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What is your favorite beer?


7% Alc./Vol.

On May 1, 1997, Unibroue launched 1837. It is dedicated to the heroes who died fighting for the freedom of our country during that year. Some fought at the battle of St-Eustache, and others were executed at the Pied-du-Courant. In keeping with its historical significance, the beer was launched at the Governor's Mansion, which was the residence of the Pied-du-Courant prison governor.

1837 is a blonde beer that is slightly cloudy. It contains 7% alcohol and is refermented in the bottle. Following the brewing tradition of the great abbey beers, it is made with a blend of Quebec-grown raw wheat, lightly roasted barley and a hint of spices. It is a truly refreshing beer.
This is my favorite beer. Its taste is sweet and strong. The best way to enjoy it IMO is with Brillat-Savarin cheese or Nachos. I'm drinking mine right now! ^_^ Are you a beer-type? What is YOUR favorite beer?


Hollywood Square
You are all amateurs...


1829 David G. Yuengling establishes the Eagle Brewery on Centre Street in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.


Hmmm...Guiness, or Magic Hat #9? I just can't decide, they're so different.

I need to find out how the local breweries are around here at some point.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member



Out of all the american beers I tasted when I was there, I found Rolling rock beer to be the tastiest, and one called Michelob or something similar.
Laurent said:
What is your favorite beer?

A better question for me would be: What isn't my favorite beer?! Yeeeeaahhh!!!

The answer to that would be any and all things Bud. Just about anything else is OK with me depending on my mood. I can go from Miller Lite tallboys to Old Nick Barleywine in the blink of an eye. I am just that fucking crazy. Woo Hoo.


Winged Creature said:
American beer in general isnt very good, I prefer Canadian (I am canadian myself) and European beer.
The canadian version of Budweiser (brewed by Labatt) taste like crap, but I was quite impressed by the smooth taste of an american Budweiser...


DJ Sl4m said:
Guinness tastes so sweet and goes down so easy mainly because it's SOOO weak.
4% alcohol per volume


Uhm Guiness might be sweet to him because he actually likes the taste?
I don't care about the % of alcohol in a beer, I'd rather enjoy a very good 4% beer than a good 5% beer.

If you like Guiness I'm sure you would ADORE Boréale Noire, not too sure about its availability out of Quebec, though.



The only good Budweiser, the original:



Bought a 24 pack one time with a friend, cost us $60 CAD, was well worth it though.


Winged Creature said:
Ive tried the american version of bud, i didnt like it, Labbat Blue or Molson Canadian blow it away.
WHAT?! you mean you tried the lame 7 Eleven version, or in a can? Seriously, you should try that Unibroue stuff... Since Sleeman bought the company, it should be available all over Canada soon.


BigJonsson said:

Wooo! Moosehead rocks! Moosehead and Rickard's Honeybrown are probably the cheapest beers I ever get nowadays but damn is Moosehead good for a cheap night of booze and hockey! :D

DJ Sl4m

Malakhov said:
Uhm Guiness might be sweet to him because he actually likes the taste?

Thanks, for re-iterating my point, it tastes as well as it does because the alcohol content isn't as high.
The higher the precentage the harder it is to make the taste as smooth.



I've tried recently Irish Murphy's St. Arnou Dark Ale, another fine australian beer. It reminds me of Guiness, except with a much smoooooother taste!


DJ Sl4m said:
Thanks, for re-iterating my point, it tastes as well as it does because the alcohol content isn't as high.
The higher the precentage the harder it is to make the taste as smooth.

There's tons of 4% beer that tastes like shite, your point is null.
With a good dinner: Redhook Doubleblack Stout, Mac and Jack's Amber Ale, or Newcastle Brown Ale
Illin' on IRC mocking Matlock: Amstel Light, six-pack
Moping at the bar with the wife: Black Butte Porter
Playin' Burnout 2's Crash mode with peeps and getting soused: Michelob Ultra en masse
For any of you beer fans on the East Coast near Washington, DC, I highly recommend you head to Dupont Circle downtown and hit up The Brickskeller (http://www.thebrickskeller.com/). This place has nearly every beer in the world available bottled, and many on tap! The food is decent, tastes better after a half dozen beers. ;)


DJ Sl4m sounds like a guy that takes his % of alcohol in his beer way too seriously, can't look like a wuss in front of your friends, right!

It's just a 'lil number on a my bottle big guy, it's not your penis size.


Hollywood Square
DJ Demon J said:
For any of you beer fans on the East Coast near Washington, DC, I highly recommend you head to Dupont Circle downtown and hit up The Brickskeller (http://www.thebrickskeller.com/). This place has nearly every beer in the world available bottled, and many on tap! The food is decent, tastes better after a half dozen beers. ;)

I will take the Metro down there in approximately six months.

DJ Sl4m

Malakhov said:
DJ Sl4m sounds like a guy that takes his % of alcohol in his beer way too seriously, can't look like a wuss in front of your friends, right!

It's just a 'lil number on a my bottle big guy, it's not your penis size.

Nah, I drink 6-7% is fine with me, and it's usually just to chase my Jagger, or drink with a meal.

I preffer heine or Red Stripe when out at a club I don't play at, but if I'm DJ'ing I usually take mostly shots and drink Ultra to chase it.
Not much free time to run back and forth to the bar all night, I have to drink strong and make the most of my trips.

I'm not sure why you took my post as offensive, but for whatever reason you did, but now that you're done stop talking about my penis :p <--- trying to be funny, not sarcastic, stop being soo defensive, you remind me of how I am when I wake up in the morning. lol
I am a big fan of Bass, Newcastle, John Courage, and Coors Light. I can't drink expensive beers ALL the time, you know.

I also loved Old Style when I was up in Chicago, but sadly, it's only available in the Windy City.


Guiness without a doubt. A beer that drinks like a meal. :)

Yuengling is good though. For a cheap, light, domestic beer, it's awful smooth. Considering it comes from the same people that makes that piss/swill Bud, then it's not bad. Definitely the best budget beer along with Labatt Blue. PEACE.


Well, there's a locator on the site, just fill in your zipcode and the stores near you are listed!

Good luck my fellow beer drinker, may the yeast be with you.
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