Ben Carson: Put Harriet Tubman on the $2 bill instead
Video at the link.
Ben Carson, fresh off beating Ted Cruz in a New York House district during Tuesday's GOP primary, weighed in on the newest face of the $20 bill, Harriet Tubman.
His suggestion: Maybe she should be on a bill thats worth less?
Carsons comment came Wednesday on Fox Business Network's Cavuto Coast to Coast, where he spoke with host Neil Cavuto.
Well I think Andrew Jackson was a tremendous secretary. I mean a tremendous president, Carson, a former GOP presidential candidate who now backs Donald Drumpf, said of the soon-to-be former face of the twenty.
Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget, where we had no national debt, Carson said. In honor of that, we kick him off of the money.
Are you anti-Harriet Tubman? Cavuto asked, presumably meaning anti-putting-Tubman-on-the-$20-bill and not anti-Tubman, just, in general.
No, I love Harriet Tubman, said Carson. I love what she did. But we can find another way to honor her. Maybe a $2 bill.
The $2 bill was last issued in 2003.
Video at the link.