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BestBuy.com PS3 Preorders. "here is a coupon for your troubles PWNED LOL"


i just called to ask what were their plans....

i'm still keeping my order in just in anticipation they might change their minds.
kenta said:
Start an e-Petition! WOOOO

Wait...WAIT! Oh my GOD! Is that SARCASM?! I've never seen THAT before!

...resellerratings might not be much, but it's something. I'll personally see to it that nobody I know shops from there again. It might not make a difference, but that's easily a few thousand less that they'll get this Christmas? Will it matter to them? Not if it's just me. If a few thousand people tell their friends and family to avoid them, it'll end up affecting them.


You now belong to FMT.
i basically spit on that 25 dollars....

I basically got paid 50 cents an hour because my time on this page and thinking about this damn preorder, LOL so they can kiss my ass....

seriously guys, F it... get a wii from Circuit City... thatll show em all!!!


Gold Member
WickedAngel said:
Wait...WAIT! Oh my GOD! Is that SARCASM?! I've never seen THAT before!

...resellerratings might not be much, but it's something. I'll personally see to it that nobody I know shops from there again. It might not make a difference, but that's easily a few thousand less that they'll get this Christmas? Will it matter to them? Not if it's just me. If a few thousand people tell their friends and family to avoid them, it'll end up affecting them.

PLEASE do that!

The fewer people camping out in front of BB on the 16th, the better chance I have of getting the system for MYSELF (not scalping on eBay).
ManaByte said:
PLEASE do that!

The fewer people camping out in front of BB on the 16th, the better chance I have of getting the system for MYSELF (not scalping on eBay).


Another "ZOMG, sellinz the PS3ree is evilz!" zealot, eh?


Joe said:


QFT, all the people calling and saying, "the link wasn't listed on the main site, is this real" made them look into it more.

You're all like the kids that remind the teacher they didn't give out any homework five minutes before the end of class on a Friday.
turtle553 said:
QFT, all the people calling and saying, "the link wasn't listed on the main site, is this real" made them look into it more.

You're all like the kids that remind the teacher they didn't give out any homework five minutes before the end of class on a Friday.

:lol I hated that kid...and there was always one of them.


typhonsentra said:
Still no official notification for me.... I almost wish they'd just give me one already.

Well maybe there's still hope then?

Perhaps they're rethinking this? Maybe they'll just cancel all the asshats who put in multiple orders and let the people who only ordered one to get one.

I really thought Best Buy would have sent these out by now. "Tony" (everybody's buddy :lol ) said the email would be sent out shortly(that was earlier today.

Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe they'll change their minds?
It's dead, they just haven't gotten around to cancelling them all yet. Called Corporate...they say pre-orders are a no-go. Called the normal Best Buy number...pre-orders are a no-go. I know we've called these people, but it's beginning to sound very familiar. If the CSRs have updated messages, it's pretty clear that they've been given to them by someone.

Frankly, I think it's pretty damned irresponsible of them to string people along like this after they've made such a monumental error in the first place.


WickedAngel said:
It's dead, they just haven't gotten around to cancelling them all yet. Called Corporate...they say pre-orders are a no-go. Called the normal Best Buy number...pre-orders are a no-go. I know we've called these people, but it's beginning to sound very familiar. If the CSRs have updated messages, it's pretty clear that they've been given to them by someone.

Frankly, I think it's pretty damned irresponsible of them to string people along like this after they've made such a monumental error in the first place.

Did they confirm a 25 dollar gift card?
LJ11 said:
Did they confirm a 25 dollar gift card?

They said nothing about any kind of gift card or bonus. They basically just gave me the same bullshit spiel about being able to wait in the freezing cold for one as if that's some kind of privilege.

I cancelled one of mine just at the off chance of them reconsidering and allowing people with one reserve to proceed, but it was basically just a last resort.


Got this off another forum. Take it for what it's worth, if anything. Sounds interesting though.

"Bestbuy: PS3 story not done. May honor some preorders. The latest with the Bestbuy.com/PS3 fiasco is that they've been in meetings all day over this and may in fact *not* cancel all preorders, just the greedy bastards that ordered multiple systems. Apparently there's disagreement up in Corporate how this should all fall out with those wanting to cancel completely and those wanting it to go through(but cancel the multiple orders). Stay tuned. Should get interesting."
mrroboto said:
Got this off another forum. Take it for what it's worth, if anything. Sounds interesting though.

"Bestbuy: PS3 story not done. May honor some preorders. The latest with the Bestbuy.com/PS3 fiasco is that they've been in meetings all day over this and may in fact *not* cancel all preorders, just the greedy bastards that ordered multiple systems. Apparently there's disagreement up in Corporate how this should all fall out with those wanting to cancel completely and those wanting it to go through(but cancel the multiple orders). Stay tuned. Should get interesting."

This was my reasoning behind cancelling my second pre-order. If they have mercy, it's not going to be much...if they allow exceptions, they're going to honor one preorder each and that's it.




i wish it was March and all of this launch craziness was over with. i had to camp out for the re-launch of the 360 (Dec.18?) and now i'm like....screw it. i'll try and snatch a Wii before the end of the year and just enjot that and the 360 holiday games. it's going to pain me not to have that black electric sex to complete the digital trinity but whatever. 07 FTW (yes, i'm just trying to make myself feel better :( )


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
mrroboto said:
Got this off another forum. Take it for what it's worth, if anything. Sounds interesting though.

"Bestbuy: PS3 story not done. May honor some preorders. The latest with the Bestbuy.com/PS3 fiasco is that they've been in meetings all day over this and may in fact *not* cancel all preorders, just the greedy bastards that ordered multiple systems. Apparently there's disagreement up in Corporate how this should all fall out with those wanting to cancel completely and those wanting it to go through(but cancel the multiple orders). Stay tuned. Should get interesting."

Sounds like bullshit.

I swear, you guys do it to yourselves. Disappointmenton, that is.
chespace said:
Sounds like bullshit.

I swear, you guys do it to yourselves. Disappointmenton, that is.

There is still hope because they haven't just done an outright cancellation of all orders yet. I'm not an expert at database management, but I'm fairly certain that cancelling all orders of a single SKU isn't particularly difficult. There has to be a reason why they haven't just cancelled them all yet.


WickedAngel said:
There is still hope because they haven't just done an outright cancellation of all orders yet. I'm not an expert at database management, but I'm fairly certain that cancelling all orders of a single SKU isn't particularly difficult. There has to be a reason why they haven't just cancelled them all yet.





If they cancel it oh well...but as of now im not calling and Im not taking what i read on forums as truth. My order stands, and ill come here and cry when it gets canceled.
WickedAngel said:
There has to be a reason why they haven't just cancelled them all yet.


I'm leaning towards thinking pre-orders won't be honored, and there won't be a $25 gift card, just a nicely written, corporately-worded apology email.

If it takes more than 2-3 days for them to give me my money back, I swear to God...


mrroboto said:
Got this off another forum. Take it for what it's worth, if anything. Sounds interesting though.

"Bestbuy: PS3 story not done. May honor some preorders. The latest with the Bestbuy.com/PS3 fiasco is that they've been in meetings all day over this and may in fact *not* cancel all preorders, just the greedy bastards that ordered multiple systems. Apparently there's disagreement up in Corporate how this should all fall out with those wanting to cancel completely and those wanting it to go through(but cancel the multiple orders). Stay tuned. Should get interesting."

You're the same guy who "100% confirmed" from corporate. Now I don't know what to think.

The rollercoaster, she is not done yet.


all i know is best buy probably has close to a million dollars of potential customers money tied up right now, the business day is almost up in their offices and most orders HAVE NOT been cancelled yet.

theyre either undecided or keeping the pre-orders because if they take any longer its just asking for trouble.


sonarrat said:
You're the same guy who "100% confirmed" from corporate. Now I don't know what to think.

The rollercoaster, she is not done yet.

I actually talked to the guy firsthand.

With the post I just reprinted off another forum, that was someone else man. :lol

I'm pulling for you guys, don't hate. :D

Also, Dun Dun Dun Dun:

Bestbuy has taken down the preorder pages:



Most likely means nothing at all but perhaps they'll honor the preorders and now there's no need to have it on their site buried somewhere?


Gold Member
Joe said:
all i know is best buy probably has close to a million dollars of potential customers money tied up right now, the business day is almost up in their offices and most orders HAVE NOT been cancelled yet.

theyre either undecided or keeping the pre-orders because if they take any longer its just asking for trouble.

Um, a holding charge does not give BB any money...


ManaByte said:
Um, a holding charge does not give BB any money...
Um, which is why i said they're tieing up peoples money. my credit card's available balance is $650 lower than what it should be as is everyone elses credit and debit card.
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