Ben Carson is a fuckwit just like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin.
LmaoThe 1/10th Compromise
It looks pretty awesome don't it? Kind of like the other bills used to look. The back though is what I REALLY love...
"uncle tom ass nigga..."
Is what my family would call this guy.
This is brilliant. Well done.The 1/10th Compromise
Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
It looks pretty awesome don't it? Kind of like the other bills used to look. The back though is what I REALLY love...
The 1/10th Compromise
One of my professors went on a rant about this the other day. Basically bitching about them changing it for the sake of change, and that every person on every American dollar is on there because they did something historically with the development of modern money and the current economic system.
Jackson, while being a deplorable human being, actually helped the development of modern banking quite a bit with his battle vs congress over the 2nd National Bank and all that.
Having never thought about it that way, it definitely changed my perspective a bit. Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
One of my professors went on a rant about this the other day. Basically bitching about them changing it for the sake of change, and that every person on every American dollar is on there because they did something historically with the development of modern money and the current economic system.
Jackson, while being a deplorable human being, actually helped the development of modern banking quite a bit with his battle vs congress over the 2nd National Bank and all that.
Having never thought about it that way, it definitely changed my perspective a bit. Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
One of my professors went on a rant about this the other day. Basically bitching about them changing it for the sake of change, and that every person on every American dollar is on there because they did something historically with the development of modern money and the current economic system.
Jackson, while being a deplorable human being, actually helped the development of modern banking quite a bit with his battle vs congress over the 2nd National Bank and all that.
Having never thought about it that way, it definitely changed my perspective a bit. Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
Your definition of uncommon and handy are suspect.
shhhhh Ben, you already got the Fox pundit job
Ben Carson: Put Harriet Tubman on the $2 bill instead
Carson, a former GOP presidential candidate who now backs Donald Drumpf
Video at the link.
The actual article said:Carson, a former GOP presidential candidate who now backs Donald Trump
One of my professors went on a rant about this the other day. Basically bitching about them changing it for the sake of change, and that every person on every American dollar is on there because they did something historically with the development of modern money and the current economic system.
Jackson, while being a deplorable human being, actually helped the development of modern banking quite a bit with his battle vs congress over the 2nd National Bank and all that.
Having never thought about it that way, it definitely changed my perspective a bit. Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
Misquoting a source will get you in deep trouble, Mister.
ill gladly buy all the racist people's 20's for 15 dollars.It's Fox News fault, they're the ones booking the douche. I wish I could get paid for saying whatever stupid shit came out of my mouth.
This clown will be on tv for years. Just look at Palin.
Misquoting a source will get me pressed if it's about Trump, Mister.
The fact that there are living human beings who voted for this man in a Presidential primary.
BeatenThe 1/10th Compromise
At this point even Ruckus would tell him to tone it down.He's like a real life Uncle Ruckus.
The two dollar bill is actually pretty sweet. I love the rear design.
I don't like the mentality that if you must say something that is different, you must be a troll. It's getting frustrating.Y'all let Huelen troll you too easily.
I don't like the mentality that if you must say something that is different, you must be a troll. It's getting frustrating.
Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget, where we had no national debt,
One of my professors went on a rant about this the other day. Basically bitching about them changing it for the sake of change, and that every person on every American dollar is on there because they did something historically with the development of modern money and the current economic system.
Jackson, while being a deplorable human being, actually helped the development of modern banking quite a bit with his battle vs congress over the 2nd National Bank and all that.
Having never thought about it that way, it definitely changed my perspective a bit. Tubman was a fantastic person and did some fantastic things, but what did she do that is worth putting her on money?
She did save the lives of hundreds of slaves with the underground railroad, and was true heroine in the history of our great nation.
But money-wise, no she didn't make any bank or money or economic-related contributions, AJ definitely did though.
Not to say it isn't a good idea to change up the bills once in a while. I mean, Franklin was on the half-dollar before JFK, and Grover Cleveland was on the 20...
ben carson probably the type of guy to rat out on the escaping slaves