It must suuuuuuuuck to be a DICE employee working on this game right now :/
Trying to fix a broken mess of a game that has issues deep within the engine itself it seems, Bethesda Skyrim PS3 -style.
All fans raging 24/7 all about different issues and surely EA pressuring them to do it yesterday already. Within all that trying to find time to properly test the updated versions? Jeez...
The part I still can't wrap my head around is that BF4 doesn't actually seem that different from BF3 at first glance. Like, they tweaked certain things here and there and I guess the engine looks better, but it still seems like BF3 until you get into the nitty gritty. And so while I'm sure there's a ton of stuff they've changed that made the engine unstable, I still keep thinking "how did you totally fuck this up? you already had a mature engine and netcode to build off of!" I can't even decide how unfair a stance this is; maybe I'm cutting them too much slack by saying it only seems the same on the surface.
All this just reminds me of the great Quake 2 debacle of decades past, where id had to spend something like eight months patching that game until it was finally okay.