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Bernie Sanders: "This is not the time for a protest vote"

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I had someone do the same on this very forum.

These people don't actually give a flying fuck what would happen to many people if a Trump presidency were to happen.

This idea of accusing others of "vote shaming" cracks me up.

Explaining the very real, very dire consequences of your hissy fit is not vote shaming you (neither is calling it a "hissy fit." That's just good old fashioned shaming).

If those explanations of who your vote will hurt make you feel ashamed, maybe you should reconsider your vote.
This idea of accusing others of "vote shaming" cracks me up.

Explaining the very real, very dire consequences of your hissy fit is not vote shaming you (neither is calling it a "hissy fit." That's just good old fashioned shaming).

If those explanations of who your vote will hurt make you feel ashamed, maybe you should reconsider your vote.

But Killary tho



I get the "both sides are the same" talk when you're talking about two career politicians with tendrils all over Washington and hands in the pockets of the same two-dozen lobbyists, but come on! Trump is a real estate developer cum reality TV host who's never held any kind of public office in his life.

CM Punk had a better shot of being successful in the UFC. Tebow has a better chance at making the show. Trump is a 70-year-old making a career change.

If you knew a 70-year-old real estate developer who fell on hard times and saw him making lattes at Starbucks, how much would you trust him to not fuck-up your coffee?
Its good he is saying this but he also shouldn't have dragged her through the coals when he had no chance to win the nomination. Stay in and compete sure but a smear campaign at that point in time helped form this wedge.

Then again Bernie folk who say they will believe and follow Bernie and then, when he says vote Hillary, they turn around and say they don't believe or trust him on that vote of confidence are funny to me. Seriously, get over the L and realize that a Trump presidency royal fucks everything Bernie stands for now and for the foreseeable future thanks to the SC seats.

Davey Cakes

I'm no Hillary fan. I'm someone that donated to Bernie's campaign and really hoped he'd pull off a miracle.

That said, we need to stand behind Hillary now. I almost hate to say it. I'm NOT happy with the hand we've been dealt in terms of political candidates but our country is completely out of whack and has no idea how to continue. The best we can do is vote somebody in who stands for our basic freedoms (regardless of race, ethnicity, place of origin, social status, etc.) and try to further push them towards improving society for all. Trump is only the answer to ignorant people who live in a bubble, or people who are in denial about how things should actually be in a country that's the "land of the free" in the year 2016.

Hillary is how we keep our heads on straight, even if we're not pleased overall. I absolutely admire Bernie for his stance on this. In fact, I've always admired his recognition that running third party is not the answer in the current political climate. People can jump on him for not being a true democrat, but he did what he had to do to bring to light how we're basically forced to choose between two parties, which sucks. One day, perhaps we'll have more options. For now, especially when talking Clinton vs. Trump, there's no answer but to choose a side. The CORRECT side.

One cannot do what is literally impossible.
Granted, but we can try for the best available and most viable option. That's my point, as idealist as it may be.


This idea of accusing others of "vote shaming" cracks me up.

Explaining the very real, very dire consequences of your hissy fit is not vote shaming you (neither is calling it a "hissy fit." That's just good old fashioned shaming).

If those explanations of who your vote will hurt make you feel ashamed, maybe you should reconsider your vote.

Vote shaming is a funny concept because all political debate is "vote shaming". All arguments boil down to "voting for X is a bad idea". The shame!


If Trump wins because Bernie voters didn't vote Clinton, THE DNC IS TO BLAME, not the voters.

The writing has been on the wall with Clinton for a long time.
Feels like the only reason people are pushing back against alleged "vote shaming" is because deep down they know a Trump presidency is a nightmare scenario, but a preventable one.


If youre in a state thats at all close in polling then absolutely, otherwise it doesnt really matter. I'm in Minnesota and Trump didnt even win the primary here


If Trump wins because Bernie voters didn't vote Clinton, THE DNC IS TO BLAME, not the voters.

The writing has been on the wall with Clinton for a long time.

Feels like the only reason people are pushing back against alleged "vote shaming" is because deep down they know a Trump presidency is a nightmare scenario, but a preventable one.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Just don't tell them that, because you might hurt their feelings."


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Just don't tell them that, because you might hurt their feelings."

"At first they came for the Mexicans, and I did nothing, because my preferred candidate lost the primary, so really it's not my fault."


I was, and still am, a Bernie supporter, but I won't be bringing myself to vote for Hilldawg.

She'll win, i'm confident in that. I don't even think I care enough to bring myself to the poll anymore. But if I do, i'll either go for Johnson or Stein. I was a life-long democrat, but this election put a pin in that aspect of my identity.

And what identity is that?

the youngins they love him:

Of course.... fucking millenials.

"At first they came for the Mexicans, and I did nothing, because my preferred candidate lost the primary, so really it's not my fault."

You'll never catch me alive, ese!
This idea of accusing others of "vote shaming" cracks me up.

Explaining the very real, very dire consequences of your hissy fit is not vote shaming you (neither is calling it a "hissy fit." That's just good old fashioned shaming).

If those explanations of who your vote will hurt make you feel ashamed, maybe you should reconsider your vote.

I believe deep down most left-leaning protest voters would greatly prefer the reality of a Hillary Clinton presidency over a Donald Trump presidency. But they'd rather let everyone else do the compromising dirty work of voting for her on their behalf. That allows them to sit back, content to enjoy their perfect, pure protest vote. They don't want to be shamed out of having that taken away from them if this race continues to tighten.
I'm not the biggest Clinton fan, but I don't get why other Bernie supporters stopped supporting or following him once this came up. If you were gonna trust him to lead the country, you should at least also consider his judgement on who the next best option is.

The people who jumped ship from Sanders to Trump really throw me through a loop period. Not even getting into the contrast in policies, I don't understand how you can dogpile Hilary's for lacking integrity yet look at Trump pandering to hate groups for votes as morally upright.

Those people really didn't support Sanders for any reason other than it was the "fad" at the time to score ePoints on Facebook and Twitter and be seen as "hip" to the politics of America. Once the hipster candidate lost, many of his followers were on to the next fad.
Those people really didn't support Sanders for any reason other than it was the "fad" at the time to score ePoints on Facebook and Twitter and be seen as "hip" to the politics of America. Once the hipster candidate lost, many of his followers were on to the next fad.

Reminds me of the Ron Paul fad

Probably the same people
I say this as a Liberal type myself, but "Bleeding Heart" Liberals really are their own worst enemies. They dig in and split themselves when it really matters whereas Conservatives know that the only way to get their policy through is to band together. It really is interesting watching this phenomenon repeat over and over again.


I believe deep down most left-leaning protest voters would greatly prefer the reality of a Hillary Clinton presidency over a Donald Trump presidency. But they'd rather let everyone else do the compromising dirty work of voting for her on their behalf. That allows them to sit back, content to enjoy their perfect, pure protest vote. They don't want to be shamed out of having that taken away from them if this race continues to tighten.
How is voting the "dirty work" of anything? How is it work at all?

You can even lie about it and say you voted for her or didn't no matter who you voted for.

Reminds me of the Ron Paul fad

Probably the same people
The Ron Paul (2012) people took over multiple positions within state and local Republican parties that they had to be driven out of over the next few years. GOP had to take a bunch of them to court to un-elect them.

Boss Mog

Honestly I feel like Trump is going to win at this point. I feel like Hilary isn't going to get the minority turnout she should. I just don't get that same feeling from the black community when it was Obama running. Black celebs were really pushing the voting message across hard, but now with Hilary I don't get that vibe at all which is kinda sad because this is the one where their vote is needed the most in US History. I don't like Hilary at all but still, Trump is completely unfit and unqualified to be president and so people need to just go out and vote for Hilary regardless of how they feel about her, but I have a feeling they're not going to. Sadly I don't see a sense of urgency from the black community right now and the election is less that 2 months away.
How is voting the "dirty work" of anything? How is it work at all?

You can even lie about it and say you voted for her or didn't no matter who you voted for.

Because a lot of people have been acting like their entire identities as Perfect Pure Liberals has been on the line this entire election, starting with the primaries. Who they vote for this November somehow defines their entire political life from that moment forward. People act like a Clinton vote in a close election would cheapen them, make them lesser, make them counterfeit liberals. They feel much safer in states that aren't on the line. "I can vote for anyone, I live in Massachusetts." Not everybody gets that freedom, some are living in real battleground states and their one vote absolutely matters a whole lot. They'd rather everyone else stoop to voting for Clinton so they don't have to put their political identities on the line.

"I'd never vote for that corrupt shill in a million years and I sincerely hope she wins"


This is what you get for telling people their votes are important and matter and also this election is the most important ever and they're deciding it. And voting is the most important thing a person can do or have the ability to do.

All of which is entirely untrue. As it is in every election.
Bernie is absolutely right here. Trump is just so bad we need to do everything we can do defeat him, and that means voting for Clinton. A protest vote would have been fine if the conservative candidate was sane (like Romney or McCain), because then it's a reasonable risk. But we really cannot risk Trump.
This is what you get for telling people their votes are important and matter and also this election is the most important ever and they're deciding it. And voting is the most important thing a person can do or have the ability to do.

All of which is entirely untrue. As it is in every election.

Well, if you're going to sit here and trash Clinton online then they'll never let you have a ticket to the smoke-filled back rooms where the presidency is really decided. I got mine in the mail back in July. I can't wait. I hope I can grab a seat near George Soros.


A protest vote would have been fine if the conservative candidate was sane (like Romney or McCain)
Always feels good when people like Romney or McCain or Huntsman or Kasich become "sane" suddenly even though nothing about their racist and fascist views changed.

Well, if you're going to sit here and trash Clinton online then they'll never let you have a ticket to the smoke-filled back rooms where the presidency is really decided. I got mine in the mail back in July. I can't wait. I hope I can grab a seat near George Soros.
lol wat u nuts mate
Stein is a dramatically under qualified candidate I wouldn't hire to run a doggie daycare (and trust me, I care a ton about my dog's daycare). Why is she an acceptable candidate?

"Jill not Hill!"
"Jill not Hill!"
"Rhyming words!"
"Rhyming words!"
"This is good enough!"
"This is good enough!"


But he waited so long to say this, and before that whipped up his fans into such a frenzy about "Shillary sold out to Establishment and Big Money" that now, instead of making the "pivot" he is seen as a sell out by the hardcore Bernie or Busters.

I hope he can help with the turnout, but it might be a case of too little too late (this being said some Busters were never going to vote for a mainline Democrat to start with, they are either anarchists, anti-establishment, or Libertarians at the core (or all three).

God this.... So much of this.

He fed this shit and catered to that broken mindset during his campaign. Him now having trouble steering it into reason is going to be difficult as hell, and he is partially responsible for helping it get there.
God this.... So much of this.

He fed this shit and catered to that broken mindset during his campaign. Him now having trouble steering it into reason is going to be difficult as hell, and he is partially responsible for helping it get there.
You're being very generous. I see Sanders as being primarily responsible here.
this is actuality. I dont have a number on how many nationwide, but man, i've met 2 people like this in real life.

its frustrating as hell talking to them

Yea. Everyone has their reasons.

I'm a liberal/progressive and I'm not voting for president. Strictly down ballot.

My stances have been thoroughly documented and attacked on gaf.

America doesn't have compulsory voting, people are gonna do what they're gonna do.
You're being very generous. I see Sanders and being primarily responsible here.


Democrats created this scenario for themselves by 2+ decades of neo-liberal policies.

This election has everything to do with the candidates and how people view them and their respective parties.

Obviously a lot of people are fed up.

This is Hillary's election to win or lose. If anything, Sanders is doing a much better job of urging people to vote for Hillary than she is herself. That is, in regards to independent and progressive voters.

If Hillary loses the shills will come out in full force to deflect any criticisms of her and paint everyone else as the cause of her shortcomings. It's already on full display.
Shills, huh. Got any proof of that?

I got my Goldman Sachs check right here. Isn't it just dandy to be apart of Correct the Record.

Hail Corporations. May Wall Street guide us.

OT: Don't bother. Fart Town is known here for his bizarre and insane reasoning and habit of not posting receipts


I got my Goldman Sachs check right here. Isn't it just dandy to be apart of Correct the Record.

Hail Corporations. May Wall Street guide us.

Um, I was told that if you publicly mention you are getting paid to stan for Hillary, it violates the NDA you signed and they take away that money so you may want to edit that.


Clinton does not deserve my vote, so she will not get it. I'll vote with my conscience, not some misguided fear of an obese windbag billionaire charlatan. Americans should never be guided by fear.
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