Hey Kevin/Fennec.
I worked a door at a funk club in Camden for two months when I was 21. It was usually me and whichever giant was on the shift (usually dudes between 6 and 7 feet tall - I'm 6"2).
Basically, I was the 'charmer' who held the guess list and they had the ticker, also using their appearance as the obvious threat. It was an easy job, didn't pay too well - the UK equivalent of $20 an hour - but was GREAT for meeting women, though slightly superficial ones who were ALARMINGLY forthcoming - one who I talked to for barely 10 seconds came back on the way out and handed me her number on a strip of paper and I was also lucky enough to shag two different women in the same week (that was a big deal to me back then). I also got cocktails half price for me and my friends and could let in whoever I wanted within reason. It was actually very fucking cool.
However, I wouldn't go back. You have to work weekend evenings, stand out in the cold a lot and you soon learn that most people who hang out regularly in bars are losers without a real group of friends. You start wanting to move away from these people very very fast.
So my experience in summation:
= If your bar has employee perks, you can treat your friends to a night of cheap-ass drinking
= You'll meet some interesting characters amongst the loser onslaught
= You get treated like a kick among locals who frequent there, especially the ones you let off a door charge
= If it's a bar with a good tunesmith, you'll hear and learn about good music. My bar intro'd me to The Sugar Hill Gang, Grandmaster Flash, Earth, Wind and Fire and James Brown!
= You will meet lots of losers
= You may get attacked by a nutter (I never did, though did have to sedate one guy, which was easy as he was so drunk)
= You will have your patience tested repeatedly (can be a good thing too)
= The pay is pants
= You're tired over the weekend because you're up till X am standing out side a club and sleeping weird hours a few days in a row