
I do. For the matches. I'm not a fan of montages. >:|
Ok is it just me is or the game crashing constantly tonight? Never had it like this before, can't play more than 5 minutes currently.
Just use them unless they are 100% or greater. You get so many 25% and 50% boosts its ridiculous. Always forget to activate them as well.
How do you even activate them? Couldn't find anything ingame or on battlelog. I'm probably missing something incredibly obvious.
I'm a little shocked at how this game looks on XB1 immediately after playing for an hour on the PS4.
So you arent going to watch my YOLOsniper360doublexXxheadshots montage?
How do you even activate them? Couldn't find anything ingame or on battlelog. I'm probably missing something incredibly obvious.
So what's everyone's favorite/least favorite maps so far? I've only played like one game each on Golmund and Dawnbreaker because the audio cutouts and shimmering (respectively) annoy me way too much. I really like Hainan Resort, Rogue Transmission and Paracel Storm. Shanghai and Lancang Dam are decent, not a fan of Flood Zone at all, Operation Locker is decent when I want some chaos and easy unlocks and Zavod is just mediocre/bad to me. Also I've only played one game of rush and it was on Hainan, first stage reminded me of Isla Inocentes from BC2 so much, and that's a good thing.
How broken is the game on ps 4?
Kinda considering switching my Killzone preorder for this (EU).
How broken is the game on ps 4?
Kinda considering switching my Killzone preorder for this (EU).
Worse, easily. We already knew about the difference in resolution, but the impact is substantial in a game like this.better? worse? the same?
I swear, Quick Match is progammed to put you in your least favorite maps on the shittiest teams it can find.
Broken on all platforms right now.
Don't. Wait a few months and get it and premium for $60 total with maybe a fully functioning game included.
Don't. Wait a few months and get it and premium for $60 total with maybe a fully functioning game included.
Is the single player campaign broken? Because I'm really only interested in the single player (gasp).
Is the single player campaign broken? Because I'm really only interested in the single player (gasp).
Is the single player campaign broken? Because I'm really only interested in the single player (gasp).
Shanghai rush is trash. First set of obs on Paracel rush is pretty bad.
Not a fan of conquest Zavod.
I'm kinda new to military FPSs, want to play the campaign through before jumping into the MP. (wanna wait for next week's patch too)
I have the PS4 version, how does the single player campaign run now, should I wait for a patch for that too?
Don't. Wait a few months and get it and premium for $60 total with maybe a fully functioning game included.
So.. There's really no way to form a party/squad and join the game together with friends? I'm playing on the Xbox One and can't find a way to do it.