Genius, we just set minimum income limit to 130k and maximum to 138k and we solve income inequality.
Not to me. If you have a rare skill that people will pay to see, why not profit from it? I don't understand why you shouldn't be rewarded for your hard work. It's BS. This is a slippery slope so I wouldn't want this near me. Don't do this shit you all.His last sentences has a point.
Genius, we just set minimum income limit to 130k and maximum to 138k and we solve income inequality.
Wow, I read that as "max limit to what people can EAT" lol.
Not to me. If you have a rare skill that people will pay to see, why not profit from it? I don't understand why you shouldn't be rewarded for your hard work. It's BS. This is a slippery slope so I wouldn't want this near me. Don't do this shit you all.
Why is it that liberal parties are composed of incompetent blubbering morons? I just don't get it.
I used to support him but he's gotta go, they need new blood.
Most people won't even come close to that salary. If he was suggesting a cap at 40 or 50k we might have a serious issue but seriously it's over 100k.
The problem is there is no new blood.
As tax justice crusader Richard Murphy puts it: ”A practical policy on high pay is to deny a company corporation tax relief on payment of all salaries of more than 10 times UK median wage." This is a workable proposal that Labour should certainly explore and – I would argue – adopt.
Dear Arsene
I'm going to place into an effect a policy that restricts wages of footballers to £138k a year. It's my genius plan to ensure that our Gooners have a shot at winning the Premier League.
Hope that makes you happy.
Lots of love
Arsene Wenger, 2009The communist model does not work economically, we all realised that, but the capitalist model in the modern world also looks to be unsustainable. You cannot ignore individual interests, but I believe the world evolves slowly. The last 30 years have brought a minimum amount of money for everybody in the west, the next step, politically, would be a maximum amount of money earned by everybody.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has hit out at sports minister Richard Caborn's calls for a football wage cap.
Caborn wants controls on wages and is pursuing the matter with his counterparts across Europe.
But Wenger said sport should not be made a special case and restrictions should apply across society.
"You cannot say a sportsman should have a limited amount of income but a banker should get a £15m bonus for making a lot of money," Wenger told The Times.
Caborn wants to address the amount of money in sport that ends up in players' pockets but Wenger believes such a system is unworkable.
Wenger said: "If it is across the whole of society, I'm not against it but if it is just directed against football I don't agree with it."
I don't see a problem with this.
Tax the rich so much that their salary works out to 138k. 138k is more than reasonable, it's more money than the vast majority of the population will make over 3-4 years.
I don't see a problem with this.
Tax the rich so much that their salary works out to 138k. 138k is more than reasonable, it's more money than the vast majority of the population will make over 3-4 years.
Yeah, Labour is done. Started with Ed Mulligan and it's been on a irreversible slide since then.
They've lost key demographics which will be extremely hard to win back and they've made zero attempt so far.
Party is name only right now. It's just one huge scandal away from imploding.
Or, we could, you know, reform our tax system.
Never in my long lifetime has this country needed an effective opposition more and the Labour leader is bleating about a maximum wage. Is it that hard to focus on the fact that people are dying, frightened and alone, on hospital trolleys because of this Tory government's attacks on the NHS? A stance that might actually win the party votes, you turtle's cunt?
In the name of everything that crawls and fucks, Corbyn. In the name of everything that crawls and fucks.
It's not as damning as it sounds, but not by much. It's not the launch of some flagship policy but an off-the-cuff remark about a debate on policy that had no thought put into it.
So yes, he has torpedoed his own relaunch, and it does highlight how little thought goes into implementing solutions rather than vague railing against the government, and it is completely unenforceable for so many reasons, and it will probably sink like a stone, but it could be worse... I guess?
The problem you have is assuming Corbyn even wants to win.How stupid is he? How will this win votes and advance a liberal cause? Why would he say this? Does he not have common sense?
Speaking later on Sky News, Mr Corbyn said a wage cap would be "somewhat higher" than his salary of approximately £138,000,
In all my years in politics and public service, this is possibly the most stupid policy idea I have ever heard - and that's saying something. It is utterly awful in every respect, and the fact he even ponders it is staggeringly stupid.
1) it does absolutely nothing to help a single person get out of poverty. Nothing. Not a single persons life would be improved through this.
2) unlike raising taxes, it generates absolutely no extra income to help those who need it.
3) it is not the fixed salaries that are in issue with extreme wealth anyway. Take home pay is a small part of the problem - stock options, bonuses, capital investments, in work benefits. All of those are part of the income disparity and wouldn't be impacted by this.
4) it would be extremely easy to avoid, and in all likelihood would simply decrease our overall tax base.
It is not only a stupid idea, it does nothing to help anyone and would demonstrably harm the country. It's a child's response to the idea that income disparity is too great.
Arsene Wenger, 2009
The bold Arsene is a bit of a champagne socialist.
Seriously Corbyn just go, you're handing the keys of the country to the Tories for a generation.
I've come to the conclusion that's what they want.
How much more fun it is to protest policies of the Tories whilst not having to provide serious alternatives themselves.
..sit there shouting from the opposition benches whilst waiting for the British people to be ready for a full blown socialist revolution that will never come.
Lunatic student union lefties the lot of them.
"If we want to live in a more egalitarian society and fund our public services, we cannot go on creating worse levels of inequality."
Translation: "Give me money for expensive and ineffective public services! Gib! Gib! Fuck capitalism"
Jesus talk about an over reaction to an off-the-cuff remark. Also it's not a bad idea in theory but perhaps would be better implemented through higher taxation brackets.
Income inequality is one of the biggest issues facing modern society. Wages of the highest earners has ballooned since the 80's whilst the middle and low earners has barely budged, just about matching inflation. He also mentioned increasing minimum wage to £10 per hour which would fantastic and give people a living wage.
I think Corbyn has great ideas but how he delivers them is often terrible. He needs to think before he speaks, especially when everything he says will be scrutinised and jumped upon by the right wing press.
The study you are probably citing actually says that people are happier about life in terms of life satisfaction the more they make, but it will not make you have a happy attitude on a day to day basis:There needs to be a tax on wealth, not income.
That said there was a study done in the US that showed people don't get any happier from additional income above around 70k. I'm sure the number varies by location but it's not like people making millions per year are getting any marginal utility out of all that money.
I would like to see a top tax bracket of 100% at, say, 750k. And a minimum income of something like 40k.
But like I said the real inequality is already baked into net worth. Like Piketty said, there needs to be a global simultaneous tax on wealth.
So many people in this thread are worried about the rich people fleeing the UK. Maybe they will... but honestly fuck them. I mean they're useful for tax income but then again all they seem to do is look for ways to avoid taxes anyway.
But in the bigger view of their lives, people's evaluations were much more tied to their income. The more they made, the more they felt their life was going well. The survey asked respondents to place themselves on a life-satisfaction ladder, with the first rung meaning their lives were not going well and the 10th rung meaning it was as good as it could be. The higher their income, the higher the rung people chose. "Importantly, the same percentage increase in income has the same effect on evaluation for everyone, rich or poor alike, even though the absolute dollar amounts differ," the authors write. So every 10% rise in annual income moves people up the satisfaction ladder the same amount, whether they're making $25,000 or $100,000.
It's a horrible fucking idea and deserves to be pounced on
I don't see a problem with this.
Tax the rich so much that their salary works out to 138k. 138k is more than reasonable, it's more money than the vast majority of the population will make over 3-4 years.
Jesus talk about an over reaction to an off-the-cuff remark. Also it's not a bad idea in theory but perhaps would be better implemented through higher taxation brackets.
Income inequality is one of the biggest issues facing modern society. Wages of the highest earners has ballooned since the 80's whilst the middle and low earners has barely budged, just about matching inflation. He also mentioned increasing minimum wage to £10 per hour which would fantastic and give people a living wage.
I think Corbyn has great ideas but how he delivers them is often terrible. He needs to think before he speaks, especially when everything he says will be scrutinised and jumped upon by the right wing press.
I think Corbyn has great ideas but how he delivers them is often terrible. He needs to think before he speaks, especially when everything he says will be scrutinised and jumped upon by the right wing press.
Maybe it's just me but that's bordering on communism, is it not?
Why is it that liberal parties are composed of incompetent blubbering morons? I just don't get it.