Fit test 4 tomorrow. I'm less excited for it than I was a couple of days ago, but I'm completely knackered right now and need an early night. I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I start (yeah, right) 
Getting hard to stick with T25 everyday. I hit the "ugh I'm tired of the same workouts over and over" wall I notoriously hit with beachbody programs. Today is the last day of week 3 for me.
I also feel like the amount of leg work involved is nuts so far. Feel like ima have tree trunk legs with puny arms after this haha
Also measured my waist today and its 1-2in more than it was. Went from 34 to 32 to 34? wtf![]()
Getting hard to stick with T25 everyday. I hit the "ugh I'm tired of the same workouts over and over" wall I notoriously hit with beachbody programs. Today is the last day of week 3 for me.
I also feel like the amount of leg work involved is nuts so far. Feel like ima have tree trunk legs with puny arms after this haha
Also measured my waist today and its 1-2in more than it was. Went from 34 to 32 to 34? wtf![]()
Does fasting work for you? I can't go more than a few hours without being super hungry. I'd eat the shit out of everything in sight if I fasted for 24 hours.
The best and only reasonable modification for pull-ups is to do assisted pull-ups. Forget the chair thing because that is impractical. Just "lower the weight" you are raising by using resistance bands. Toss the ressistance band over the bar, put your foot in both handles and this now gives you a nice floaty effect, and makes the pull up much easier. If you want it even easier, put another resistance band on your other foot. Naturally, the stronger the resistance bands, the easier the pull-up.
That's what I did and was going to suggest if he asked.
Allergies are keeping me from my workouts. I try to set it up and it just isn't happening this week. I guess my plan is to start beta next Monday if I can. Going to try to do beast total body later after work... I dunno tho.Sucks that I've been sick the past few days, unable to do my workoutsJust have to push the Beta cycle back a few days to get the ones I miss in.
Yeah, I do this as well allows me to go at my own pace and not feel rushed by the video. Just need to stay disciplined and not speed through Fifer Scissors!I already have the sequence of moves in Ab Ripper X memorized, so I've been doing it without the video lately. Today, I finally did every single rep. All 349! At my own pace of course, but two weeks ago I couldn't even do half of these moves; let alone 25 reps of each! I'm pretty proud of myself.
V up roll ups still suck though. They are by far the hardest move.
Yeah, I do this as well allows me to go at my own pace and not feel rushed by the video. Just need to stay disciplined and not speed through Fifer Scissors!
Oblique V-ups are the toughest for me. I feel like I've improved on a lot of the other moves over time, but they still give me trouble.
Nervous about Insanity month 2 O.O
On the other hand I feel like it's where I'll see some great results, but hoo man.
dem Bulgarian squatsJust did Body Beast - Build Legs for the first time. god. damn. godddddddd daaaammmnnnn.
That said, another god damn to the number of calories I'm eating. I'm at the 2,800 level right now and today I ate about 3,600 because I burned 400 calories doing Body Beast and 1,200 playing basketball.
Also, god damn
Help me feel better Gaf. I know I probably had to stop, but I still feel pretty pathetic for quitting. I could've stayed in there and modified or something but I just stopped the video before that option even came into my mind.
Doesn't feel good.
So, that wasn't exactly as easy as I thought it would be.
Today, for the first time, I stopped a video before the end. I quit. I got through the Max Cardio Conditioning fine (nothing inspiring, but I did it) but then during the Cardio Abs I stopped right at the beginning. It was my left hamstring again, which I injured during Insanity, keeping me out for a couple of weeks before I started month 2.
I always feel it pulling during switch kicks so I don't kick as high on my left leg as I do with my right. But during the Cardio Abs workout I did a wide tuck jump and felt it ripping a lot more than usual. I took a short break and jumped in with the C-Sit position when they started, but as soon as I did a twist to my left side I felt it ripping again, harder this time, and winced in pain. I stopped there and then.
Help me feel better Gaf. I know I probably had to stop, but I still feel pretty pathetic for quitting. I could've stayed in there and modified or something but I just stopped the video before that option even came into my mind.
Doesn't feel good.
Allergies are keeping me from my workouts. I try to set it up and it just isn't happening this week. I guess my plan is to start beta next Monday if I can. Going to try to do beast total body later after work... I dunno tho.
I'm done. I quit. DNF. Today would have been day 53.
My leg is just screwed, and I'm worried that if I carry on I'll do permanent damage to it. I've known it's been coming. Ever since starting again, I could feel my muscles straining whenever I do switch kicks or a move which involves extending my leg. For the past few nights, I've been waking up in the middle of the night because my leg's been aching and, trust me, it's difficult to get back to sleep in that situation.
I start Uni sports in about 3 weeks, so hopefully if I rest up till then I'll recover in time to join in. It's obviously frustrating, but in a way I'm pretty proud of myself for doing it for this long - especially for jumping back in as soon as I could after my injury first appeared and I was out for 2 weeks.
I'd like to thank the people in this thread for their encouragement and their willingness to answer my dumb questions. It really helped! To all those who are still going: good luck.
I was going to wait till day 63 for this, but I guess now is as good a time as ever to post some before and after photos. I'm so glad I started Insanity instead of just lounging around all summer, even if it's injured me. For the first time, I can go swimming without feeling self-conscious about my figure. In the right lighting it actually looks pretty good now!
I think the proper attitude in this situation would be to continue exercising each day, but instead of doing insanity, do one hour of mobility and stretching for your lower part of body. And regular exercising for your upper body which is not injured. And then when your legs heals, kick in with the programe again.
Also, just a recommendation, you should probably also do some longer chest stretches each day, since your right shoulder is a bit rounded forward. Such imbalance can always cause problems in the long run when you try these intense programes. Personally, I am sick of minor injures, so I am doing a lot of correction type of exercises before starting anything intense again.
I take it you've had a lot of injuries like mine over the years?
Yep, totally injury prone. Even the slightest going over board can cause me an injury. I have no problems with weight (70kg), but my whole body is too tight, and not properly aligned due to all the sitting, so I am just a walking injury waiting to happen.
But what I learned from it is to take it easy, and to know what types of exercises are most beneficial for me a the moment (lots of stretching, mobility movements, and focused strengthening of ignored muscles).
Swimming is probably also the number one best thing one can do in such a situation. And not only regular type of swimming, but also doing asymmetrical movements in deep water is hugely helpful.
It just sucks, because the workouts make me feel good, so I'm missing that, but then I'm also missing a huge chunk of energy from being sickGoing to try tomorrow though, I think I'm on the tail end of this thing.
would i get significantly less cardio with p90x?
TomorraDon't worry too much man, you'll be fine! I'm on day 48 today. The worst day of month 2 is the first, where you do Max Interval Circuit straight after the Fit Test. After that, everything seems easy lol.
When do you start?
It depends what you're after. A lot of workout guys today are mainly looking for size. P90X/X2 have more of an athletic theme to them. Pure bodybuilders would view them simply as "cardio" because of all the movement and calorie burning. They're partially correct, but it depends what you're after. I mean, if you're a tennis player, it won't help you to just go to the gym and do 3 max reps every other day, but that might be a good course if you're just working on size. As a (formerly) competitive athlete myself, I found the P90X series and Insanity to be great. I wish I had done Asylum, too.I was reading about p90x and somehow I get the impression that most bodybuilding people look down on beach body programs. It feels like the relation between pc gamers and console gamers.
I've been through each T25 workout once now in prep for officially starting on 9 September. My thoughts:
Speed1 is too easy. I didn't feel exhausted really at all.
Rip't Circuit and Upper Focus. I think I'd rather just go do upper body at the gym.
The rest are all awesome. Absolutely fantastic, exhausting cardio. Exactly what I'm looking for.
Maybe my memory of Insanity is fading, but I'm sure Insanity felt harder.
So for Speed1, Rip't Circuit and Upper Focus, I'm going to sub them out and go to the gym instead.
So I only am going to be able to get in 2 workouts this week as I'll be leaving for the lake this weekend. So I plan to put T-25 on hold for a week. What would be two solid workouts to do today and tomorrow from P90X, X2, Insanity, Asylum, or T-25 to cover my bases and burn some calories?
Was thinking Plyo X2 and maybe an insanity or asylum workout.
I HAVE to get past this damn plateau I've been on for what seems like a year. It's killing me.
You could always do two T25 doubles. Total Body Circuit + Ab Intervals one day, Rip'T Circuit & Dynamic Core the next?
That way you get two full-body workouts plus two core-centric workouts in.
It depends what you're after. A lot of workout guys today are mainly looking for size. P90X/X2 have more of an athletic theme to them. Pure bodybuilders would view them simply as "cardio" because of all the movement and calorie burning. They're partially correct, but it depends what you're after. I mean, if you're a tennis player, it won't help you to just go to the gym and do 3 max reps every other day, but that might be a good course if you're just working on size. As a (formerly) competitive athlete myself, I found the P90X series and Insanity to be great. I wish I had done Asylum, too.
I am about to train for a 10k run. Will p90x be helpful for that?