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Best way to get saves from PC->PS2?


I've been looking at X-port but that offers Action replay cheat features I don't care about and you have to have both systems on at once.

I just want something simple like a USB cable on one end and a memory card reader on the other. What do I get?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
From codejunkies?

Either the Xport or the Max Drive(USB Key)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Sharkport was good but InterAct went out of business and I haven't seen one in a store for a long time.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If you want sharkport/xport, you'll need to Ebay. Although I'm not sure if I can recommend it cause I hear the newer PS2's (not the new PStwo) won't work with the device. Your best bet is probably the Action Replay MAX thingy that connects to the USB
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