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Bernie Sanders: "This is not the time for a protest vote"

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A lot of people have a weird blinding hatred for Hillary Clinton. It makes no sense to go from Bernie to Trump, or for a protest vote.
What? This is the perfect time for a protest vote. If you have something to protest.

This is the single worst election in the history of this country for a protest vote. I'm not really sure where you came to the conclusion this was the perfect time.

This is ignoring of course, that protest votes do literally nothing other than spoil the election, and send no message at all to anyone and change nothing.


This is the single worst election in the history of this country for a protest vote. I'm not really sure where you came to the conclusion this was the perfect time.

This is ignoring of course, that protest votes do literally nothing other than spoil the election, and send no message at all to anyone and change nothing.
The ideological hardliner "protest vote" in 1860 led to a civil war and nearly a million dead Americans.

Even though the party had sold out to the so-called "moderates" and the platform was no longer was against Mormons, slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act or Dred Scott.


If Trump wins, and I don't think he will, but if he does, all those people who said "fuck it, they're both bad, I'll vote for Johnson/Stein" are going to get a four to eight year lesson in how fucking stupid they were.

Just like 2000. Sigh...

My best friend is a self proclaimed liberal and a huge Bernie supporter and he absolutely will not vote Clinton. He believes Clinton and Trump are the exact same despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He plans to protest vote for Johnson because he sincerely believes that will fix the system. When I try to bring up the ramifications of the protest vote, he gets upset that I am "vote shaming" him. No amount of rational argument will convince him. his arguments aren't even logical or based on facts. He rather vote for GWB if he could.

Me too : ( In my case, the friend doesn't like Johnson, and isn't a libertarian, but doesn't want to vote for Clinton anyhow. It's super frustrating, and comes down to the fact that he doesn't "trust" Clinton.


as a European, I would have favored Bernie over clinton, but I do have to wonder if bernie supporters who protest vote trump or don't vote at all might even be worse/dumber than genuine trump supporters


If Trump wins, and I don't think he will, but if he does, all those people who said "fuck it, they're both bad, I'll vote for Johnson/Stein" are going to get a four to eight year lesson in how fucking stupid they were.

Just like 2000. Sigh...
If they correctly think both are bad then they'd be just as disappointed if Hillary were to win and Tim Kaine enacted his eight year reign of terror.
I wonder what the general reaction to him is now.

Is it "that sellout is old news!"?

Probably. I would imagine that he's not pure enough for some of his former supporters because he decided to actually try and get something done instead of going third party or whatever the hell they wanted at the end.

This is the single worst election in the history of this country for a protest vote. I'm not really sure where you came to the conclusion this was the perfect time.

This is ignoring of course, that protest votes do literally nothing other than spoil the election, and send no message at all to anyone and change nothing.

Yep, after a little bit of "how many people voted third party this year" trivia on election night from Brian Williams, the country as a whole will go back to not caring about third parties for another 4-16 years. I think one of the rationales I've heard for voting third party is "well they'll be able to get funding if you do!"

Yes because if anyone deserves funding it's a pandering ambulance chaser like Jill Stein who says crazy shit and every now and then says things that sound like Russian propaganda.
If Trump wins, and I don't think he will, but if he does, all those people who said "fuck it, they're both bad, I'll vote for Johnson/Stein" are going to get a four to eight year lesson in how fucking stupid they were.

Just like 2000. Sigh...


They'll get a 30 year lesson in how to destroy the liberal cause and set back the country by decades due to their ignorance of the Supreme Court.

This is the first time in two generations we have a chance to have a liberal Supreme Court. Any "liberal" who wants to throw that away so they can have a temper tantrum isn't a liberal. They're a child.


The worst thing about western 'democracy' is that the winner takes it all. It makes people vote on who will likely be a winner rather than their personal best option.

Proportional voting helps but does not eliminate this flaw/feature.


If they correctly think both are bad then they'd be just as disappointed if Hillary were to win and Tim Kaine enacted his eight year reign of terror.
I'm imagining an evil Tim Kaine running the country. The hero Donald Trump goes against Mega-Dad, but ends up loosing in the worst way possible.


They'll get a 30 year lesson in how to destroy the liberal cause and set back the country by decades due to their ignorance of the Supreme Court.

This is the first time in two generations we have a chance to have a liberal Supreme Court. Any "liberal" who wants to throw that away so they can have a temper tantrum isn't a liberal. They're a child.

Unfortunately, no one gives a shit about the supreme court, and how important it is. Furthermore, they won't see a difference because the court already is conservative. But I do agree it will be momentous if we can flip the court.
People are hyping these debates but I'm telling ya guys, folk could give a damn about policies, they just want drama and one liners and el Trumpo will come out with those in spades.

If Hillary is still in this position or worse after the debates the panic will be intense.

The sound bites are definitely something that Trump could deliver. But something we also know about Trump is that he's incredibly thin skinned. He's been on Twitter all days complaining about the way the media has treated him after he said Obama was born in the US. We also know that he's sexist. So how will he react when a woman sticks it to him on national TV? I'm not one that thinks there's a chance that he's going to let a slur slip, but he really doesn't handle pushback well. He's someone that's in his element when he's speaking at rallies where he can say whatever he wants without anyone correcting or questioning him.
2004 was two generations ago?

I didn't realize both of Bush's justices were in his second term.

Man, Democrats messed up bad in 2004.

But this election is pretty unique because there's an actual seat to fill by the next president. The other elections were just predicting who was going to retire.


But this election is pretty unique because there's an actual seat to fill by the next president. The other elections were just predicting who was going to retire.
Unless Kerry enacted his health care plan fast I doubt there was much he could do to keep Rehnquist from dying.

People often forget Roberts was originally nominated to replace Sandra Day O'Connor and not as Chief Justice.

Even if O'Connor punts hoping for a GOP President in 2008, that's still a 5-4 "liberal" majority with Kennedy and O'Connor as two of the "conservative" votes.
The worst thing about western 'democracy' is that the winner takes it all. It makes people vote on who will likely be a winner rather than their personal best option.

Proportional voting helps but does not eliminate this flaw/feature.

Yes, our general electoral system leads to this mindset. The issue is that it's not changing anytime soon. I acknowledge the right of a protest vote, but voting in and of itself is a poor means of communication.

Given that, what are you accomplishing in a Presidential election? Given the general electorate, your best case scenario ("your" being a general term, not the poster I'm replying to.) is a third-party getting federal funds. In terms of actually contributing to governance, it's a net zero, whereas downticket voting would produce measurable outcomes.

If your issue is that no candidate perfectly represents your views, that is and has always been a huge problem for many minorities and other groups in the United States. Those groups are generally stuck with voting the "lesser evil" simply because regardless of how you vote, we're all stuck with the same choice and all bear the collective responsibility for that outcome. This is why I frame it as a broken leg versus a lesser wound like a papercut, both are bad, but if I have to choose one, I choose the papercut.

And I put lesser evil in quotes, because there are a great many of the electorate who legitimately believe in their candidate.

I understand feeling some anger and umbrage from the way others may be talking to or about you, but this is the Presidency of the United States. It is wildly important. This is the leader of our country for the next four years. It is the person that will, hand-in-hand with (or against?) Congress, enact policies that affect the lives of millions. They will determine who our next Supreme Court justice is.

All I ask is that you take that choice seriously, as does Bernie Sanders.


He is right

But he waited so long to say this, and before that whipped up his fans into such a frenzy about "Shillary sold out to Establishment and Big Money" that now, instead of making the "pivot" he is seen as a sell out by the hardcore Bernie or Busters.

I hope he can help with the turnout, but it might be a case of too little too late (this being said some Busters were never going to vote for a mainline Democrat to start with, they are either anarchists, anti-establishment, or Libertarians at the core (or all three).



They'll get a 30 year lesson in how to destroy the liberal cause and set back the country by decades due to their ignorance of the Supreme Court.

This. Scalia's seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 83, Kennedy is 80, and Breyer is 78. That's 4 seats that are reasonably likely to be replaced in the next 8 years. This is a much, much bigger deal in the long-term than anything the next President does or fails to do in office, and Trump creating a 20-30 year conservative majority would undermine anything a liberal President or congress might do in that time frame.
I was, and still am, a Bernie supporter, but I won't be bringing myself to vote for Hilldawg.

She'll win, i'm confident in that. I don't even think I care enough to bring myself to the poll anymore. But if I do, i'll either go for Johnson or Stein. I was a life-long democrat, but this election put a pin in that aspect of my identity.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I was, and still am, a Bernie supporter, but I won't be bringing myself to vote for Hilldawg.

She'll win, i'm confident in that. I don't even think I care enough to bring myself to the poll anymore. But if I do, i'll either go for Johnson or Stein. I was a life-long democrat, but this election put a pin in that aspect of my identity.

Bernie just sold out huh?
Probably. I would imagine that he's not pure enough for some of his former supporters because he decided to actually try and get something done instead of going third party or whatever the hell they wanted at the end.
It's vexing. Mobilize and win state races. Take over congress. Get the senate. Like none of that matters to this "political revolution" if they don't have the guy as president to project on.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Rather than reducing it to establishment ire, I would say that I think Bernie supporters had some key things in common with Trump supporters: they were whiter and were more disproportionately affected by "trade deals." So you can't just say they didn't care about anything, though I think like any broad coalition you have lots of varied interests that sometimes conflict. For example, I am part of the Hillary coalition that benefits greatly from free trade and the free flow of financial capital and yet I will vote for the same person that the AFL-CIO will endorse.

So I think what Hillary needs to do is speak directly to these people and build a positive case around why she will help them. I think anyone who is truly a "Bernie Bro" at this point is not really a Bernie Bro but rather just a Bro. Since they obviously don't give a fuck about Bernie.

The American political system is built for two parties so the capable and ambitious join those parties. Johnson isn't great, but at least he's something. Stein is an absolute fucking nutbag who is unfit for office so I have no understanding of protest voters there. The path to change in Merka is not by wasting your vote but by working to get more liberal / more conservative candidates elected locally and state-wide. Not by trying to get Jill Stein elected. Yikes.

I was, and still am, a Bernie supporter, but I won't be bringing myself to vote for Hilldawg.

She'll win, i'm confident in that. I don't even think I care enough to bring myself to the poll anymore. But if I do, i'll either go for Johnson or Stein. I was a life-long democrat, but this election put a pin in that aspect of my identity.

Are you sure you're a Bernie supporter?
People, including those who like to rant about "neoliberalism", consumerize voting. To them, it's not about making a collective decision between possible outcomes. It's about how *I* feel; it's about my "conscience" and having a candidate that represents *me* completely.

Shame on you if you think like that. Voting is a mechanism: an instrument for democracy where millions of people coordinate to influence an outcome that will affect us all. Divorcing it from the consequences is shameful, especially when it could facilitate the rise of a demented, lie-addicted, fact-phobic, corruption-loving and anti-american neonazi who has repeatedly demonstrated that he shares all of Hillary's flaws (and magnifies them) and none of her virtues.

Agreed. I'm pretty committed to voting for Hillary and encouraging others to do the same, and she doesn't represent me or my views perfectly. But as far as vote strategy goes, she's the best vehicle for stopping Trump. And if I were to fail to cast a vote that I felt would be the best avenue for stopping Trump, that would weigh heaviest on my conscience. This election is so much bigger than myself.
Can someone explain to me the thesis of "lifeline democrat voting for Johnson"?

I promise not to attack, I just legitimately don't understand.
I knew Bernie in the primary. The way his heart beat, the licking of his hips after made point, the faint smell of capsicum and mothballs that followed his speeches. I know his soul and inner flame. What I see now through his aura and faint breath after his words betrays his true intent. Debbie has him threatened so he is forced to the front like a marionette under threat to say vote for Hillary. I see him and I know his true intentions, his eyes and the way his hair rests tells me one thing...Vote Trump.
Can someone explain to me the thesis of "lifeline democrat voting for Johnson"?

I promise not to attack, I just legitimately don't understand.

"I am a white person that is salty about Bernie losing by a sizable margin and don't care about the damage a possible Trump could do while also thinking Hilary is the antichrist."
If the protest voters leads to a Trump led Brexit like win of the presidency... oh man, I feel like it can happen since Bush was able to win, twice.

Clinton feels like Gore at this point until she gets back the momentum.


Can someone explain to me the thesis of "lifeline democrat voting for Johnson"?

I promise not to attack, I just legitimately don't understand.
Bernie aligns with our wing on foreign policy, war on drugs, criminal justice, many social issues even more than Hillary, etc. And as pointed out endlessly, he's not appreciatively different enough on other policies from Hillary to where the difference from Trump changes things. And if you don't trust Hillary's "current position" on the issues, like many people don't...

Johnson's also a pragmatic governor, he's hardly a radical. For example he wants to reform Medicare and Medicaid (from his experience working with the programs as a governor), not destroy it. Him and Weld are using the ballot line more than they're becoming actual center-of-the-party Libertarians. Johnson also cares more about social issues, despite being a businessman himself, it's why he doesn't totally understand his own tax proposal.

This ironically is why some libertarians are supporting Trump instead. (Also, they're idiots. Or hate immigrants. Or both.)


I was, and still am, a Bernie supporter, but I won't be bringing myself to vote for Hilldawg.

She'll win, i'm confident in that. I don't even think I care enough to bring myself to the poll anymore. But if I do, i'll either go for Johnson or Stein. I was a life-long democrat, but this election put a pin in that aspect of my identity.

"I am a white person that is salty about Bernie losing by a sizable margin and don't care about the damage a possible Trump could do while also thinking Hilary is the antichrist."

I think his question is "Why Johnson, not Stein?" But I don't want to put words in his mouth. Stein is a bad candidate though, so I think people will lean towards Johnson because while his party is nonsense and he has some odd policies, he appears to be sane.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Stein is a dramatically under qualified candidate I wouldn't hire to run a doggie daycare (and trust me, I care a ton about my dog's daycare). Why is she an acceptable candidate?


Stein is a dramatically under qualified candidate I wouldn't hire to run a doggie daycare (and trust me, I care a ton about my dog's daycare). Why is she an acceptable candidate?
It's a good year to vote for Green ballot status since they're actually on nearly every ballot for the first time ever.

Jill Stein happens to be the party nominee.
I think his question is "Why Johnson, not Stein?" But I don't want to put words in his mouth. Stein is a bad candidate though, so I think people will lean towards Johnson because while his party is nonsense and he has some odd policies, he appears to be sane.

There have been articles about Johnson getting more support from Bernie supporters than Stein and that Johnson was leeching more votes off of Hillary than Trump.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think his question is "Why Johnson, not Stein?" But I don't want to put words in his mouth. Stein is a bad candidate though, so I think people will lean towards Johnson because while his party is nonsense and he has some odd policies, he appears to be sane.

Yeah basically. Johnson is at least a semi-credible candidate.



There have been articles about Johnson getting more support from Bernie supporters than Stein and that Johnson was leeching more votes off of Hillary than Trump.

the youngins they love him:
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