I'm quite new with the whole Arduino, Raspberry, microcontrollers things but I've recently spend a tiny fortune ordering all sorts of sensors and actuators and stuff from china and I've done some extremely small but fun projects by myself. Computing is in no way my field (I'm a veterinarian) but python seems easy enough, and Arduino has a lot of documentation.
I'm at a level where I'm just experimenting, as a hobby, nothing really productive (like turning on 15 lasers when movement is detected), and I'd like to try this internet of things thinggie - basically (from what I gather) it has to do with integrating my projects with sites that can provide me data logging, IF-THEN things, etc...
My problem is that there are quite a few of them and I don't know what to chose. My preferences would be:
-Support for my platforms (Arduino, Arduino Yun, Raspberry, Phillips Hue lights, beagleboard)
-Ease of use (I'm not a programmer)
-Don't mind paying small fee (10/month)
Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!
I'm at a level where I'm just experimenting, as a hobby, nothing really productive (like turning on 15 lasers when movement is detected), and I'd like to try this internet of things thinggie - basically (from what I gather) it has to do with integrating my projects with sites that can provide me data logging, IF-THEN things, etc...
My problem is that there are quite a few of them and I don't know what to chose. My preferences would be:
-Support for my platforms (Arduino, Arduino Yun, Raspberry, Phillips Hue lights, beagleboard)
-Ease of use (I'm not a programmer)
-Don't mind paying small fee (10/month)
Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!